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Pak couples come to India to be parents

no not really.

Really? can you back it up or is it just because its India all logic flies out of the window. Come on man some times you really need to appreciate your adversaries and learn from them, this is how one makes progress.
Really? can you back it up or is it just because its India all logic flies out of the window. Come on man some times you really need to appreciate your adversaries and learn from them, this is how one makes progress.

well said, by the way your only 80 post away from joining the elite :P
Lol ohh yes did not notice. By the way does becoming elite gives any power or powers;):devil:

gives you a cool look, more email space, a purple name, a matrix icon under your name lol and thats about it :P no powers sadly :( would like some though :devil:
gives you a cool look, more email space, a purple name, a matrix icon under your name lol and thats about it :P no powers sadly :( would like some though :devil:

Desi Almighty ?????? I GOT THE POW-AH !!!!!!

How did you manage to become an elite before reaching 5000 posts ?
He is a green magarmach with orange tears thats how :partay:

Oye magarmach am i right

Being a walking, talking rainbow makes you an elite before it's time ? How come no one told me that before ? :what::what::what:
Some of the world's most effective (I won't say best) and cheap healthcare is found in countries where you least expect it - India, Cuba, Nigeria. I used to dread falling sick in the US - didn't have dental insurance as an undergrad - didn't realize I needed separate insurance and was stuck with a $1500 bill for a root canal. The health care in UK has been suffering too but baring the socialist Scandinavian countries - I would rather fall sick in India, Thailand, Cuba etc. than in USA or UK.
Really? Can you back up that they have one of the most advanced medical facilities in the world or because it is Indian propaganda all logic and sense of truth flies out the window? :coffee:

Do you want more proof because there are thousands of other videos and articles out there about the standard of Indian doctors and the medical industry. Or are you going to write this off as Indian propaganda as well ? Seriously please stop trolling, learn to accept facts.
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Pakistan should also have more fertility clinics. These fertility clinics in Canada have pretty expensive charges. So the doctors in Pakistan should build fertility clinics, make money and give hope to infertile parents. Just to be sure parents should have genetic test of the child to make sure it is their own biological baby. There are have been few cases of unscrupulous doctors using different sperm or egg, sometime their own.
post the link to the article

(non indian source if possible)

why? because i dont believe a word of it.

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