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Pak Army's mass mobilization strategy

If the capability is there, it can be used even in a dynamically evolving situation. Really, my main interest is in the capability. How it is used is up to the generals really.

Nasr will be used when the Indian strike force is still 40 km within Indian territory.

And what after they enter Pakistan? We do not believe in mass mobilization so any nuke strike shall be useless to prevent indian forces.

Cuz its my scenario and I can do whatever I want.

That is what I say. Expand it to include Russia, US also.
Double posting as someone hid my previous post.

War never happens in one front. If you attempt attacking Kashmir, you will find Indian warship shelling and Indian cruise missiles hitting Gwadar which is actually quite near to Indian naval base in Okha. Will you risk losing your Game Changer to 'free' Kashmiris? I doubt it. Interestingly, India is busy developing 600+KM cruise missile Brahmos with Russia. This happened after India signed MTCR.

Kashmir is a land in dispute but you can open other fronts like Punjab or rajasthan to complement it but attacking Gwadar is like attacking a strategic asset in return we will also use our missiles in destroying your strategic assets and china will also get involved due to Gwadar.
Hi,what you are thinking is to devise some type of cold start strategy from Pakistan Army.
Need to be refined very well,while taking into consideration of all arms of defense including NAVY.

Pakistan had this type of concept implemented since long now they have updated doctrine for new threat perception i.e. Cold Start, remember PA always desire to hold 50-100km area inside India from IB to keep ground war in Indian territory.

A concept which made you conceive a concept to bomb your country with Nuke is out dated? I wish you best of luck to bomb your country with Nuke. Bombe indian army when they are punjab and lahore. Good luck.

Did Pakistan have assured that they will not use TNWs inside India or in international waters against IN?? India knows their own limitation and low threshold of Nuclear level in terms of fighting big massive war with each other.
Pakistan had this type of concept implemented since long now they have updated doctrine for new threat perception i.e. Cold Start, remember PA always desire to hold 50-100km area inside India from IB to keep ground war in Indian territory.
Good,if they already have some doctrine in place,however never hear off(apart from NASAR)),
its a good illusion that pakistani army will enter inside 50-100 kms of IB or LOC.
Good,if they already have some doctrine in place,however never hear off(apart from NASAR)),
its a good illusion that pakistani army will enter inside 50-100 kms of IB or LOC.

It's not illusion, PA have done it in 65 war and that doctrine have evolved since then, ask any high ranking IA officer and he will tell you that. PA have always maintained it's capability to go in that deep, hold and defend till ceasefire, to counter that Cold Start was created but now once again PA have updated it's rapid deployment / response capability.
It's not illusion, PA have done it in 65 war and that doctrine have evolved since then, ask any high ranking IA officer and he will tell you that. PA have always maintained it's capability to go in that deep, hold and defend till ceasefire, to counter that Cold Start was created but now once again PA have updated it's rapid deployment / response capability.
Neutral claims-
India: 540 sq.km of territory lost

Pakistan: 1840 sq.km of territory lost

Praagh, David. The greater game: India's race with destiny and China. McGill-Queen's Press – MQUP, 2003. ISBN 0-7735-2639-0.^

a b c Johnson, Robert. A region in turmoil: South Asian conflicts since 1947. Reaktion Books, 2005. ISBN 1-86189-257-8.
Neutral claims-
India: 540 sq.km of territory lost

Pakistan: 1840 sq.km of territory lost

Praagh, David. The greater game: India's race with destiny and China. McGill-Queen's Press – MQUP, 2003. ISBN 0-7735-2639-0.^

a b c Johnson, Robert. A region in turmoil: South Asian conflicts since 1947. Reaktion Books, 2005. ISBN 1-86189-257-8.

I m not calculating captured territory, I'm just saying what fighting concept / doctrine PA likes to implement, on that basis they fought all wars, it's not necessary it's always successful as one want.
It's not illusion, PA have done it in 65 war and that doctrine have evolved since then, ask any high ranking IA officer and he will tell you that. PA have always maintained it's capability to go in that deep, hold and defend till ceasefire, to counter that Cold Start was created but now once again PA have updated it's rapid deployment / response capability.
I believe that same capability did not work out in 1971,and you lose half the country.

:butcher: We have a strategy and it is called GAZwa-e hind
For long we are waiting,i dont know when will you implement that strategy,till that time we believe you dont have balls to do it.
First of all, all this is fiction.
To complete paradrop we at least 30 cargo aircraft. Then prepair infantry and do some exserzise. Have fuor squadron of airsup. Aircraft like f15.
All this is going to happen around 2025-2030(in the best case).
I believe that same capability did not work out in 1971,and you lose half the country.

For long we are waiting,i dont know when will you implement that strategy,till that time we believe you dont have balls to do it.

71 loss was desired by elites that is why they created situation to get rid of East Pakistan, also defence of East Pakistan was not Possible from West Pakistan, it was stupid strategy.

We have balls that is why Operation Gibraltar and Kargil happened, did India have balls to do that?? Since 2002 we have seen how impotent India is when it comes to balls. :D

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