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Pak Army's mass mobilization strategy

i think gorilla war type strategy in which soldiers enter enemy lines and hit their convoys and run away. shoot them with snipers is the best strategy.
lower enemy morale,maximum demage cause,can cut enemy supply line,neutralize their conventional and numerical strength and capture cities easily.
No its ok I am also just critically evaluating this with you. Regarding your point no 2, how will u take out air defence n communication capabilities in a quick attack? Which assets will u use which wont give india any chance to block this attack. Cause as far as I know, india is always on high alert when it comes to pakistan border. Air defences n air forces along with assets like brahmos are alws kept war ready upto a certain level. Consider u do manage to take out some indian air defence n communications with f16 , since I assume tats ur main attack asset, india will immediately take out similar assets on pak side with brahmos. This will be a strong counter punch which will immediatedly puncture pak plans. But to get to tat level paf has to take out bigger iaf and multi layer air defence capabilities in just one or two strikes. Paf does not posses such capabilities. I think ur establishment has said tat paf is more defensive force.

Think about the Indian defence infrastructure. Satellites, radars, anti-aircraft missiles. Think how an attacker would think.

Map enemy's infrastructure. Find out its vulnerabilities. What are the performance characteristics? Given the desperation of an attacker, this pursuit can take the form of espionage to gain critical information such as encryption keys, codes, even manipulating the supply to chain to introduce backdoors. It can entail finding out if there is an exploit in the systems' hardware/software that can take it out.

On a modern battlefield, success doesn't lie entirely in the ability to cause the biggest explosions. The increase dependence on electronics and software gives the attacker a wide surface area as target.

I hope this helps you see how such an attack can be done.
Think about the Indian defence infrastructure. Satellites, radars, anti-aircraft missiles. Think how an attacker would think.

Map enemy's infrastructure. Find out its vulnerabilities. What are the performance characteristics? Given the desperation of an attacker, this pursuit can take the form of espionage to gain critical information such as encryption keys, codes, even manipulating the supply to chain to introduce backdoors. It can entail finding out if there is an exploit in the systems' hardware/software that can take it out.

On a modern battlefield, success doesn't lie entirely in the ability to cause the biggest explosions. The increase dependence on electronics and software gives the attacker a wide surface area as target.

I hope this helps you see how such an attack can be done.

Software codes n keys are continously upgraded by all countries to avoid hacks and extremly well protected. This is even tougher than an actual attack plan. Wat ur thinking is a huge fantasy but there are serious limitations. Pak will have to acquire some really heavy capabilities in may areas to achieve the objectives u have stated in op. The problem is any capability upgrade by pak leads to same in india and vice versa. This has been hapening from decades which gradually even things out. Neways peace.
Software codes n keys are continously upgraded by all countries to avoid hacks and extremly well protected. This is even tougher than an actual attack plan. Wat ur thinking is a huge fantasy but there are serious limitations. Pak will have to acquire some really heavy capabilities in may areas to achieve the objectives u have stated in op. The problem is any capability upgrade by pak leads to same in india and vice versa. This has been hapening from decades which gradually even things out. Neways peace.

You are forgetting the scenario: a two pronged attack by China and Pakistan. Good luck 'getting things even' with China.
First of all I want to note my own lack of knowledge of the terrain along the LoC. Also, my intention is to raise the topic and via this forum make sure relevant people are thinking about it.

As far as I know, the mountainous terrain along the LoC does not lend itself to mass mobilization of armor and infantry. If the Pak army is serious about freeing Kashmir at some point in the future, it needs a plan for mass mobilization. To me, the most optimal way is through air drops. This means having a large fleet of cargo aircraft and regular practice of air drops involving both infantry AND armor. Especially, I am unaware of any exercise by Pak army where air drops of armor have been practiced.

Moving away from LoC, let us discuss how such a maneuvor would unfold in practice. Air superiority will be a must, along with complete clearance of enemy's air defence. This will be followed by the actual drop.

The situations where such a technique could be employed are:

1. Completely unexpected flanking/surrounding of the enemy from behind, or from the sides. This will be beneficial in multiple theatres: the plains of Punjab, deserts of Thar and Cholistan, LoC, and the rugged mountains of Afghanistan.

2. Avoiding areas of high radioactivity. In case the Nasr comes into play in response to an Indian cold start, such a maneuvor would be highly beneficial to get own troops across radioactive areas.

In short, air mobilization is an extremely useful tool in the general's belt and I would like to see our army being capable of employing it as and when needed.

EDIT: After seeing multiple posters making the mistake, I need to point out this thread is about developing future capability rather than an analysis of current situation.

Mass mobilization is outdated old concept. Pakistan need to eveolve some modern concept like cold start.

You are forgetting the scenario: a two pronged attack by China and Pakistan. Good luck 'getting things even' with China.

When did china said that they will involve in war with india on behalf of pakistan ? Why did they do not do that in past?
Mass mobilization is outdated old concept. Pakistan need to eveolve some modern concept like cold start.

When did china said that they will involve in war with india on behalf of pakistan ? Why did they do not do that in past?

Can't believe I am writing this. On defence.pk this is almost a trope. Also, I can see how the thread will go downhill from this point onwards...

But you know what? I can't help myself: Cold start has been outdated since Nasr...
Those airstrips are under the coverage of brahmos, in fact most of the airstips and critical pakistani installations are under the brahmos coverage. These assets will be the first one to be immediately taken out when a war happens. Also the continously histile situation between the two countries means there is a constant surveillance from both sides through satellites and other assets. So there is no chance of an element of surprise for either of the two countries.
U missed the last part of my post, and do read about C-130 capabilities. There will lots of nasty surprises in war.
Hi,what you are thinking is to devise some type of cold start strategy from Pakistan Army.
Need to be refined very well,while taking into consideration of all arms of defense including NAVY.
Can't believe I am writing this. On defence.pk this is almost a trope. Also, I can see how the thread will go downhill from this point onwards...

But you know what? I can't help myself: Cold start has been outdated since Nasr...

A concept which made you conceive a concept to bomb your country with Nuke is out dated? I wish you best of luck to bomb your country with Nuke. Bombe indian army when they are punjab and lahore. Good luck.
Airdrops..... certainly
but we are so obsessed with SSG that we still have not developed a dedicated Airborne formation
nor have we concluded the project of LCB(light combat battalion)
and adding to the shame we still lack a dedicated Light Infantries
in one world
we just dont learn and are blinded by our bewaja ka pride

Light Infantry ? ^^
Hi,what you are thinking is to devise some type of cold start strategy from Pakistan Army.
Need to be refined very well,while taking into consideration of all arms of defense including NAVY.

If the capability is there, it can be used even in a dynamically evolving situation. Really, my main interest is in the capability. How it is used is up to the generals really.

A concept which made you conceive a concept to bomb your country with Nuke is out dated? I wish you best of luck to bomb your country with Nuke. Bombe indian army when they are punjab and lahore. Good luck.

Nasr will be used when the Indian strike force is still 40 km within Indian territory.
I dont think PAF has the capabilities or the number of planes to air drop considerable number of troops behind enemy lines.
Even to consider such an option, PAF first needs to have complete air superiority.
So this hypothetical scenario does not hold much merit.
Pakistan should avoid all possible confrontation along the LOC & IB at all costs.

ohh we are afraid of mighty endia :D :P we dont need thousands of aircrafts to drop thousand troops. read history and see what only 10 ssg did to your bases in past. Stop giving this confrontation shit to Pakistan. We will reply to each and every bullet fired from you side and you cant stop us from defending our soil.

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