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Pak Army Requesting Talks with Indian Army: Claims Indian Media

  1. India retaliated with massive fire assault today for soldier's beheading
  2. Pak and Indian military commanders speak at Pak's request
  3. Pak's top foreign policy official, Sartaj Aziz, confirms visit to India

A day after India accused Pakistan of beheading a soldier in Kashmir and killing two others, top military commanders of both countries have spoken at Pakistan's request.

Pakistan asked for the talks after India unleashed a fierce fire assault today across the Line of Control in retaliation for yesterday's killings.

Separately, India has received confirmation that Sartaj Aziz, who functions as Pakistan's Foreign Minister, will attend a regional conference in Amritsar early next month.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Heart of Asia conference which focuses in improving security and furthering peace in Afghanistan, which has been mired in conflict since a U.S.-led coalition toppled the Islamist Taliban government in 2001.

"It's a good opportunity to defuse the tension," Mr Aziz, who is an adviser to Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on foreign affairs, told a local television channel last week.

40 countries are to attend the conference on December 3 and 4, but the focus will be on India and Pakistan, whose relationship has plummeted to an extreme low in recent months with intense cross-border firing and heavy shelling occurring every day in Jammu and Kashmir.

In September, after an army camp in Uri in Kashmir was attacked, leaving 19 soldiers dead, India sent troops across the Line of Control or de facto border in Kashmir to target gathering areas for terrorists. Pakistan denies the cross-border raids or surgical strikes, but the ceasefire declared in 2003 in Jammu and Kashmir is now defunct for all practical purposes.

Yesterday's beheading of Prabhu Singh in Machil in Kupwara, about 80 kilometres from Srinagar is the second mutilation of an Indian soldier in three weeks by Pakistani troops.
source- http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/from...today-including-army-requesting-talks-1629355

FAKE NEWS, as expected, I have mentioned countless times, Indian state is experiencing a neo-fascist government where Hindutva dominates the policy discourse. Use of media as a veritable instrument of foreign policy goals is a defining feature of such a regime with ideological nostrums of BJP-RSS cohort, here is what happened. 2 DGMO's talked and Pakistan's DGMO clearly told Indian side “We reserve the right to respond at the place and time of our choosing.”

then only solution is dismemberment of Pakistan? like we did in 1971
Good one. While you are at it with the khiyali pulao my friend, include China on the list too and then all of India's problems will be sorted out.
Good one. While you are at it with the khiyali pulao my friend, include China on the list too and then all of India's problems will be sorted out.
where was china in 1971


We are going to kill a bunch of "jawans" in just a few days, Stop us if you can.
try and see what will happen ..we have few more artillery to fire at you
where was china in 1971

try and see what will happen ..we have few more artillery to fire at you

Don't worry one panter can make your soldiers run to the store and pretend he was never in the Indian army mate
What exactly did you achieve in 2002 and 2008? I am sure shooting women and children might be considered a gallant thing there but in most nations it is not. In 1999 your PM ran to D.C. for a face saving exit. I don't know the protocol of POWs. Did your embassy receive your 90,000 PoWs or did India hand them over across the border?
seems taking pot shots without any comprehension is your forte, it was your army that deployed on the border for almost a year in 2002 and after losing some 1000 soldiers decided to turn tail, and no i wasn't pointing to Mumbai attack but why would you miss the opportunity to score some brownies, I suggest you read the link below to enlighten yourself on what your army is capable of without support from the likes of Mukti or help from either Russians, Israelis and even the Americans.... you have also conveniently skipped on the letter Vajpaye wrote to Bill Clinton prior to NS visiting Washington,
You also have a habit of digressing to escape the original argument, not surprised as it's typical Indian escape to run back to 1971 to save face witch without the Muktis wouldn't have been possible, none the less, we were talking about Kargil, and your pow pilot since that wasn't a declared war, else thousands of other Indian POW went home through Wagha and some were lucky to be even flown to India by the PAF, but then you are probably not even interested in the other side of the coin.f

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try and see what will happen ..we have few more artillery to fire at you


We would do it. Artillery threat isn't going to save those "jawans" whose death is confirmed in hell.
Why declare a war when we are leveling the series without having to fight a war?
Because Pakistan being economically and military weaker cannot sustain a prolonged conflict for long. It must seek decisive results in short quick action.
India can sustain attrition much better.

Indian armies always cross International Borders first!
And then wait for Pakistan to declare war. :angel:
Officially. :devil:

Then we are 'forced' to respond with a counter declaration.
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