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Pak Army issues detailed report on NATO attack

Major Sam

May 8, 2011
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Pakistan Army issued detailed Pakistani perspective on the US Investigation Report approved by DCC.

The detailed Pakistani Perspective on the US Investigation Report approved by Defence Committee of the Cabinet was issued by Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Monday.

A press release issued by ISPR stated that Pakistan does not agree with several portions and findings of the Investigation Report as these are factually not correct. The fundamental cause of the incident of 26th November 2011 was the failure of US / ISAF to share its near-border operation with Pakistan at any level.

This obviously was a major omission, as were several others, like the complicated chain of command, complex command and control structure and unimaginative / intricate Rules of Engagement as well as lack of unified military command in Afghanistan. In addition to the foregoing, US / ISAF violated all mutually agreed procedures with Pakistan for near-border operations put in place to avert such uncalled for actions. It also carried out unprovoked engagement of Pakistani Posts located inside Pakistan violating the US / ISAF mandate which is limited to Afghanistan alone.

The US Investigation Report is structured around the argument of ‘self defence’ and ‘proportional use of force’, an argument which is contrary to facts. Continued engagement by US / ISAF despite being informed about the incident at multiple levels by Pakistan Military within minutes of initiation of US / ISAF fire, belies the ‘self defence’ and ‘proportional use of force’ contention. Affixing partial responsibility of the incident on Pakistan is therefore, unjustified and unacceptable.

Dunya News: Pakistan:p:ak Army issues detailed report on NATO attack...
A day late and a dollar short, as usual.

The matter is now with the PNSC for formulating a formal response by the state.
US rejects Pak Army's perspective on Nato strikes

Pentagon has rejected “Pakistani reaction” to NATO investigation report.

Pentagon has rejected the Pakistani viewpoint on the CENTCOM investigation report of the Salala checkpost firing incident by the NATO/ISAF forces on November 26 that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

While briefing the reporters Monday, Pentagon spokesman, Capt. John Kirby and US Department of Defense press secretary, George Little said "we have seen the ISPR press release detailing Pakistani reaction, but we stand 100 percent by the CENTCOM investigation of Nato attack carried out by Brig. Gen. Stephen Clark".

"To say that it was an unprovoked attack by American forces in ISPR reaction is simply false", Capt. Kirby said. "We have said many times that it was not an unprovoked attack and there were errors made on both sides", he added.

"We had desired Pakistani participation in the investigation at that time, which would have provided that perspective but they decided not to. The report would have been more thorough if Pakistan had decided to participate in it, but it does not change our belief in the validity of the findings", they asserted.

"Hard to say at this stage what impact the Pakistani reaction on Nato report will have on the relationship", he said when asked about the deadlock with exactly different positions taken about both sides. "Certainly, there s no doubt that there has been impact of this relationship not going well on military-to-military relations", he agreed.

In response to a question, Kirby said that "counter-terrorism cooperation on a tactical level on the day-to-day basis with Pakistan continues and in some ways is better facilitated than before". "Most important things is that we want to move past this incident and build a good, cooperative relationship with Pakistani military", he vowed.

"We still believe that the coordination and communication with Pakistani military, particularly across the border, remains vital to our success in Afghanistan. We are still very committed to this relationship and for getting it back on the right track",
he observed adding that the US defense representative in Islamabad, Gen. Keen has been in contant communication with his counterparts in the Pakistani military.

On the question of ground supply routes from Pakistan, he said these still remain closed and there was no headway in this matter, but the US would like to see those gates re-opened. "It makes supplies to our troops and coalition partners easier, but this is a decision that only the Pakistani government can make", he conceded.

On another question about reports over the weekend that claimed Pakistan will re-open the supply routes in coming March/April with new taxes but will not allow the US trainers back, Kirby said Pentagon was aware of the reports of internal deliberations within Pakistani government about supply routes and trainers etc. "However, we have not been informed by Pakistan about any of these issues as yet", he pointed out.

"We know that the relationship is in a tough place right now, caused by many factors", Kirby said while assuring of the US interest in trying to "find some common ground to move this relationship in a much more positive direction than where it has been going in the last few months". "We believe it in in the interest of both countries and both militaries to move beyond all that", he opined.

The report was provided to US through official channels over the last weekend, the US offucials informed but were unaware of any communication between Pentagon and Pakistani military high command since the ISPR reaction was made public. There was no new date set for the visit of CENTCOM chief, Gen. Jmaes Mattis to Pakistan, which was postponed last month, they informed. --Contributed by Awais Saleem, Dunya News correspondent in Washington, DC

Dunya News: Pakistan:-US rejects Pak Army's perspective on Nato strikes...
What's the point of this other than keeping pen pushers in a job?

Drones have continued unabated such as today, yet the government and Army continue squawking from the sidelines.

toothless, spineless and without any authority- No report will change the fact that these adjectives perfectly describe our political and military leadership right now.
its not compleate report can i ask to them one simple qestion ? where was sleeping our ADA that night why they are wasting our power and money on these decorated control rooms ? for what they are sitting if they can't even defencd there border posts they have even no moral to reply on enemy when they fire on them 2 hours again and again ? such forces should be honored ?AWACS and more AWACS from our money for what ? joy ride ?

this pic is fake

A day late and a dollar short, as usual.

The matter is now with the PNSC for formulating a formal response by the state.
Why do you consider it late?

The PNSC members have already stated that they took into account input from all involved institutions, including the Army.

The report itself is pretty much identical to the official account Pakistani military officials have already made public.

---------- Post added at 07:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

its not compleate report can i ask to them one simple qestion ? where was sleeping our ADA that night why they are wasting our power and money on these decorated control rooms ? for what they are sitting if they can't even defencd there border posts they have even no moral to reply on enemy when they fire on them 2 hours again and again ? such forces should be honored ?AWACS and more AWACS from our money for what ? joy ride ?

this pic is fake


I think you need to better understand the limitations of ADA and the limitations of a response in the kind of scenario that unfolded the night the US murdered Pakistani troops in cold blood.
its not compleate report can i ask to them one simple qestion ? where was sleeping our ADA that night why they are wasting our power and money on these decorated control rooms ? for what they are sitting if they can't even defencd there border posts they have even no moral to reply on enemy when they fire on them 2 hours again and again ? such forces should be honored ?AWACS and more AWACS from our money for what ? joy ride ?

this pic is fake


This is the real dilemma. You cannot defend your self against stealth US air raid of helis, in mountain terrain.

Secondly, our security forces on Afghan border were not equipped with air defence, simply because they do not expect Taliban to fly cobras and F-16.
On another question about reports over the weekend that claimed Pakistan will re-open the supply routes in coming March/April with new taxes but will not allow the US trainers back, Kirby said Pentagon was aware of the reports of internal deliberations within Pakistani government about supply routes and trainers etc. "However, we have not been informed by Pakistan about any of these issues as yet", he pointed out.

Wasn't it that Pakistan was allowing back the trainers?
I think you need to better understand the limitations of ADA and the limitations of a response in the kind of scenario that unfolded the night the US murdered Pakistani troops in cold blood.

Then all that rhetoric (after that event) of stopping the supply lines and shooting down anything trespassing Pakistan was for public consumption as usual? Just answer Yes or No.
This is the real dilemma. You cannot defend your self against stealth US air raid of helis, in mountain terrain.

Secondly, our security forces on Afghan border were not equipped with air defence, simply because they do not expect Taliban to fly cobras and F-16.

Well they did not expect the attack, right? The top generals and all politicians blindly trusted and are still blindly trusting US, correct? Just answer Yes or No

Was it the first time the soldiers at the western border were targeted by US/NATO/or any other party?

And after the last event how many drones were downed? How much was kept of the words of downing any intruding craft? Or well maybe the drones attacks this month were not intruding the airspace. Probably they took off from some place inside Pakistan with the knowledge of Generals and Politicians. Yes or No?


Nato soldiers and helicopters have penetrated into Pakistan on several occasions prior to the November 26 attack

26 November, 2011 Saturday, Mohmand Agency

Nato helicopters killed 24 Pakistani military personnel in blistering air strikes on two Pakistani positions in the Mohmand tribal region. An army major and a captain were among the dead

17 May, 2011 Tuesday, North Waziristan

A Nato helicopter from Afghanistan intruded into Pakistan’s North Waziristan region, wounding two troops, local intelligence officials said.

“It happened early morning,” an intelligence official in the region, who declined to be identified, told Reuters. “The helicopter hit a Pakistani check post on the border in the Datta Khel area.”

The Pakistan army lodged a “strong protest” with Nato in Afghanistan over what it said was a violation of Pakistani air space by two helicopters, a military statement said

26 November, 2010 Friday, North Waziristan’s Datta Khel area

At least three people were wounded when two Nato gunship helicopters opened fire in North Waziristan’s Dattakhel area after violating Pakistani airspace on Friday, reports said.

The helicopters, incurring several kilometres into Pakistani territory, struck the Lowara Mandi village in Dattakhel.

30 September, 2010 Thursday, Kurram Agency

Three personnel of the Frontier Corps were killed in an attack by two Nato helicopters on a security post in Kurram Agency.

The two helicopters intruded into the Kurram Agency from Afghanistan’s Paktia province before dawn and when security personnel deployed at the Mandato Kandaou post, 15 kilometres west of Parachinar, fired warning shots the helicopters fired missiles.

26 September, 2010 Sunday, North Waziristan

US helicopters killed more than 30 people – alleged Haqqani Network fighters – during a hot pursuit, according to diplomatic sources.

The militants had attacked Combat Outpost Narizah, an Afghan base eight miles from the Pakistani border in Tani district of Khost.

US forces repelled the attack and pursued the militants to their post just across the border in North Waziristan.

US officials say that Isaf forces are permitted to pursue Taliban forces across the border if they are engaged in fighting or are under attack. (Open permission by the government and generals to trespass the sovereignty of Pakistan (by Air, Land or Sea))



In all the above mentioned attacks Nato/ISAF/Us were intruding on foot with just some guns and bullets and few grenades and did not enter Pakistan by Air, so that is why we were still expecting that no one will fly in by air and committing the violation of trespassing Pakistan's sovereignty and then committing another violation of firing/killing our soldiers.
its not compleate report can i ask to them one simple qestion ? where was sleeping our ADA that night why they are wasting our power and money on these decorated control rooms ? for what they are sitting if they can't even defencd there border posts they have even no moral to reply on enemy when they fire on them 2 hours again and again ? such forces should be honored ?AWACS and more AWACS from our money for what ? joy ride ?

this pic is fake


:tup: :tup:
Why do you consider it late?


US guys took exact one month to issue their report, Pak guys took exact one month to issue theirs.

Its par for the course as far as timing is concerned.

The difference is the NATO announced the date of the report release well in advance; the ISPR release comes without prior announcement, and after that matter has been sent to the PNSC.

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