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Pak Army and Nepal (Gurkhas)

Pakistan has not started recruiting Gurkhas and yet you're pissed off?

Nepalis hate India to core. I m serious. Pakistan should look into it...Indians claim so much pride on Gurkhas...Well, Pakistan is interested in them as well...Why getting worry?

Inferiority complex is synonymous to that nation who relies on Gurkhas and Sikhs to safeguard her country - both minorities as India has not war like men elsewhere in billion population....SHAME
Oh Had this been a case Pakistan should definitely look into this...
But Pakistan can't cause not only us but most of the world has a black view towards incompetent Pakistan.
Pakistani Boo Hoo means nothing to anyone..Even your Ummahs ditched you :rofl:
Allah only gave you mouth which you can use to amuse yourself
Oh Had this been a case Pakistan should definitely look into this...
But Pakistan can't cause not only us but most of the world has a black view towards incompetent Pakistan.
Pakistani Boo Hoo means nothing to anyone..Even your Ummahs ditched you :rofl:
Allah only gave you mouth which you can use to amuse yourself

I get it right...Pakistan should look into Nepal as it rattles Indians.
I get it right...Pakistan should look into Nepal as it rattles Indians.
Yea you definitely should but you are incompetent.
I am being NE person well aware about what goes around here.Yes few of Nepalese hate our govt but not India..Dancing over few Facebook posts & assumption of sentiments are most hilarious things that only Pakistanis can do.
If we can manage US-Russia Saudi-Iran Israel-Palestine relation through diplomacy then irrelevant Nepal is a fart in the Hurricane..It hardly bothers us..But again you are free to amuse yourself as everything in Pakistan is going on dry these days.
Yea you definitely should but you are incompetent.
I am being NE person well aware about what goes around here.Yes few of Nepalese hate our govt but not India..Dancing over few Facebook posts & assumption of sentiments are most hilarious things that only Pakistanis can do.
If we can manage US-Russia Saudi-Iran Israel-Pakistan relation through diplomacy then irrelevant Nepal is a fart in the Hurricane..It hardly bothers us..But again you are free to amuse yourself as everything in Pakistan is going on dry these days.

:flame: :blah:
I live here. Stop pretending you know anything because you bitch with the dishonest cabbies here.
Try to speak without profanity. Your Indian side is showing through. Clear sexual frustration. No wonder you are hated by the Nepalis. Why don't you go back to India. Or is Nepal better?

You think I haven't ? Nepal is a package trip for India-sikhim-bhutan , I stayed at dulikel for 3 days.
I don't think you have....package tours don't show you the country. I hike and love the mountains. So you get to see the real country not staying at cheap resorts pretending to be rich tourists from big India looking for cheap sex in Nepal
Hello everyone...

As we saw Pakistan humiliated India in Champions trophy final, I was reading comments on youtube....It was like whole Asia was celebrating...Everyone was praising, Nepalis are among of them...

What made me little surprise is that Nepalis are having quite hatred for Indians...It's look like they haven't forgotten the blockade by India.

Nepalis have soft corner for Pakistan...Why doesn't Pakistan entertain Nepalis/Gurkhas? How about if Pakistan also go for people to people relation with Nepal...? How about if Pakistan also recruits Gurkhas? This act will literally piss off India.

They cheer for Pakistan and don't like India.

Nepalis are great fighters. They know the terrain as well...Indians are using Gurkhas for safeguarding their country. Why doesn't Pakistan do the same? I mean unlike India, who relies on Sikhs and Gurkhas, we are not having shortage of ethnicities/real men for safeguarding our country...Still, Gurkhas will bring diversity in our armed forces...Their tactics will be good in understanding Indians as well....Learning is never bad.

Why Pakistan doesn't ???? What do you guys say?

@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Hareeb @Kaptaan @volatile
Cos the traitors who rule Pakistan will not entertain such an idea?
Hello everyone...

As we saw Pakistan humiliated India in Champions trophy final, I was reading comments on youtube....It was like whole Asia was celebrating...Everyone was praising, Nepalis are among of them...

What made me little surprise is that Nepalis are having quite hatred for Indians...It's look like they haven't forgotten the blockade by India.

Nepalis have soft corner for Pakistan...Why doesn't Pakistan entertain Nepalis/Gurkhas? How about if Pakistan also go for people to people relation with Nepal...? How about if Pakistan also recruits Gurkhas? This act will literally piss off India.

They cheer for Pakistan and don't like India.

Nepalis are great fighters. They know the terrain as well...Indians are using Gurkhas for safeguarding their country. Why doesn't Pakistan do the same? I mean unlike India, who relies on Sikhs and Gurkhas, we are not having shortage of ethnicities/real men for safeguarding our country...Still, Gurkhas will bring diversity in our armed forces...Their tactics will be good in understanding Indians as well....Learning is never bad.

Why Pakistan doesn't ???? What do you guys say?

@DESERT FIGHTER @MastanKhan @Hareeb @Kaptaan @volatile
Mate, you have already have a too diverse military, why waste money on them. For fighters look north west
Never seen you post anything but negative things about pure land. Clearly you are not Pakistani so why this haramipan by using different flags?
I didnt say this own my own. I have had known a guy from Bhutan and a guy from Madagascar. Hence i reached this conclusion.
I am sure this guy might have something to say about friendly Nepalese Gurkha.

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