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Pak anthem reverberates in KU campus

@Oscar, @Aeronaut, @nuclearpak, I wonder if Hoax's of quran desecration where some prior images from past are rerun as new incidents constitutes as a insult to the religion? Isn't it blemishing the institution and sanctity of the holybook that many on the forum abide by?

very sensitive topic you touched and I agree. some shameless people use that excuse to seek revenge and settle scores against presecuted communities or even "fello" Muslims.
2 years ago a Deobandi family found itself on the receiving end when someone deliberately posted a big poster about Milad gathering on their front gate without permission (milad refers to a religious gathering of praise of Muhammad PBUH by so called Moderate Sunni Muslims).

Wahabis and Deobandis are known to have a problem with praising Muhammad PBUH so the guy removed that poster which he had a right to do anyway because it was posted without his permission and to cause an argument. there were some "witnesses" already waiting for that to happen and they cried blasphemy and the entire family found itself in the court. I dont know what became of the case as the newspapers of ours never follow up on the stories but rest assured they were spared being burnt alive like the Christians of Lahore.
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And I am sure Osama Bin Laden was biggest philanthropist in the world.

But in mean time here in civilized world Jamaat-ud-Dawah is still a UN mandated terrorist organisation, a front other Pakistani terror organisations like LeT and its leader is considered international terrorist with a bounty on his head and some of its members are still in Pakistani jails.

Do you not even read properly?


And as far credibility is concerned..you are the one to laugh!!

Not really kid... google felani ... killing case etc etc... or maybe sopore,kunan poshpura,shopian etc etc rapes n killings... maybe tht will jog your memory.

Fellani :
Not really kid... google felani ... killing case etc etc... or maybe sopore,kunan poshpura,shopian etc etc rapes n killings... maybe tht will jog your memory.

Fellani :

I can rip apart each every one of your above claims, just like I did your 'Koran desecration' claim..but I understand your basic reason for digressing from this topic.
I can rip apart each every one of your above claims, just like I did your 'Koran desecration' claim..but I understand your basic reason for digressing from this topic.

whats with this picture? I hope Indians wont do what taliban and LeJ animals do to people
I can rip apart each every one of your above claims, just like I did your 'Koran desecration' claim..but I understand your basic reason for digressing from this topic.

You didnt rip apart jack... the fact still stands... 6 people murdered 42 injured... many critical... killing innocent is nothing new for indian forces... no wonder the independence movement is still strong in IOK even after all these decades.
whats with this picture? I hope Indians wont do what taliban and LeJ animals do to people

This is picture of Bangladeshi girl, who was trying to cross the international border b/w India and Bangladesh.

Jumping the fence(using a ladder) from India into Bangladesh at night time. As per BSF report, after repeated warning to halt, she was shot.

Offcourse as per them, being night time, they neither knew that it was girl or a Bangladeshi..all they could see from their sentry post was some one trying to jump the fence, from India into Bangladesh.
This is picture of Bangladeshi girl, who was trying to cross the international border b/w India and Bangladesh.

Jumping the fence(using a ladder) from India into Bangladesh at night time. As per BSF report, after repeated warning to halt, she was shot.

Offcourse as per them, being night time, they neither knew that it was girl or a Bangladeshi..all they could see from their sentry post was some one trying to jump the fence, from India into Bangladesh.

IT WAS all settled, says Mohammed Nur Islam, a Bangladeshi worker whose family migrated to India when he was six. His daughter's wedding would take place the day after their return in Bangladesh. But the wedding never happened. On January 7th India's Border Security Force (BSF) shot dead Mr Nur Islam's 15-year-old Felani, at an illegal crossing into Bangladesh from the Indian state of West Bengal. Felani's body hung from the barbed-wired fence for five hours. Then the Indians took her down, tied her hands and feet to a bamboo pole, and carried her away. Her body was handed over the next day and buried in the yard at home.

The BSF kills with such impunity along India's 4,100-kilometre (2,550-mile) border with Bangladesh that one local journalist wonders what the story is about. According to Human Rights Watch, India's force has killed almost 1,000 Bangladeshis over the past ten years. That implies a shooting every four days. The death toll between two democracies dwarfs the number killed attempting to cross the inner German border during the cold war.

This is picture of Bangladeshi girl, who was trying to cross the international border b/w India and Bangladesh.

Jumping the fence(using a ladder) from India into Bangladesh at night time. As per BSF report, after repeated warning to halt, she was shot.

Offcourse as per them, being night time, they neither knew that it was girl or a Bangladeshi..all they could see from their sentry post was some one trying to jump the fence, from India into Bangladesh.

ok thanks for explaining main , I cant fault the border guards because I have been at the posts myself. but I am sure as a human being one cant celebrate such scenes only a heartless savage will justify that.

LeJ and TTP terrorists force out the passengers kill them for their sects then hack their bodies and send toss them to the victims homes those pictures are far more gruesome and shocking than this one but its not a match of who is bigger desecrator of humanity.

I wish everyone a safe, peaceful and happy life no matter what faith or nationality . sorry for being offtopic
by the way next time your side of Kashmiris sing the Pakistani anthem then show them what Muslims are doing in Pakistan in the name of Islam. maybe that will put things into perspective
for me Kashmir is not just a border dispute anymore and my stance is same as Imran Khan.
ok thanks for explaining main , I cant fault the border guards because I have been at the posts myself. but I am sure as a human being one cant celebrate such scenes only a heartless savage will justify that.

LeJ and TTP terrorists force out the passengers kill them for their sects then hack their bodies and send toss them to the victims homes those pictures are far more gruesome and shocking than this one but its not a match of who is bigger desecrator of humanity.

I wish everyone a safe, peaceful and happy life no matter what faith or nationality . sorry for being offtopic
by the way next time your side of Kashmiris sing the Pakistani anthem then show them what Muslims are doing in Pakistan in the name of Islam. maybe that will put things into perspective
for me Kashmir is not just a border dispute anymore and my stance is same as Imran Khan.

Killing more than 1000 people crossing border in 10 years... thts a world record...

BSF is well with in their rights to shoot anyone who tries to illegally cross Indian borders.Bangladesh border is still handled with kid gloves, as compared those with Pakistan or the LOC, where no intrusion is tolerated and so it should be.

If a Border security force has fire to maintain sanctity of a border, then so be it, No one can lay a finger on them for them doing their job.

ok thanks for explaining main , I cant fault the border guards because I have been at the posts myself. but I am sure as a human being one cant celebrate such scenes only a heartless savage will justify that.

LeJ and TTP terrorists force out the passengers kill them for their sects then hack their bodies and send toss them to the victims homes those pictures are far more gruesome and shocking than this one but its not a match of who is bigger desecrator of humanity.

I wish everyone a safe, peaceful and happy life no matter what faith or nationality . sorry for being offtopic
by the way next time your side of Kashmiris sing the Pakistani anthem then show them what Muslims are doing in Pakistan in the name of Islam. maybe that will put things into perspective
for me Kashmir is not just a border dispute anymore and my stance is same as Imran Khan.

No one does celebrate it, it was a unfortunate incident due to circumstances. There is an inherent danger to crossing border illegally the poor girl just drew short straw.
@Dash Here is where you have INDIAN DINIAL MODE at its best!! You were asking the other day...

Thanks Talon, But I would agree with @Tshering22 here. There are many false "Picture Propaganda" running in this forum. Hence the so called "Outright dissmisal" :lol:

I mean there has to be hard evidence apart from some pictures. The hard evidence that IA and BSF faces in Kashmir, supported by PA fire power to infiltrate into Indian borders. So dont you think the Indian denial mode holds much credibility than the "udti udti khabar":)
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If they want they can sing Zimbabwe's national anthem , nobody cares .
If they want they can sing Zimbabwe's national anthem , nobody cares .

I am beginning to think why is it that the politicians keep these traitors in our country.

They take benefits of being a special state, get more grants than resource-rich states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha etc get who are proud Indians. They get more say in everything compared to NE states and even have the whim of carrying their state flag all the time without the government symbol on top of that (since Hari Singh's time).

While these traitors eat from us, take grants from us and spit at us; something similar to the islamist immigrants in western countries do: suck out all the benefits but always betray the country.

The exiled KPs are working so productively for rest of the states, who are to be re-settled.

Hopefully, some day the regime can kick out these traitors en masse and send them to wherever they want to establish their ummah or whatever.
I am beginning to think why is it that the politicians keep these traitors in our country.

They take benefits of being a special state, get more grants than resource-rich states like Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha etc get who are proud Indians. They get more say in everything compared to NE states and even have the whim of carrying their state flag all the time without the government symbol on top of that (since Hari Singh's time).

Yes , it is high time for important decisions regarding kashmir to be taken and abolishing Article 370 should be in the front .

J&K does not have any importance than any other state from a federal point of view in India , it is time for GOI to show that too .

While these traitors eat from us, take grants from us and spit at us; something similar to the islamist immigrants in western countries do: suck out all the benefits but always betray the country.

The exiled KPs are working so productively for rest of the states, who are to be re-settled.

Hopefully, some day the regime can kick out these traitors en masse and send them to wherever they want to establish their ummah or whatever.

Other than these slogan shouting and stone throwing what can they do ?? If they take up arms , they will be shot down .

Let them do whatever they want in a peacefull manner. It is not going to make any difference as far as we are concerned.
Oh please.

Not the picture propaganda again.

90% of the ****** propaganda to get you guys emotionally charged are from some or the other sources that were nowhere close to J&K.

On FB I saw some other pictures posted where some of your ilk said that was the picture of the desecrated Quran.

Turned out to be some blasphemy case in Saudi Arabia where a Sri Lankan maid, fed up of her masters' tortures tore the book and was charged for blasphemy under Sharia.

In another picture propaganda by your ilk, some jokers had posted 'Sikhs protesting Indian atrocities in Kashmir'.

The picture turned out to be khaali-stani yobs protesting somewhere in Canada on a turban issue in some high school. :rofl:

Here's a tip for you next time you consider us equivalent to your sensibility:

At least apply a spark of common sense before posting 'picture of those caught for this or that'.... no one especially not an emotionally-charged follower like a Muslim would ever stand and click pictures like a modelling photographer while he's seeing his holy book being torn to bits. He will most likely be throwing the camera at the aggressor and then attacking him with whatever he has in his hands.

SO next time, please post some propaganda pics that look like they are actually propaganda pics and not some cheap copy-paste from some other parts of the world. :rofl:

ya like Ajmal Kasab "COLORFUL picture" taken by CCTV Camera (world's first CCTV Camera installed in Mumbai RAILWAY STATION who taking COLORFUL pictures ? ******!
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