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80% of Indians of primarily Indian aboriginal DNA.
Would that not automatically include 2 of the pak provinces? Punjab and Sind? Most are of sub-continent origin not so? I stand corrected based on your input?

There was a post on this last year where the dna make up was discussed.
Would that not automatically include 2 of the pak provinces? Punjab and Sind? Most are of sub-continent origin not so? I stand corrected based on your input?
The Indian component is found in all populations going even into Afghanistan. However the % the issue here. At end of day we are all human and have African origin including the Nordic Swedes. But it;s the subtle % mixes or differances that make us a banana, a monkey, a man, a differant man etc.

Generally speaking the Indian % is strongest in Ganga/Brahmaputra delta and slowly declines as you move west. Indian Punjab or the Sikhs from Jallandhar look remarkaly differant from Biharis from Patna or West Bengalis in Kolkatta and I am not talking about pigmentation. But facial and physical traits/build/height.

So yes, if your implying that the Indian component is strongest in Pakistan in Punjab.Sindh that is true. However compared to India it is less. And I believe all genetic models show that. The strongest and largest pool of Indian aboriginal is found in, not surprisngly in India.

There is a reason why Bollywood has a selective habit of finding DNA from what is Pakistan now and then breeding it to provide most of it's celebs. Clearly thus prejudicing against the 1.4 billion Gangu Indian population.
My term for indigenous Indians before the invaders came from the north west.
Do you have a source for this?

In most Indians the biggest ancestral component is Adivasi. See results for samples from UP, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Paniya represents Adivasi ancestry, Belarusian for Indo-Aryan ancestry, Iraqi_Jew for West Asian ancestry mediated via IVC. You can clearly see Adivasi is the biggest component. People in other states I suppose would have more of this Adivasi ancestry. With the exception of Punjab and Kashmir, the vast majority of Indians fit similar profiles, with increasing native ancestry further East and South.



* Used population genetics data from Eurogenes: https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2019/07/getting-most-out-of-global25_12.html
In most Indians the biggest ancestral component is Adivasi. See results for samples from UP, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Paniya represents Adivasi ancestry, Belarusian for Indo-Aryan ancestry, Iraqi_Jew for West Asian ancestry mediated via IVC. You can clearly see Adivasi is the biggest component. People in other states I suppose would have more of this Adivasi ancestry. With the exception of Punjab and Kashmir, the vast majority of Indians fit similar profiles, with increasing native ancestry further East and South.

View attachment 751169
View attachment 751170

* Used population genetics data from Eurogenes: https://eurogenes.blogspot.com/2019/07/getting-most-out-of-global25_12.html
So nothing to do with Aboriginals?
Adivasi = Aboriginal in English
Not in English for sure. Aboriginal usually refers to indigenous people in Australia, Canada. Have never heard the term being used for adivasis in India. Where did you read it?
Not in English for sure. Aboriginal usually refers to indigenous people in Australia, Canada. Have never heard the term being used for adivasis in India. Where did you read it?

In it's most specific sense it refers to indigenous Australians. In Canada we just call them natives or first nations. However technically aboriginal is any original, ancient inhabitants of a region. But the terminology is besides the point, which is most Indians carry high indigenous hunter-gatherer ancestry.
In it's most specific sense it refers to indigenous Australians. In Canada we just call them natives or first nations. However technically aboriginal is any original, ancient inhabitants of a region. But the terminology is besides the point, which is most Indians carry high indigenous hunter-gatherer ancestry.
As opposed to? What were the other occupations when hunter-gatherers abounded?
As opposed to? What were the other occupations when hunter-gatherers abounded?

As opposed to Iranian_Neolithic and Steppe ancestry (collectively known as 'ANI') that form the majority ancestry component of Pakistanis.
As opposed to Iranian_Neolithic and Steppe ancestry (collectively known as 'ANI') that form the majority ancestry component of Pakistanis.
That's merely an ancestry. My question was related to professions other than hunter gatherers.
Not in English for sure.
What did @Maira La say? Adivasi = Aboriginal in English


Learn to pronounce

See definitions in:


adjective: aboriginal
  1. inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous.
What did @Maira La say? Adivasi = Aboriginal in English

Learn to pronounce

See definitions in:


adjective: aboriginal
  1. inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous.
Learn to read instead of copying and pasting.

If one were to accept your broad based definition - all indigenous people would be termed "aboriginal" - be they Adivasis in India or Japanese in Japan or Germanic people in Germany or Arabs in Arabia.
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