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Pak-Afghan trade diverting to Chahbahar port


That is interesting.


They would be making full use of the border bazaars.
Currently, merchandise trade is picking up across the border that takes place on the truck using the roads network. I was surprised to know about the excessive duties on our products the Kabul regime had introduced. We lost a lot of market share in Afghanistan. I am genuinely curious how much of that could be due to the higher cost of shipping/transport for our exporters. If the trade volume picks up like before and we recapture the lost market, we would know about the culprit of economically damaging Pakistan by distorting the Afghan market for Pakistani manufacturers. I wonder why more reporting was not done on this. We were making approx 2.7 billion USD at one point from trade with Afghanistan.

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Currently, merchandise trade is picking up across the border that takes place on the trucks using roads connectivity. I was surprised to know about the excessive duties on our products the Kabul regime had introduced. We lost a lot of market share in Afghanistan. I am genuinely curious how much of that could be the higher cost of shipping/transport for our exporters. If the trade volume picks up like before and we recapture the lost market, we would know the culprit of economically damaging Pakistan. I wonder why more reporting was not done on this. We were making approx 2.7 billion USD at one point from trade with Afghanistan.

Trillions of dollars were poured in Afghanistan.

Where did they go from there is a magicians trick. However most of anti Pakistani hysteria in business community of Afghanistan is their own doing with illogical taxation and duties.
Good sick of printing AT gatepasses no tax our roads are getting harsh treatment send them to iran we are not benefitting
Trillions of dollars were poured in Afghanistan.

Where did they go from there is a magicians trick. However most of anti Pakistani hysteria in business community of Afghanistan is their own doing with illogical taxation and duties.
Our trade was still underwhelming at 2.7 billion USD in 2011 (highest figure). Let's hope for stability in Afghanistan and a renewed focus on the reconstruction of the war-torn country. If Afghans prosper, we are to benefit the most from it because their purchasing power would also improve, and with that, so would their appetite for Pakistani products. Removal of market distortions would give our manufacturers an open playing field.
Volume has started picking up since the Talis took over. There was a different dawn article on it (not this one).

“Under the Ashraf Ghani regime, duties were harsher on Pakistan. We had to pay 15 per cent of the value of the container when rates for all other countries hovered around 8pc. We had to pay an additional 5-10pc at check-posts manned by the Taliban. High duties rendered the export of several Pakistani items unviable. The Taliban reduced the rate of ‘mehsole’ (duties) for Pakistan as soon as they assumed power. They fixed a 7pc universal rate,” Adnan Jalil told Dawn over telephone from Peshawar. https://www.dawn.com/news/1642007/a-tightrope-of-caution-and-hope
trade is on the rise.... lets see by how much
As a matter of fact Pak-Afgan trade has increased by 50 % since IEA took over Afghanistan.

So I dont know where do these Indians dig out fake news. They dont report fact but they try to create stories of their own fantasies against Pakistan.
As a matter of fact Pak-Afgan trade has increased by 50 % since IEA took over Afghanistan.

So I dont know where do these Indians dig out fake news. They dont report fact but they try to create stories of their own fantasies against Pakistan.
That was their report from 2020. Recently, truckers did complain about demurrages on the Afghan transit trade cargo at Karachi port which is making Afghan traders switch to Chahbahar. They are asking the government to look into the customs clearance procedures. We should look into this.
It was inevitable once Chahbahar became partially operational. As it moves to full interoperability trade will be diverted via that route and with it will decline Pakistan's opportunity of constant blackmail and threats towards Afghanistan.
It will finally free the Afghans to trade with whomsoever they wish to.
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