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Pak-Afghan trade diverting to Chahbahar port

It was inevitable once Chahbahar became partially operational. As it moves to full interoperability trade will be diverted via that route and with it will decline Pakistan's opportunity of constant blackmail and threats towards Afghanistan.
It will finally free the Afghans to trade with whomsoever they wish to.

you do realise it will only a matter before those boob heads in Kabul would be out of a job?..

good luck on the indian port.... ps how is your air corridor going?

This is how Pakistan is blackmailing Afghanistan, you guessed it right...by fencing.


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Guess what, Pakistan want to discourage anything coming or going to Afghanistan. In future you will see Pakistan bypassing Afghanistan all together by extending KKH to CAR STAN states via China Xinjiang province.

nice... keep those creatures and their backers out.

India invested in building their Parliament, their schools, their hospitals, their roads, their dams and bridges. There was NEVER any payback agreement. Schools parliaments bridges do not produce money. These things were done to help Afghans and they have. Afghans LOVE Indians and they loathe Pakistanis. Just walk and talk to any Afghan you come across on the streets of ANY CITY TOWN OR VILLAGE. Talk to any Afghan in UK or Europe/USA . They are of ONE view re Indians and Pakistanis
Whats more I know that and the worlds diplomatic community knows that.
I suspect every PDF keyboard general knows it too.

according to trump... india made a library only...

now for you education afgani hate pakistanis since 1947... but since you seem to like them why dont you take the remaining 2.5M+ afgans in Pakistan back?...

love indians?.. probably they havent seen your true face. if they did like arabs they have would begin to hate indians

They are ALREADY talking to Indians though neither particularly wants to advertise this at the moment. These talks are delicate and as the Taliban said they have to talk to India, it cannot be avoided to please third parties

Yes... and taliban are aware of your true face.

"Abbas Stanikzai, Taliban's chief negotiator, on the other hand, in an interview the same day, reportedly criticised India's role in Afghanistan and said New Delhi "had always supported traitors in [Afghanistan]".
LOL no one in Pakistan gave a crap. As if Afghans have anything to trade. If the Afghans have some self-esteem they would also take back their refugees languishing in Pakistan.
Mr Imtiaz Ali Khan and Mr. Ziaulhaq Sarhadi seem to be giving a crap.
As for fencing a border where none exists, this is a Pakistani obsession . The temporary Durand line agreement EXPIRED and as the Taliban have made clear , they , nor any other Afghan accepts the fanciful border .

Once a unified Taliban are in power they will ensure the Afghan nation is reverted to its ORIGINAL and real border.

The final struggle for the unification of the Afghan people is nearly at hand.
It will take many decades and maybe generations but the Afghan nation will reunite its disparate peoples

Bandar Abbas was VERY RARELY used by Afghans if ever, hence the demand for Chahbahar by both the Iranians and the Afghans
Your ability to write doesn't makes you intelligent. Please think before you write again
As for fencing a border where none exists, this is a Pakistani obsession . The temporary Durand line agreement EXPIRED and as the Taliban have made clear , they , nor any other Afghan accepts the fanciful border .

Once a unified Taliban are in power they will ensure the Afghan nation is reverted to its ORIGINAL and real border.

The final struggle for the unification of the Afghan people is nearly at hand.
It will take many decades and maybe generations but the Afghan nation will reunite its disparate peoples

Bandar Abbas was VERY RARELY used by Afghans if ever, hence the demand for Chahbahar by both the Iranians and the Afghans
chutyabhakt high on cowpee ;)

taliban ruled for whole decade in 90s sonny and it was the most peaceful western border era of pak
and whom do u think running em there 2 successive supreme leaders died including mula omar still in end usa was forced to make peaceful exit deal :)
Their used to be a huge smuggling on the name of afghan transit trade. Pakistan was suffering instead of benefiting, whoever will open the route will risk smuggling of goods including weapons. Secondly china and central asian markets are important for Pakistan and central asia and china will always choose pakistani route it has just so many benefits over Iranian one
It is very stupid if Pakistani traders are exporting to Afghanistan via Chabahar, who is RAW's operational base!

In Iran Pakistani goods can be tempered and spoiled, and no insurance company of the world is going to insure transport through Iran.
Request to all brothers, please ignore Indian trolls.

Let us discuss issues based on f a cts and not lies presented by Indians.

Afghanistan and Pakistan are brother countries, born of the same history and same civilization. All empires which ruled Pakistan in the past, always ruled Afghanistan as well. This was not the case with India.

It is Pakistan's destiny to unite with Afghanistan, but it will happen gradually and the process will be natural. Taliban government is the first step towards that reality.

Borders of Pakistan will reach Turkestan. Not only Afghanistan, but our Turkic and Tajik brothers will also join with us.

I see the vision of Ch. Rehmat Ali coming to life on its own. He was indeed a pioneer.
1-IF the notion that current Afghan government holds any public support is true, then Afghanistan is not a country anymore. Its artificially held together by foreign powers. Once the Foreign powers are tired of this cat and mouse game that is costing them billions, This country will be broken down into more countries based on their ethnicity and what local wants. Their is no central authority or nationality sentiments left. Only Dollars are keeping them together

2-Before Chahbahar can get any sizable importance, Iran needs to change its foreign policy and get Sanctions off its back. Otherwise its just a wishful thinking

3-Afghanistan is Piss poor and weak in every was possible to impose anything to any of its neighbors. They cannot even afford to pay salaries of all their public servants without foreign aid. What jokers are people who count Afghani Opinion as something. Its only voices and wishes of those who are feeding their government.

4-As for Indians getting to Excited, There is no such thing as Durind line or British Afghanistan Agreement. Internationally recognized borders are Internationally recognized borders. No one can do b**S*** about it except for waging war and taking territory by force. Good luck for Afghanistan to do that in 100 years. Meanwhile Kashmir LOC is not Internationally recognized border. You should worry more about this as whole world and every Sane Indian can see which side of LOC have freedom of movement and speech, Peace, zero bloodshed and self governance, and which side is being tortured, curfew-ed lock-downed and shoot upon constantly for decades.

5-As for romance with Iran, Once a Nationalist Government gets power in Iran in Future (Because current regime is blindly heading Iran's Economy into the wall). All romance with India will end as Dependence of Iran on India will be over. Whole world will be opened for them. Consider rise of a new Turkey in Asia.

Regards and mind your own business in your own country.
What are latest stats on Af-Pak trade?
Volume has started picking up since the Talis took over. There was a different dawn article on it (not this one).

“Under the Ashraf Ghani regime, duties were harsher on Pakistan. We had to pay 15 per cent of the value of the container when rates for all other countries hovered around 8pc. We had to pay an additional 5-10pc at check-posts manned by the Taliban. High duties rendered the export of several Pakistani items unviable. The Taliban reduced the rate of ‘mehsole’ (duties) for Pakistan as soon as they assumed power. They fixed a 7pc universal rate,” Adnan Jalil told Dawn over telephone from Peshawar. https://www.dawn.com/news/1642007/a-tightrope-of-caution-and-hope
Taliban made special request to Iran to deliver gasoline and gas to Afghanistan.


That is interesting.
Volume has started picking up since the Talis took over. There was a different dawn article on it (not this one).

“Under the Ashraf Ghani regime, duties were harsher on Pakistan. We had to pay 15 per cent of the value of the container when rates for all other countries hovered around 8pc. We had to pay an additional 5-10pc at check-posts manned by the Taliban. High duties rendered the export of several Pakistani items unviable. The Taliban reduced the rate of ‘mehsole’ (duties) for Pakistan as soon as they assumed power. They fixed a 7pc universal rate,” Adnan Jalil told Dawn over telephone from Peshawar. https://www.dawn.com/news/1642007/a-tightrope-of-caution-and-hope


They would be making full use of the border bazaars.
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