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Pak Afghan border troops stop bombing attack from explosives-laden donkey

lets say Donkey is not Holy to Indians or they will be pissed ..
Pakistan has literally Hell as neighbour on its Western borders.

That country is Afghanistan ..

For all the nationalism and bravado the Afghans display, if they didn't hate Pakistan then they would be more than happy to hate and slaughter eachother. History has shown this for centuries.
Afghans are hypocrites. First they blame us for terrorism when their border is a tool for export of terror then refuse to not only accept the Durand line as the de facto border but also have the nerve to resist Pakistani efforts to ensure its security along the border. There have been dozens of terrorist attacks along the border, from as far back as 1962 though such attacks have increased since America became daddy of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan should end its hypocrisy and allow better border management. In this age and time no nations have unmanaged borders. Even countries with excellent ties like UAE and Oman are introducing better control of the border. Pakistan is only trying to protect itself from terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.
When you don't act even after repeatedly being provoked, this is bound to happen that others will take this as a sign of weakness or unwillingness or both on Pakistan's part to act. Since ApS attack Afghanistan should had been bombed but instead NS chose to extend their stay in Pakistan and forbid others specially the foreign office to adopt a tougher stance on Afghanistan.
A donkey was thought of as more powerful than the entire weed smoking ANA by NDS but Pakistan took care of their father the "donkey shareef". They should know that Lahoris have been eating donkeys so it won't effective against them :lol::lol:
Obviously they had more faith in donkey than their stupid lunatics, who can't even follow the simplest of instructions. :lol:
This donkey ( Afghan Stealth F 69) air to ground mission ) belongs to Afghan Aeronautical Complex
Once a donkey went through a way, it remembers the path accurately that even next time would make it without any human supervision. :D

Thats is actually true. Its a major reason why donkeys are used on construction sites in rural areas.

They were more reliable. Donkeys are traditionally equipped with sacks and thus could carry a large explosive charge without looking suspicious.

How advanced our neighbors have become...
its a home grown concept.

Afghan Police Stop Bombing Attack From Explosives-laden Donkey

Russians were more innovative.
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