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Pak acts tough: seeks 38demands, India-like civil nukedeal

ther is not dam way that pak is getting a nuke deal before 2020. :no:
they will have to prove their credibility in this field not by making record nuke weapons every year, that certainly wont please the americans :lol:
anyways australia is the largest holder of uranium and their new pm julia gillard is pretty hot, so pakistan's handsome playboy Imran Khan might be able to do some magic once he comes to power.
Julia hot, you need to get out more, sonny. LoL
This obsession to be matched/held par with India will probably be the undoing of Pakistan

When will they understand that Pakistan is no more bracketed with its Eastern neighbour, rather with its western neighbour.
ther is not dam way that pak is getting a nuke deal before 2020. :no:
they will have to prove their credibility in this field not by making record nuke weapons every year, that certainly wont please the americans :lol:
anyways australia is the largest holder of uranium and their new pm julia gillard is pretty hot, so pakistan's handsome playboy Imran Khan might be able to do some magic once he comes to power.

ther is not dam way that pak is getting a nuke deal before 2020. :no:
they will have to prove their credibility in this field not by making record nuke weapons every year, that certainly wont please the americans :lol:
anyways australia is the largest holder of uranium and their new pm julia gillard is pretty hot, so pakistan's handsome playboy Imran Khan might be able to do some magic once he comes to power.

Julia gilard is not hot bro. Sarah Palin is hot...i mean pornstar hot
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