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Pahlavi remnants and Zionist elements made a front condemning Iran-China cooperation pact

This site is nothing but a propaganda forum for bastard mullas and their off springs in this forum. The CCP, not the Chinese people are nothing but a gang of garbage who enslave their own people. CCP regime is based on fraud and theft of other nations intellectual property with absolutely 0 innovation. You are a fool to think that the treaty is in the
mutual interest of both nations. The charlatans mullah and their cronies have enslaved Iran for 4 decades. They keep parading assembly lines of Chinese junk as national innovation.

The garbage on this forum are defending a deal that is worst than Treaty of Turkmanchai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Turkmenchay.
Pahlavi followers are trying to link the IRI to the qajar scumbags but in reality the IRI despite the sanctions from the Zio west they made Iran self suffecient in many ways
Iranian constitution forbids foreign militaries on Iranian soil.

So unless Iran amends it’s constitution, it legally cannot happen.
Is it serious or joke? The same so called constitution declares freedom of speech, freedom of demonstrations, etc..
The "Iranian" diaspora is west are coming out of the woodwork, I see.
The heart and soul of an Indian is that of an utter cowards. It’s genetics are flawed by centuries of subjugation. Corruption in Indians are spread from father to son/offspring through inferior genetics. I’m not hateful. Each nation has a genetical and ethnic train because of biological realities. For the Indians it is all sorts of inferiority due to utter cowardice.

I love this post!.........:tup:...........8-)
Iranian constitution forbids foreign militaries on Iranian soil.

So unless Iran amends it’s constitution, it legally cannot happen.
There are lots of stuff going on in Iran that the constitution forbids.
Is it serious or joke? The same so called constitution declares freedom of speech, freedom of demonstrations, etc..

There are lots of stuff going on in Iran that the constitution forbids.

Deceptive objection. Can those quoted cite even a single instance where that particular article of the Iranian constitution, pertaining to the regular and contractual presence of foreign military assets on Iranian soil, was violated over the past 40+ years? No, they cannot. Hence, there is zero reason to stipulate, with respect to constitutional considerations, that Iran will start trampling the provision now all of a sudden.

Furthermore, when it comes to so-called "civil rights", whatever the Iranian constitution declares has been largely respected too since the Islamic Republic promulgated its constitution (constitution that was co-written by a Sunni Muslim aalim, by the way; this is for all ignorants who falsely qualify the IRI as a "Shia sectarianist" polity, who generally don't know the first thing about Iran on whose subject they freely fantasize at their whim, and who probably never held an academic publication touching upon Iran's contemporary history or politics between their hands).

Iran is well known for its legal security in the constitutional realm.

Only time will tell what the real details of the deal are. I remember around 10 years ago, maybe it was longer. There was a lot of fuss about a deal between Iran and Russia that would give the Russians the right to establish a permanent base in Iran in exchange for protection. Nothing happened of the deal, I don't know if the rumors were fake from the beginning, or if they couldn't proceed with the deal because it received so much backlash.

Yes, that was nothing more than pure disinformation targetting Iran and spread by you-know-who. Part of the colossal, organized, multi-pronged, historically unprecedented disinformation campaign abundantly fuelled by zionist and bankster money (Soros, Saban, Adelson, you name them) and relayed by many hundreds of thousands of channels and loudspeakers worldwide.

What "backlash" are you referring to? If Iranian authorities were to pay any attention to or base their decisions on whatever non-issue the average semi-cultured, mentally enslaved, ready-to-be-transhumanized BBC Faarsi / Manoto viewer is jumping up and down about, Iran would already be in a state of civil war and advanced balkanization.
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