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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

Allow me to correct it as how much will IAF have in future.

300 MKI
126-200 MRCA
80 LCA Tejas
250 FGFA+50 T-50
130 MIG 29(India ordered additional 30 Mig 29's)
atleast 100 MCA

There you go total 1110 and many more of LCA MK2 comes out(pakistanis dont troll)

u talking about next 25 years or next 5 years :blink:
Allow me to correct it as how much will IAF have in future.

300 MKI
126-200 MRCA
80 LCA Tejas
250 FGFA+50 T-50

130 MIG 29(India ordered additional 30 Mig 29's)
atleast 100 MCA

There you go total 1110 and many more of LCA MK2 comes out(pakistanis dont troll)

I told Indins dont troll

On realistic basis India is not going to have MRCA, LCA, MCA or FGFA withn couple of years (2 years). :angry:

Dont troll my words

I think PAF should keep working on the following projs, especially JF-17 Block II.

70 F-16 B-52 ( 4th gene)
80 Mirage ROSE (eq to 4th gene)
55 F-7PG (eq to 4th gene)
50 JF-B1 ( 4th gene)
150 JF-B2 ( 4th gene)
70 Mirage 2K9 (If possible From UAE/France) ( 4th gene)
Total 475 -70 (if PAF dont get from UAE) = 407

Considering India (on realistic basis...) would only be having following jets after couple of years (Indians dont Trol)

200 MKI
100 Mig 29
50 Mirage 2K9
Total 350
Other Indian jets are unfit for war.
I told Indins dont troll

On realistic basis India is not going to have MRCA, LCA, MCA or FGFA withn couple of years (2 years). :angry:

Dont troll my words

I think PAF should keep working on the following projs, especially JF-17 Block II.

70 F-16 B-52 ( 4th gene)
80 Mirage ROSE (eq to 4th gene)
55 F-7PG (eq to 4th gene)
50 JF-B1 ( 4th gene)
150 JF-B2 ( 4th gene)
70 Mirage 2K9 (If possible From UAE/France) ( 4th gene)
Total 475 -70 (if PAF dont get from UAE) = 407

Considering India (on realistic basis...) would only be having following jets after couple of years (Indians dont Trol)

200 MKI
100 Mig 29
50 Mirage 2K9
Total 350
Other Indian jets are unfit for war.[/QUOTE]

where are j10s :angry: :blink:
I told Indins dont troll

On realistic basis India is not going to have MRCA, LCA, MCA or FGFA withn couple of years (2 years). :angry:

Dont troll my words

Why not? when you are assuming stuffs and Comparing with Today's IAF with future PAF... does that make sense to you?:hitwall:
I think PAF should keep working on the following projs, especially JF-17 Block II.

70 F-16 B-52 ( 4th gene)
80 Mirage ROSE (eq to 4th gene)
55 F-7PG (eq to 4th gene)
50 JF-B1 ( 4th gene)
150 JF-B2 ( 4th gene)
70 Mirage 2K9 (If possible From UAE/France) ( 4th gene)
Total 475 -70 (if PAF dont get from UAE) = 407

Considering India (on realistic basis...) would only be having following jets after couple of years (Indians dont Trol)

200 MKI
100 Mig 29
50 Mirage 2K9
Total 350
Other Indian jets are unfit for war.[/QUOTE]

Pakistan will Have 200 Plus JF17...in 24 Months.. wow...with a capacity of Manufacturing 15 JF17 ..per year....

I guess China is going to make Only JF17 for PAkistan and nothing else for themselves...is that what you think......

Wish-full thinking.....
sorry sir but Data about India is not correct.

First of all plz tell what do you mean by "after few years" wrt to Indian data.

agreed with Mig 21 not fit for war, but Mig 27 and Jaguar are fit for war, ................Airforce is going to upgrade jaguar soon.

Bison upgrade of Mig 21 can fight to some extend.
Secondly,.................production of Tejas is expected to start soon.

After few years....means........couple of years/ 2 years.
Mig 27 n Jaguar are not fit for war ......old horses....thats I y I am also not including PAF 100 Mirage III/V (Which are not upgarded ROSE prog), 150 F-7 and 40 A5/Q5.

So plz stick wt I said on realistic basis and troll.

I think PAF should keep working on the following projs, especially JF-17 Block II.

70 F-16 B-52 ( 4th gene)
80 Mirage ROSE (eq to 4th gene)
55 F-7PG (eq to 4th gene)
50 JF-B1 ( 4th gene)
150 JF-B2 ( 4th gene)
70 Mirage 2K9 (If possible From UAE/France) ( 4th gene)
Total 475 -70 (if PAF dont get from UAE) = 407

Considering India (on realistic basis...) would only be having following jets after couple of years (Indians dont Trol)

200 MKI
100 Mig 29
50 Mirage 2K9
Total 350
Other Indian jets are unfit for war.
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Why not? when you are assuming stuffs and Comparing with Today's IAF with future PAF... does that make sense to you?:hitwall:

Todays IAF is
141 MKI
45 Mk2
60 Mig 29

And I was comparing IAF vs PAF after 2 years. U wouldnt have MRCA, LCA MCA, FGFA and 200+ MKI after 2 years :cheers:
Todays IAF is
141 MKI
45 Mk2
60 Mig 29

And I was comparing IAF vs PAF after 2 years. U wouldnt have MRCA, LCA MCA, FGFA and 200+ MKI after 2 years :cheers:

But you would have 200 JF 17 ....that too with Manufacturing Capacity of 15 Per Year......anyone else wants to join me in this laughing Roll....:rofl:

Botton Line is India is still planning for MRCA....so no need to panic
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has deferred the purchase of state of the art fighter J-10 planes from China till test flights.

Defence sources told Online Monday Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was taking interest in acquisition of state of the art J-10 fighter planes from China. Air Chief Marshall, Rao Qamar Suleman however during his briefing to the members of senate committee on defence told no formal decision had been taken so far to purchase these planes. �We are reviewing the matter. Until these planes are inducted in Chinese air fleet and they meet their targets and objectives during test flights then PAF will decide to purchase them that upto what extent these planes can prove productive for PAF �, he remarked.

Sources told PAF was facing lack of funds problem in the wake of tough economic situation. Therefore, PAF was completing its ongoing projects and these would be completed in time.However a clear decision with reference to J-10 planes would be made after their induction in Chinese air fleet and their performance in test flights.
I told Indins dont troll

On realistic basis India is not going to have MRCA, LCA, MCA or FGFA withn couple of years (2 years). :angry:

Dont troll my words

sir , you skipped my comment............although it wasnt a troll.

You said about 2 years.

Tejas will get IOC later this year and production will start with about 14 aircrafts per year.

secondly you already have skipped Jaguar and Mig27 aircrafts.

Moreover Mig 21 Bison ( plz note "BISON") are very well able to fight.

Reply awaited:cheers:
Todays IAF is
141 MKI
45 Mk2
60 Mig 29

And I was comparing IAF vs PAF after 2 years. U wouldnt have MRCA, LCA MCA, FGFA and 200+ MKI after 2 years :cheers:

And you will get 80 Mirage ROSE in 2 years, like you have only 33 now.
47 f-7 PG and that too is used for training and is a mig 21 class fighter.
you got 55 f-16's... is pakistan buying more?

And you will have 200 Jf series within 2 years, wonderful, Man your imagination is beyond anyone ....
Todays IAF is
141 MKI
45 Mk2
60 Mig 29

And I was comparing IAF vs PAF after 2 years. U wouldnt have MRCA, LCA MCA, FGFA and 200+ MKI after 2 years :cheers:

I just noticed 200 Jf in 2 years.................thats too much.............whoes trolling now
sir , you skipped my comment............although it wasnt a troll.

You said about 2 years.

Tejas will get IOC later this year and production will start with about 14 aircrafts per year.

LCA is in development status.......if even production starts next year....1sqd will take one more year to rise up. So the issue is if coz all (either Indian or Pak or anyone intrested in aviation) of us know that LCA production is till not unsure. Selection of engine and radar is still pending. Okay on other hand if 1st sqd of LCA rose up still it wouldnt give an edge.

secondly you already have skipped Jaguar and Mig27 aircrafts.

No doubt they are out dated. No doubt IAF have plans to upgrade Jaguars...but its still plan.....and even if IAF executes now it will take atleast 2 years from now...... so the word IF comes again....every thing is doubtfull on IF.

Moreover Mig 21 Bison ( plz note "BISON") are very well able to fight.

Reply awaited:cheers:

No Mig 21 Bison is 3rd gene, is an old tech not able to fight against 4th gen fighters

Its just like ur comparing Pentium I vs Dual Core processor.
I just noticed 200 Jf in 2 years.................thats too much.............whoes trolling now

I agree 200 is hard ........but yes 100 + can be acheieveable..lets make change in my post
I think PAF should keep working on the following projs, especially JF-17 Block II.

70 F-16 B-52 ( 4th gene)
80 Mirage ROSE (eq to 4th gene)
55 F-7PG (eq to 4th gene)
50 JF-B1 ( 4th gene) 20 already developed, both SQD will be developed by the end of year.

70 JF-B2 ( 4th gene) 2 SQD req till 2012 (makes 2 year plan)

70 Mirage 2K9 (If possible From UAE/France) ( 4th gene)
Total 395 -70 (if PAF dont get from UAE) = 325

300 + Still batter in quality and quanity ....no need to panic

Considering India (on realistic basis...) would only be having following jets after couple of years (Indians dont Trol)

200 MKI
100 Mig 29
50 Mirage 2K9
Total 350
Other Indian jets are unfit for war.
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