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PAF validates concept of fighter operations from motorways

the planes can now be just towed out of the hangars and take off from the road connecting the airstrip to the rest of the world ;)

in theory yes. But there's only one direction in which we need to focus on the most ;);)

thats what we're doing

1) airstrips are usually free of debris. a motorway due to its common day usage will have a lot of debris lying around. wont this damage the engines?

you've never travelled on our motorways. They are kept extremely clean. I've never even seen a lost hubcap. Debris lying around is definately not a problem. After accidents, they do a good job cleaning up broken glass and other alien objects. Certain preparations need to be in place prior to using it as landing/takeoff strip --such as removing barriers, closing traffic, removing any protruding tree branch etc.

2) airstrips are made of special materials which are not affected greatly bu the hot exhaust of the jet engine. will the motorway be adversely affected by the jets?

its definately possible.......but they wont be used as conventional runways;

besides! in the event of war, i dont think we will worry too much about adversely affecting a patch of highway. Our priority will be to inflict pain on the enemy and/or undermine and annull enemy objectives and ambitions within our own airspace.

roads can always be re-paved, no problem
I don't see it has any benefit. It will be useful to disperse planes and hide from enemy attacks. But fighter jets are for attack not for hiding.

Where is logistic to refuel and rearm entire highway stretch.
I dont want to sound rude, but some of you people are really obtuse.

does using a highway to takeoff entail 'hiding' ????

au contraire.

You have no idea what are you talking. Where is the take off without landing. I don't think pakistani fighter jets are laying around moterway instead of airforce base.
please re-read the earlier posts and articles that were submitted......then ask the questions.

a) Removal of the electrical wires
b) No holes
c) No speed bumps on the 200-300 meter stretch
d) Obviously no traffic lights lol
e) No obstruction
f) No bikers doing wheelies when the Mirages come landing on runway
You better travel on motorways for above so called apprehensions.
Motorways are well designed and built with perfection.
Motorways may be used as a substitute of airbases.
While I visited motorways it had come to my mind that the roads are also suitable for landing and take off of PAF aircrafts. My desire came true. Heartfelf greetings to PAF.Thanks.
Besides Motorways, take another example to the road runway. If anyone has travelled from Sargodha to Faisalabad, one comes across a road patch that suddenly gets wider and even had the centreline marked (runway style) that has now faded over the period of time.
It was a concept that was very well thought out in early 90s when this portion of road was modified. Being closed to Sargodha it not only could land planes in emergency but also provided the logistical support in terms of rearming and turnaround of the fighters in case if the main runway was damaged. However, over the years with some new airfields made available in the surroundings, the road runway somehow lost its originality and utilisation, and has now turned into a just another road.

There were many abruptly widened patches on GT road in india but ultimately these patches were used for toll tax booths.:lol:

As far as our motorways’ are concerned, I think they will be used only as a last resort emergency strip in case of outbreak of hostilities where a damaged or a fuel starving plane will land, quickly refuelled or get fixed ( depends on the severity) and off it goes to the main Base. Due to our logistic limitations, Motorways can’t be turned into a full fledge facility where aircrafts will get armed etc .

Well explained sir,

Most important thing in war is your pilot not plane. A exhausted plane can quickly land for already waiting rescue team, will be readied for war/sortie (rescue, refuel, repair etc..) or pilot may jump again into new plane from base to continue mission.

Getting a plane ready on flanks of Motorway for a mission and loading ammunition doesn't seem possible. But few alterations can be done no doubt. One must appreciate this effort cause your adversary is India and war theater will be very close where your pilots if painted will be able to save more precious time by landing on motorways, revive and start the mission in very short time again.
Well explained sir,

Most important thing in war is your pilot not plane. A exhausted plane can quickly land for already waiting rescue team, will be readied for war/sortie (rescue, refuel, repair etc..) or pilot may jump again into new plane from base to continue mission.

Getting a plane ready on flanks of Motorway for a mission and loading ammunition doesn't seem possible. But few alterations can be done no doubt. One must appreciate this effort cause your adversary is India and war theater will be very close where your pilots if painted will be able to save more precious time by landing on motorways, revive and start the mission in very short time again.
extreme steps can be taken buddy when at war!!! during 1971 war the only runway at the eastern front was destroyed and the only squadron grounded... though it was just one squadron again 14 of india but still we lost the lil air support we had... lessons are meant to be learned!!!
there were hardly 2 dozen Sabres serving air defence of entire former eastern wing. They put up a hell of a fight till the end; at which point defections took place and West Pakistanis in the east had to flee. A sad and anger-provoking topic to think about.

But u said it beautifully. Lessons are indeed meant to be learned. Losing is not falling down. Losing is not knowing (or being unwilling) to get back up with honour. And losing is out of the question, as far as we are concerned. A lot of realities have changed in past 30+ years. Many new challenges ahead of us.
Than landing on highway for what??

Lolz......its tactical practice to land on Motorway, quickly refuel and rearm and take off from there ....especially when ur enemy tries to destroy ur air bases.

Motorways are very effective for quick landing and take off's, refueling, rearming etc.

Its impossible to destroy motorway which is spread in 1000's of KM.

Second it's not a problem to deploy arms, fuel and maintenance support at motor ways.

i hope u got answers.
The most important item in using civilian motorways as military runways is that motorways are often uneven. Foreign object damage (FOD) is a concern but can be addressed by motorized cleaners or even what is called a 'FOD walk'...

Kadena?s FOD walk keeping aircraft safe | Stars and Stripes
Airfield personnel look for such material on a daily basis, but once a year Kadena servicemembers gather for a massive search of the air base’s two 12,100-foot runways and the surrounding maintenance areas and parking lots, said Master Sgt. Warren Rogers, the outgoing 18th Wing FOD program manager.
FOD walks are daily events for those working on the flightline. Logistics such as fuel and armaments are controllable. But there is nothing the military can do if a section of the motorway has gradual rise and fall. So just from this fact alone limit your deployments and the enemy can make some guesstimations as to how your air forces are arrayed.
The most important item in using civilian motorways as military runways is that motorways are often uneven. Foreign object damage (FOD) is a concern but can be addressed by motorized cleaners or even what is called a 'FOD walk'...

Kadena?s FOD walk keeping aircraft safe | Stars and Stripes

FOD walks are daily events for those working on the flightline. Logistics such as fuel and armaments are controllable. But there is nothing the military can do if a section of the motorway has gradual rise and fall. So just from this fact alone limit your deployments and the enemy can make some guesstimations as to how your air forces are arrayed.

FOD walks are also performed on the flight deck's of aircraft carriers after regular intervals to keep everything under check. There is nothing better than the human eye to check for problems on a flight deck.
FOD walks are also performed on the flight deck's of aircraft carriers after regular intervals to keep everything under check. There is nothing better than the human eye to check for problems on a flight deck.
I have done them on both. On the Enterprise at that. There is an amazing amount of tiny nooks and assorted crevices on an aircraft carrier's flight deck that I do not encounter on a daily maintained USAF base runway.

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