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PAF to induct EADS Offensive EW capability

any other comparable systems in the world. How would it identiffy friendly frequencies compared to enemy frequencies to jam?
Any takers ?
EW and Cyber Warfare plus help from space will be the main things which would help us win the war. But you need to train and equip soldiers according to that. Specially the infantry and strike cores.
1- I guess this is a deliberate leak? Otherwise with the sale of such a system, it makes most sense to keep it hidden and your capabilities a secret.

2- If Pakistan is inducting 45 such systems (I take it that one full system means the complete suite of different spectrum jammers and the command node and other associated equipment), then that would more or less cover the whole of the Eastern border. That does seem quite a potent capability in this sense.

Or am I understanding 'system' wrong and one system means one unit in the whole package?
What a coincidence!! Turkey has announced an improved version of KORAL to tackle S-500....

that's it, this system has been bought to deal with the hyper duper S400 and lets be honest our two close allies China and Turkey have the best know how to deal with this system and its countermeasures,
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