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PAF surgical strikes in India, some observations, ramification.

Depends how deep the targets are.

LGBs got limited range. For instance the American Paveway 3 got effective range of 19Kms. You have to violate the Indian airspace to lock the targets.

Targets were deep inside IOK here on this occasion.
Been monitoring international opinion and favour has swung to Pakistan. Indian narrative of eternal victims has been shattered and now labelled as aggressors.

Imrans stance of honesty, humility and strength has resonated with people. Nobody likes a bully.

Indian national psyche has been damaged and I can only imagine what will happen when Pakistan becomes wealthy and truly independant.

Looks like Imran is taking Pakistan back to 1960s, I can see mentality is changing in Pakistanis and years of corrupted rot is being undone.

The silence from Modi is deafening...
Makes you wonder what does he have up his sleeve


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Anyone noticed the pin drop silence by Indians over the participation and performace of the JF17s during this strike. :D

I was hoping Tejas bhai to show up in the defense of their motherland when JFs were show boating with the IAF. :D
The way PAF infiltrated their airspace and mincemeated their military assets is mind boggling to say the least. The beauty is that PAF and officials aren’t gloating about it. It is so unbelievably graceful. Especially considering how IAF had the luxury of time to prepare in the wake of attacking Pakistan. After all India being the initiator had the luxury to anticipate and plan ahead.

We cannot comprehend how massive of a morale booster this is. It is massive.

I do believe our boys went inside and dropped their bombs, and then loitered around to lure IAF in a well laid trap, loosing two jets. One nagging feeling is the loss of heli, not much is being said about it. May be because it doesnt help Modis narrative or may be it was the 3rd craft shot by us.

If I am to go by DG ISPR statement that we never crossed the LOC and let go of bombs within our territory, they were guided, so now the question arises did we had SF on the ground identifying those targets or drones. There are lot of details left unsaid.

Overall we went and kicked their asses, yes it is a massive morale booster for our forces and shattered that of IAF.

The Indians have only gone as far as admitting that the attack against military installations took place. They will never ever release the extent of damage, but judging by some Tweets from an ex-IAF pilot we can be rest assured it is more than significant. His words speak volume. This strike against Indian military installations has dented their morale in a big way.

Notice how the gang which was threatening Pakistan has gone into silence mode. They know what Pakistan achieved. It is a big scar that we left.

There is a reason why certain Zionists on this site are left in anguish LOL They understand what a blow Pakistan has delivered. The counter move is genius. It is overwhelming and it is the sort of response we will appreciate once people start thinking again without emotions. This one is for the history books folks.

I cannot imagine the pride and confidence PAF must be feeling after conducting such an offensive. Flying into enemy territory and destroy military installations without any loss. It is colossal.

Its been long in the making, the arrogance Indians been spewing for decades now and finally given a taste of the real thing.

Again...we do not beleive our Gov where there are enough reason to suspect them....Unlike us,your people even do not question about why your state support elements who are part of terrorism in Kashmir..Or your people think supporting militants who attack Indian army is a good thing..

Are you serious dude? Were you asleep for last 15 days and just woke up today? Your countrymen had been lapping up ridiculous explanations being given by your government from strike to loss of crafts, yet you have the gull to accuse us of not questioning our government. Have you watched your media or listen to your general public or followed any online discourse, your country is behaving like a mad dog and youre here lecturing us. Get out a here.

Pak has shut down the narrative India was trying to build. India wanted to be able to hit Pak on any trumped up charges it wanted without providing proof while also gathering sympathies of the world. Playing the victim while being a bully. Pakistan gave them a reality check. All the other stuff like downing IAF fighter jets and capturing the pilot that's just the icing on the cake.

It was more than that, India was trying to establish a new norm that they can actually launch strikes within Pakistan, whereas Pakistan wont do much in reply. I am not sure what kind of fool one have to be to actually reach this result but whom ever those people were, are not grounded in reality. Pakistan for once and all made it clear, do what you wish for your domestic consumption but under no circumstances dare launch any direct actions. They got the message.

Unlike Indian infiltration, which came unannounced...Pak announced that it's going to reply and then went on ahead and did reply after giving them a heads up :lol:

Lalkaar kay maara hai saaloon ko.

A lot of the Indians have disappeared from here. The only ones that remain are trying hard to save face by sticking to mere claims of their media and just blindly believing it to be true. In any case I'm just loving it...it's about time war mongering Indian masses were taught a lesson.

Oh dont worry they are hiding and licking their wounds as their massive egos been deflated. Dont worry after we have sent the pilot, their media will spin this and re-inflate their egos. They will be back here like roaches they are.

Nope. You paid the price of Ignoring your Military and Relying too much on Civilian Hawks. That is the reason of Miscalculation. Rest is History.

No their retired Generals and Highly trained hosts were developing attack plans.

Been monitoring international opinion and favour has swung to Pakistan. Indian narrative of eternal victims has been shattered and now labelled as aggressors.

Imrans stance of honesty, humility and strength has resonated with people. Nobody likes a bully.

Indian national psyche has been damaged and I can only imagine what will happen when Pakistan becomes wealthy and truly independant.

Looks like Imran is taking Pakistan back to 1960s, I can see mentality is changing in Pakistanis and years of corrupted rot is being undone.

No, we still have a long way to go. We must launch a comprehensive well thought campaign in this regard.
Locations targeted in Indian occupied Kashmir:


We kept in mind that no collateral damage is caused. Therefore, keeping within our own air space, we selected Bhimber Gali, PG Top and Naryan area targets, our pilots locked those target. When they had an option to fire, they manifested responsibility and keeping safety engaged the targets in an open area.”

Bhimber Gali:

View attachment 543069

Can easily spot a major infrasture and army trucks. Would be nice to get some confirmation if it is the Indian army Dev HQ.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:

View attachment 543079

Standoff distance achive: 17KMs


There is no place coming up as Naryan. However, just above Srinagar, there is a place called Narayan. Guessing this is the place for the strike.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:

View attachment 543081

Standoff distance achived: 77KMs

PG top:

Location unknown. Not visible in google map (Please add in your comments if identified)

I have got confirmation that targets as far as 100KMs from LOC inside India were hit.

Pakistani strikes represented escalation, claims India

When asked if Pakistan's incursion and alleged targeting of military installations could be construed as an act of war, Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor avoided a yes or no answer and instead alleged that Pakistan had targeted military installations in its strikes, and that represented an escalation in itself.

According to own Indian admission, the targets hit were "military installations". This debunk Indian initial non sense that IAF chased PAF down and the strikes didnt happen. This also raise questions about Pakistan public narrative that it didnt hit the targets but dropped bombs nearby just to send the message, however according to Indian Air vice Marshall, Pakistan targeted the military installation directly. This gives credence to whispers going about that indeed Pakistan knocked out several Indian military installation causing considerable causalities among Indian forces.

Weapons used by PAF:


View attachment 543088

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003–Present [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
Engine Solid propellant booster (rocketry)
120 km

Electro-optical (infrared homing)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003 [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
60 km

Electro-optical (TV or infra-red imaging)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Old discussion on PDF about these weapon systems.


REK: (Range extenson Kits)


View attachment 543092

Range: 100KM

Launch platform: JF-17


1) Since India is chosen by the western deep states to be their regional sugarbaby, there was a well established pattern going on , since the NRO'ed leadership (Zardari and Nawaz) took over Pakistan, that whatever non sense will come from India, Pakistan had to except it. NOT ANYMORE.

2) From now on, India cannot use Pakistan for its internal politics without getting its face disfigured. Questions should be asked within India, after receiving this humiliation of surgical strike by Pakistan and shooting down of IAF jets, which leader will go to polls and think he/she will get votes? Like what? give me votes cause I lead India just to get spanked by Pakistan?

3) No one including India could now use any pretext, terrorism specially, to violate Pakistan sovereignty.

4) By hitting India, the main poodle of "extra regional powers", a message is being send to some local irritants like Kabul regime and Iranian military and establishment. People like Solimani should now exercise restraint in their utterances.

5) Israeli weaponry and system, on this occasion, used by Indian forces have been rendered useless. Their SOW performance was utter shambols, and Israeli upgraded SU30 and Mig21 Bison got blown out of sky. The ease with which PAF hit targets deep inside IOK, made the short work of Israeli provided air defence systems. A big question mark over Israeli products. Its one thing to use on Palestinians and tin pot Syrian and Iranian forces, but here, its a different ball game.

6) A BIG, rather MASSIVE, marketing coup for JF17. You dont have to sell it now, it has done its talking in battlefield. From lower tear Mig21 to top of the line SU30, from air to air combat, to stand off ground attack in one sortie. A true multi role and affordable jet.

7) Great marketing for Pakistani weapon systems, The H series and REK.

8) If lower tier of Pakistani stand off weaponry can make mockery of India, what would be the likes of RAAD 1/2 and beyond (classified) would do ?

9) Make no mistake, rules of the game are changed now. Yanks and their poodles in the region are not going to write the script now and expect everyone to follow. Not anymore.

10) We didnt receive any support after Indian so called strike, we replied on our own, with our own resources, capability and will.

11) Anyone noticed the pin drop silence by Indians over the participation and performace of the JF17s during this strike.

12) We said, Pakistan will always dominate the escalation ladder. And we did quite spectacularly. For the lose of few tress, we have shattered their bloated egos. We will dominate in future as well if further escalation is required.

Please add your input and observations. Thank you.

Indeed a complete write up, covering all the aspects of the events and the probable things to happen in future. Pakistan stature in the region will only grow moving forward.
LGBs got limited range. For instance the American Paveway 3 got effective range of 19Kms. You have to violate the Indian airspace to lock the targets.

Targets were deep inside IOK here on this occasion.

I remember seeing pics of SSG with American supplied laser designators for LGBs. I believe they were provided for WoT. I could be wrong.
Locations targeted in Indian occupied Kashmir:


We kept in mind that no collateral damage is caused. Therefore, keeping within our own air space, we selected Bhimber Gali, PG Top and Naryan area targets, our pilots locked those target. When they had an option to fire, they manifested responsibility and keeping safety engaged the targets in an open area.”

Bhimber Gali:

View attachment 543069

Can easily spot a major infrasture and army trucks. Would be nice to get some confirmation if it is the Indian army Dev HQ.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:

View attachment 543079

Standoff distance achive: 17KMs


There is no place coming up as Naryan. However, just above Srinagar, there is a place called Narayan. Guessing this is the place for the strike.

Distance from LOC + 10 kms aireal buffer zone:

View attachment 543081

Standoff distance achived: 77KMs

PG top:

Location unknown. Not visible in google map (Please add in your comments if identified)

I have got confirmation that targets as far as 100KMs from LOC inside India were hit.

Pakistani strikes represented escalation, claims India

When asked if Pakistan's incursion and alleged targeting of military installations could be construed as an act of war, Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor avoided a yes or no answer and instead alleged that Pakistan had targeted military installations in its strikes, and that represented an escalation in itself.

According to own Indian admission, the targets hit were "military installations". This debunk Indian initial non sense that IAF chased PAF down and the strikes didnt happen. This also raise questions about Pakistan public narrative that it didnt hit the targets but dropped bombs nearby just to send the message, however according to Indian Air vice Marshall, Pakistan targeted the military installation directly. This gives credence to whispers going about that indeed Pakistan knocked out several Indian military installation causing considerable causalities among Indian forces.

Weapons used by PAF:


View attachment 543088

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003–Present [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
Engine Solid propellant booster (rocketry)
120 km

Electro-optical (infrared homing)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Precision-guided glide bomb
Place of origin Pakistan
Service history
In service
2003 [1][2]
Used by Pakistan Air Force
Production history
High explosives
60 km

Electro-optical (TV or infra-red imaging)

Launch platform : Mirage.

Old discussion on PDF about these weapon systems.


REK: (Range extenson Kits)


View attachment 543092

Range: 100KM

Launch platform: JF-17


1) Since India is chosen by the western deep states to be their regional sugarbaby, there was a well established pattern going on , since the NRO'ed leadership (Zardari and Nawaz) took over Pakistan, that whatever non sense will come from India, Pakistan had to except it. NOT ANYMORE.

2) From now on, India cannot use Pakistan for its internal politics without getting its face disfigured. Questions should be asked within India, after receiving this humiliation of surgical strike by Pakistan and shooting down of IAF jets, which leader will go to polls and think he/she will get votes? Like what? give me votes cause I lead India just to get spanked by Pakistan?

3) No one including India could now use any pretext, terrorism specially, to violate Pakistan sovereignty.

4) By hitting India, the main poodle of "extra regional powers", a message is being send to some local irritants like Kabul regime and Iranian military and establishment. People like Solimani should now exercise restraint in their utterances.

5) Israeli weaponry and system, on this occasion, used by Indian forces have been rendered useless. Their SOW performance was utter shambols, and Israeli upgraded SU30 and Mig21 Bison got blown out of sky. The ease with which PAF hit targets deep inside IOK, made the short work of Israeli provided air defence systems. A big question mark over Israeli products. Its one thing to use on Palestinians and tin pot Syrian and Iranian forces, but here, its a different ball game.

6) A BIG, rather MASSIVE, marketing coup for JF17. You dont have to sell it now, it has done its talking in battlefield. From lower tear Mig21 to top of the line SU30, from air to air combat, to stand off ground attack in one sortie. A true multi role and affordable jet.

7) Great marketing for Pakistani weapon systems, The H series and REK.

8) If lower tier of Pakistani stand off weaponry can make mockery of India, what would be the likes of RAAD 1/2 and beyond (classified) would do ?

9) Make no mistake, rules of the game are changed now. Yanks and their poodles in the region are not going to write the script now and expect everyone to follow. Not anymore.

10) We didnt receive any support after Indian so called strike, we replied on our own, with our own resources, capability and will.

11) Anyone noticed the pin drop silence by Indians over the participation and performace of the JF17s during this strike.

12) We said, Pakistan will always dominate the escalation ladder. And we did quite spectacularly. For the loss of few tress, we have shattered their bloated egos. We will dominate in future as well if further escalation is required.

Please add your input and observations. Thank you.
We had these capabilities at the time of the 1st Fake Surgical Strike in 2016 but lacked the political will (Modi Lover Nawaz as PM) to respond. With IK at the helm, that has changed and Modi was expecting that he can repeat it with his 2nd Fake surgical strike and claim victory.
We had these capabilities at the time of the 1st Fake Surgical Strike in 2016 but lacked the political will (Modi Lover Nawaz as PM) to respond. With IK at the helm, that has changed and Modi was expecting that he can repeat it with his 2nd Fake surgical strike and claim victory.

The standoff capability is there for a very long time, almost two decades.

As for Modi, he is not only a fool but got some terrible advisors as well. I don't know how Ajeet Doval is still in the office after the fiasco.
Any thoughts on the Pakistani nuclear threshold being tested?

The first level of threshold was just tested and then wrapped around your neck for all to see. By all means, let's give it a go.
It is as opaque as we would like it to be. Just the way it needs to be.
This incident simply erased the notion that any confrontation will lead to a nuclear war. World did not come to a halt, no one begged India & Pakistan to back off. It was just another day in the world of wars. Expect more such incidents to take place. It is a irony that a country which used to drop N-word at the drop of a hat was asking for peace, do nukes go on a vacation when they are badly needed?
This incident simply erased the notion that any confrontation will lead to a nuclear war. World did not come to a halt, no one begged India & Pakistan to back off. It was just another day in the world of wars. Expect more such incidents to take place. It is a irony that a country which used to drop N-word at the drop of a hat was asking for peace, do nukes go on a vacation when they are badly needed?
Lol peace is for world consumption. India is welcome not to make peace and take it to next level.
Ghar mein ghus Kar notion check mate
India's conventional superiority myth check mated
Vedic technology via keyboard check mated
Modi's attitude check mate.
We got your navy officer
We got your airman.
Soon a ground officer will be caught too.
Atleast as of now your intelligence and air force ego is drawing a line on the ground with its nose.
Your turn cry brag or whatever just make your move if you dare.
There is a word in panjabi called phontar Jana that is a state of after you get slapped and loose coordination. That's the state of Mighty Modi his ego lies wrecked and smoking along both sides of LOC.
You tried to play Kabadi and wwe and found us in UFC mode
Last edited:
Spot on...India crossed your boundary and placed a bet on you....Honestly speaking i doubt India has killed any one in Pakistan..Personally i am happy that not a major loss of life from your end....Now Indian army must be expecting Pakistan to take the bet and start attack any military installation....That is wht happened here...Now India can present itself as a victim of both terrorism and external aggression prior to taking any action...
I'm afraid you've missed the message sent to india and the world by a 100 miles. the real message sent by Pakistan is that there is NOTHING that india has and can try that we CANNOT defeat. And also, we can go anywhere in india, as deep as we want. We can hit india where we want, when we want and how we want.

This incident simply erased the notion that any confrontation will lead to a nuclear war. World did not come to a halt, no one begged India & Pakistan to back off. It was just another day in the world of wars. Expect more such incidents to take place. It is a irony that a country which used to drop N-word at the drop of a hat was asking for peace, do nukes go on a vacation when they are badly needed?
true. most probably because the world already knows that pulwama was a false flag and this confrontational hoopla by modi and his circus is to win the elections. the elections alone mean that modi won't risk nuclear annihilation. therefore the world is fairly at ease.

It is not necessary you need to agree with all aspect of opinion that is different than mine...
Freedom is a luxury in this world...We live in a world of reality where Kashmir ll be in India in the same way Tibet is with China and Baloch people are in Pakistan...Does any one from Muslim worls even has the courage to ask what is going on Ughigur Muslima of China?? Did any one think if they also nees freedom..

So overall my point is that both nation should stop playing games in the name of moral biases....Pakistan need Kashmir because you need to expand your territory...India need Kashmir because we want to keep it...
Rest of the noise about freedom movement ,seculariam are just noise made by respective gov to manipulate their own people..
ever since russia and China exposed the united states as being the creator and key supporter of ISIS, the air has let the tires of the "anti-terrorism" bandwagon that everyone was jumping on. in other words, sab ko pata lag giya hay keh hammam may sab nangay hain. notice, none other than the united states itself is not only negotiating with terrorists, heck, she is straight u BEGGING them (read Afg Taliban).

india needs to get with the times...the "atanvaad" randi ronay vala chooran ab market may bik nahi raha.


We need the MKI pilot back too.
one of 'em got roasted on the loc side after get shot outta the sky. the 2nd one we captured.

Again...we do not beleive our Gov where there are enough reason to suspect them....Unlike us,your people even do not question about why your state support elements who are part of terrorism in Kashmir..Or your people think supporting militants who attack Indian army is a good thing..
the real question (to you) is that why wouldn't our people like and support element that attack the indian army in kashmir. OF COURSE IT IS A GOOD THING because your army does not belong there. THAT is what WE believe and continue to believe. you guys really need to wake up and stop trying to sell your chooran to us. your perspective of who is and is not a terrorist comes across as irrelevant (read hypocritical) to us given that india has been state-sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. kulbhushan yadav is just one example of it.
This incident simply erased the notion that any confrontation will lead to a nuclear war. World did not come to a halt, no one begged India & Pakistan to back off. It was just another day in the world of wars. Expect more such incidents to take place. It is a irony that a country which used to drop N-word at the drop of a hat was asking for peace, do nukes go on a vacation when they are badly needed?
YOU People are most welcome to try again! we need fun once psl4 ends! and there is no fun like kicking Indian arses!
Good to know that you accept of your people support attack on Indian army and provide arms aid and support to them...That is exactly India would like to present to the world...
once again, you still don't get it. the world already knows that supporting the innocent and unarmed fighting against injustice at the hands of a foreign oppressor IS NOT TERRORISM! iok is internationally recognized as disputed territory. balochistan and xinjiang are NOT internationally recognized as disputed territory, they are considered as a recognized part their respective countries while iok is NOT recognized as a part india by the world regardless of how much shushma swaraj dances the "atoot ang" kathak dance at the u.n. Not gonna happen. Having said that, anyone who supports the people of kashmir in fighting oppression from their internationally recognized right to self-determination is NOT considered as terrorism. it only becomes terrorism if the supporter takes the fight elsewhere in india. but that hasn't happened. azhar et al are not on the blacklist just for that one reason.
This incident simply erased the notion that any confrontation will lead to a nuclear war. World did not come to a halt, no one begged India & Pakistan to back off. It was just another day in the world of wars. Expect more such incidents to take place. It is a irony that a country which used to drop N-word at the drop of a hat was asking for peace, do nukes go on a vacation when they are badly needed?

Pakistan’s conventional forces are the first deterrence against aggression. Nukes are second. Pakistan didn’t have to resort to them because the conventional forces matched and overwhelmed India and bruised them badly. Pakistan had to give India a face saving exit. Why escalate when your opponent is bloodied and grounded? The world today acknowledges two things 1) how overrated India’s military is and 2) how fake and counterfactual Indian media is....mission accomplished


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