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PAF Should Stop Purchase of Any New F 16's


but PAF does not think of J-10s as subtitute for F-16s.

The romance will contiue until the airframe life of MLUed F-16s comes to an end.

PAF F-16s are a true example of true love.


They are hard testing the J 10 B with aesa----the F 16's will stay in service----but it must not be the mainstay of paf.

As for the J 31---it is a minimum of a 10 years away. THe JF 17 with aesa will be a very potent aircraft but the paf needs to put its focus on the J 10 B +++

They are hard testing the J 10 B with aesa----the F 16's will stay in service----but it must not be the mainstay of paf.

As for the J 31---it is a minimum of a 10 years away. THe JF 17 with aesa will be a very potent aircraft but the paf needs to put its focus on the J 10 B +++

Sir, Are you sure that this time around, for the latest batch of 18 vipers SABR is still off the table?
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What is that ?

That will be J 10 B, C or other advance versions

Sir, Are you sure that this time around, for the latest batch of 18 vipers SABR is still of the table?

As for now----there is no information available----.

But to calm down Pakistan and calm the nerves of the Pakistanis---the sabr maybe put on the table----.

This time the U S is between a rock and a hard place----isis on one side---failures in middle east---Afghanistan on the brink to topple---yemen crisis---and to top this off---the news abut Osama Bin Laden----the U S never thought 14 years ago that it would end up in this sink hole----.

So---yes---SABR might be on the table----as the J 10B with aesa is available as well.
That will be J 10 B, C or other advance versions

As for now----there is no information available----.

But to calm down Pakistan and calm the nerves of the Pakistanis---the sabr maybe put on the table----.

This time the U S is between a rock and a hard place----isis on one side---failures in middle east---Afghanistan on the brink to topple---yemen crisis---and to top this off---the news abut Osama Bin Laden----the U S never thought 14 years ago that it would end up in this sink hole----.

So---yes---SABR might be on the table----as the J 10B with aesa is available as well.

Well given the fact that J10b++ will take time to mature, shouldn't we go for the Blk52's for now?

I would prefer the Blk61 but that would cost approx $25m more per aircraft
Well given the fact that J10b++ will take time to mature, shouldn't we go for the Blk52's for now?

I would prefer the Blk61 but that would cost approx $25m more per aircraft


That is a bitter pill to swallow----. Pakistan has 5 year window of opportunity----by the time india gets its rafale----. It is time enough for the J 10 B +++ to be procured and integrated.

It can secure its option for the 18 f 16's----it can also go after the BLK 61----but it needs a second aircraft with the same capability or more than the F 16 blk 52 with aesa or above---and that would be the J 10 B.

125 F 16's----100 J 10's----36 J 11 D's---250 JF17's---.

This Osama issue has secured the goodwill of te U S towards Pakistan for another 10 + years----

Paf should stop any further purchase of the F 16's. With the availability of the J 10B with aesa---there a=is no reason for the Paf to go any further with the F 16 than where it is.

The F 16's have served their purpose well---it has been a great workhorse for the Pakistani defence forces----but it does not make any sense to decline the J 10B---.

Aesa radar is a game changer for any fighting force----it is a massive force multiplier---. All the weapons that the J 10 would need to use are being used by the JF 17's. With a 1000 TR modules---the Chinese aesa is supposedly as good as the sabr aesa for the F 16----sabr aesa is not available to pkistan.

This change should be made keeping in view the drama that was created by Pres Obama regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It is time for the Paf to change directions. The cost of the J 10 would be slightly less than the F 16 but the weapons systems equally potent and a radar far exceeding the one on the F 16.

It will also be making a statement to the U S---you have played us for long---it seems like your and our interests are not in the same parallels anymore---you have used every opportunity to slam us at every turn and corner for mistakes and errors in judgement that you could blame on us---.

Maybe you can have a partner in Iran----but for now----let us step away for a little while so that we can look at our issues and problems without any pressure from you and you can look at the your concerns without and attachment with us.

I think if we are going for 18 BLK52s, we should go for it....we will have those up and running in no time.

Weren't you the proponent of a 100 F-16 fleets? J-10s we can still get, 2-4 squadrons worth.

That is a bitter pill to swallow----. Pakistan has 5 year window of opportunity----by the time india gets its rafale----. It is time enough for the J 10 B +++ to be procured and integrated.

It can secure its option for the 18 f 16's----it can also go after the BLK 61----but it needs a second aircraft with the same capability or more than the F 16 blk 52 with aesa or above---and that would be the J 10 B.

125 F 16's----100 J 10's----36 J 11 D's---250 JF17's---.

This Osama issue has secured the goodwill of te U S towards Pakistan for another 10 + years----

Kindly elaborate. Thanks!!
I think if we are going for 18 BLK52s, we should go for it....we will have those up and running in no time.

Weren't you the proponent of a 100 F-16 fleets? J-10s we can still get, 2-4 squadrons worth.

As Donatello stated we will go for 18 more blk 52's & which I agree with a 100% & I know this for a fact that as always PAF wants to maintain a 100+ fleet of vipers and you all will see that this will happen and should happen one must use their head before using their hand it goes hand to hand. Second PAF can get 2 - 3 sq's of J-10 B or J-10C I think this will also happen thunders will stay on track hopefully and replace older f-7p's and many mirages and then comes the third aspect which will PAF will go straight to 5th gen in the coming years - now what just happened ? well gaps were filled to maintain a decent and powerful fleet older fighters have been replaced multirole fighters are in place and now you have a force you want simple as that the plan is not that hard to understand I think its on the right track .
Kindly elaborate. Thanks!!


I would think that 125 F 16's would be a good number. With the current numbers at 70---and supposed future order of 18 more will put at 88 aircraft.

Alongwith this order---paf needs to star ordering the J 10B with aesa---. U S would hate to see its influene waning away from Pakistan---it already has---so then it would be easier to get the BLK 61 as you mentioned----2 sqdrn's of those aircraft will do the job----.

For the blk 52's---paf needs to go for aesa and for them to be in a better position to negotiate---they must have J 10B's with aesa at hand or in the process---.

Which means that paf will be integrating 3 aesa equipped fighter aircraft at the same time---the JF 17 blk3---the J10B and he F 16's.

The paf first needs to place an order of J 10B's in order to manipulate the process----the americans hate to see their operators go to someone else----.

Do what egyt did---the U S tried to strong arm them---they said screw you and within 3 months ordered the rafale---now the U S is begging them to buy the F 16's---.

The thing is that with the availability of J 10 B with aesa----we get a lost of leverage as to what to do. Once that happen----the balance of power shifts in the favor of Pakistan a little bit in the region---thus getting next version of F 16 should not be a problem.

As I stated--this Osama / Obama drama has given Pakistan a renewed life of 10 + years with the U S. That is a good enough time to develop the J 31----.
@MastanKhan This is what I have been saying too. It is time to stop purchases of F16 & explore for new & long term options because the problems PAF will face with F16 is spare parts & maintenance job, when US stops the supply our F16's will be grounded & PAF will suffer. I also agree with you on why J10B has been dropped, they are the best available option for PAF.

Many people here believe JF17 is the right choice, but what they need to understand is JF17 is not a solution for everything. New fighter jets are needed & F16 should be & needs to be replaced.
Do you also want our buses and trucks to replace the F-16 drawings with J-10's? Pathans will kill you. Never mention this preposterous idea again.

F-16 A/B that has undergone MLU is still cheaper than J10-B. Besides it was love at first sight, Pakistan won't leave the F-16 just like that.
We should not let go the option of buying 18 F-16 C/D with all the bling bling ....afterwards ...Going for J-31 will remain the only good option ....It seems a long way to go for PAF to retire all the F-7 and most of the Mirages to replace it with something new ...!

J31 & J20 will keep mutating & whenever they get inducted in PLAAF they will be a completely different aircraft then what they are now. So it will take years.

Paf should stop any further purchase of the F 16's. With the availability of the J 10B with aesa---there a=is no reason for the Paf to go any further with the F 16 than where it is.

The F 16's have served their purpose well---it has been a great workhorse for the Pakistani defence forces----but it does not make any sense to decline the J 10B---.

Aesa radar is a game changer for any fighting force----it is a massive force multiplier---. All the weapons that the J 10 would need to use are being used by the JF 17's. With a 1000 TR modules---the Chinese aesa is supposedly as good as the sabr aesa for the F 16----sabr aesa is not available to pkistan.

This change should be made keeping in view the drama that was created by Pres Obama regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It is time for the Paf to change directions. The cost of the J 10 would be slightly less than the F 16 but the weapons systems equally potent and a radar far exceeding the one on the F 16.

It will also be making a statement to the U S---you have played us for long---it seems like your and our interests are not in the same parallels anymore---you have used every opportunity to slam us at every turn and corner for mistakes and errors in judgement that you could blame on us---.

Maybe you can have a partner in Iran----but for now----let us step away for a little while so that we can look at our issues and problems without any pressure from you and you can look at the your concerns without and attachment with us.
why sudden change of heart, you never considered Chinese option even close in performance to USA one

Do you also want our buses and trucks to replace the F-16 drawings with J-10's? Pathans will kill you. Never mention this preposterous idea again.

F-16 A/B that has undergone MLU is still cheaper than J10-B. Besides it was love at first sight, Pakistan won't leave the F-16 just like that.
really!, an odd way of appreciating patriotism ...

@MastanKhan This is what I have been saying too. It is time to stop purchases of F16 & explore for new & long term options because the problems PAF will face with F16 is spare parts & maintenance job, when US stops the supply our F16's will be grounded & PAF will suffer. I also agree with you on why J10B has been dropped, they are the best available option for PAF.

Many people here believe JF17 is the right choice, but what they need to understand is JF17 is not a solution for everything. New fighter jets are needed & F16 should be & needs to be replaced.
what other options besides j-10?
i think the issue is rebuilding a whole setup from the ground for inducting just 2 squardons.
unless PAF goes for 60-70 J-10 it will not make sense.

so far the finances dont allow that..
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