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PAF Should Stop Purchase of Any New F 16's

IMHO, There is one aspect of the J10A/B fighter that most ppl over look. It is the fact that Chinese Forces have optimized J10 for only one role i.e. Air to Air. I have never seen J10 with other ground or Naval attack loads. Because China uses the Su/J11-15 series in that role. It does not mean that J10 cannot do any other role; it just means that the Chinese, at the moment, have no need for J10 in those roles. So any buyer willing to buy J10 will probably going to evaluate the same thing .. just like the Argentinians find JF17 more suitable and multi dimensional than a J10.

Same is the case with PAF. If and when we need to induct a new plane, I am sure the decision makers are going to check for a multirole platform which can bring a multi dimensional boost in our capabilities. If J10 is our only option than PAF is definitely going to request an evolved J10 version with ground and naval attack capabilities which will require separate resources and time. Will PAF fund that improvement ?? That is the real question.
The J-10's currently flying with PLAAF are for one role alone to counter the F-15's, hence they are Air Superiority fighters.

When Pakistan was initially offered these aircraft they were facing two problems one the Design was Israeli and the engines were not permitted by both Russia and Ukraine.

Pakistan wanted China to drop this and get the JF-17's but now China has further developed the J-10 to J-10C which is completely Chinese. It also uses a Chinese engine, though it can also use the older engine which is now cleared for export to Pakistan from both Russia and Ukraine.

J-10C has a DSI and is multi-role.
Chengdu Aircraft Industry designing more advanced J-10C fighter|WantChinaTimes.com

J10C completed maiden flight test at today's afternoon 1:50PM

Here is the complete article.

Friday, December 27, 2013
Chengdu Aircraft Industry designing more advanced J-10C fighter

  • Staff Reporter
  • 2013-12-24
  • 08:55 (GMT+8)

A J-10B prototype takes a test flight. (Internet photo)

The J-10B — the upgrade version of China's J-10 fighter — recently entered service with the People's Liberation Army, with its designer Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group already developing the more advanced J-10C, reports the Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television.

Equipped with an active electronically scanned array radar, Phoenix Television stated that the J-10B has the capability to take out Japan's F-15J fighters if an aerial confrontation were to occur over the disputed Diaoyutai islands (called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China) in the East China Sea. The fighter is also built with radar absorbent material and better diverterless supersonic inlet, while its stealth capability has also been increased compared to its predecessor, the J-10A.

China is the only nation in the world which has the ability to build its own diverterless supersonic inlet other than the United States, the report said. With this technology, the J-10B is believed to be the best 4.5 generation fighter in the Asia-Pacific region. Its helmet-mounted display system designed for J-10B pilots reacts faster and it is also very similar to the US-built F-16E/F Block 60 and French-built Rafale.

However, the J-10B is primarily designed as a fighter for aerial engagement. A multirole fighter will be needed for China to conduct ground attack missions as well as aerial combat missions against potential enemies in the region and therefore the PLA Air Force and Navy Air Force will need the more advanced J-10C, Phoenix Television said.

China's fourth-generation stealth J10C born in Chengdu shock: U.S. imperialism terrified

Recent U.S. military rebellion: fly into China has developed the latest improved J10 - J10C fighters. The successful development of such fighters as early as expected the U.S. military, because the J10 aircraft from its official public official is already fielded dozens of front-line troops stand much.

  J10C equipped with more advanced radar equipment, the radar has greater than the J10 radar detection range and the ability to simultaneously track 12 targets and hit one of the biggest threats to six goals. Its cockpit is set up more advanced domestic diffraction HUD. In addition J10C In addition equipped with more advanced air to air missiles in the moment PL12 will be equipped with more advanced PL-13 remote air missiles, and this has the ability anti-missile early warning aircraft. The installation of a laser-guided pod J10C, but also to launch a variety of laser-guided bombs, to further improve the precision strike capability against ground fighters.

  J10C and J10 have a large difference in appearance, which uses a more sophisticated inlet design, originally because of the installation of a larger thrust engines designed for six additional bone ribs will cease to exist, replaced by a more streamlined design. In addition to the inlet, the biggest difference J10C and J10 appearance is that, J10C also *** F16E as the installation of a similar "hump Falcon" two king-size fuel tanks.

  In this regard the United States was not surprised that the United States believes J10 fighter design success lies in its fully digested and absorbed the advantages of F16 fighters, so J10C and F16E adopt similar practices designed to increase the range is not surprising. J10 fighter's overall performance has exceeded the F16A / B, and J10C fighter's performance is like with a dial-around as rhenium Shite man, and has exceeded all models F16, one of the main active duty U.S. warplanes. But the U.S. also believes that due to the J10 aircraft engines still have to rely on Russia, so Russia's J10C only uses the latest improved AL-31FN engine.

  The United States further noted J10C the successful development of China's significance lies not only J10C fighter itself, but rather as an important mission to China in its fourth generation fighter validation machines! It is reported that, J10C using stealth coatings, infrared suppression and many other stealth technology to reduce the amount of infrared radiation, and radar reflectivity, and before the U.S. military successfully developed a fourth-generation fighter F35, is also the first in the F16E fighter stealth design validation work carried out, and Russia launched the S-37 Golden Eagle aircraft also served the same task. So J10C successful development indicates that China's fourth-generation fighter JXX true also about to take off!

Australian air force official blog magazine recently wrote, the exposure of the appearance and performance data of China's carrier-based aircraft J-10C, where landing roll distance reduced to less than 50 meters.

The article points out that these data show, J-10C carrier-based aircraft and J-10 fighter series are almost identical, only the thrust increased from 122 kN to 152 kN, sliding distance shortened to less than 50 meters. Like with J-10, J-10C in addition to maintaining normal levels of the carrier aircraft flight, there is sufficient force to meet the needs of a variety of combat mission execution, and thus, J-10C acceleration, climbing and have been circled, etc. increased dramatically, even into combat mode vertical rise effortlessly.

The article said, J-10C carrier-based aircraft operator controlled by a weapon, and is responsible for precision strikes. J-10C can carry 4 tons of ammunition, and the future will be equipped with precision-guided weapons. In addition, the carrier aircraft may also have ground attack capability
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