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PAF Should Stop Purchase of Any New F 16's

Very things that make it affordable and easier, also make jf unadaptable to many technologies and not a top-notch fighter.

PAF had time to choose J-10 but they went for f-16 and now it can't be undone
Jf-17 was designed to replace the 3 gen aircraft, incorporating 4 gen technologies, giving a boost to our local aerospace sector, It was never ever designed to be top notch fighter. You cant expect a -22 from a fist hand experience can ya?

There is nothing stopping us from getting our hands oon those -10 birds other than the stupidity of people sitting in PAF offices, as mentioned by @MastanKhan sahb. follow his posts on Paf and you will know what i mean
It would be prudent to not compare Chinese with American military technology.

Americans are far far ahead still. China might be catching up but still its quite far.

As for F-16 compared with Chinese platforms, I would say no comparison. Simply because American military platforms are proven and have a pedigree in technology that Chinese still cant match.

That's quite a sweeping generalization.
Jf-17 was designed to replace the 3 gen aircraft, incorporating 4 gen technologies, giving a boost to our local aerospace sector, It was never ever designed to be top notch fighter. You cant expect a -22 from a fist hand experience can ya?

There is nothing stopping us from getting our hands oon those -10 birds other than the stupidity of people sitting in PAF offices, as mentioned by @MastanKhan sahb. follow his posts on Paf and you will know what i mean

They can be bought and glimpse chances are they might be but IAF MMRCA will write it's drop scene

The sale would depend upon how much heat china is facing in the south china seas.

Nope, the sale hinges on whether China is willing to risk offending Russia for a few bucks.
Hi ,
can ypu please re post it, I am not sure what you mean by that. since one liners are not excatly my cup of tea

Don't think that PAF is gonna decide to induct another type without waiting for India to make a move
Don't think that PAF is gonna decide to induct another type without waiting for India to make a move
true it would be very imprudent to assume as such.
in order to remain one step ahead in game or in the game, you always think one step ahead.
Instead of being reactive you become what is known as proactive.

then you have the option to dictate what other party makes in a move
true it would be very imprudent to assume as such.
in order to remain one step ahead in game or in the game, you always think one step ahead.
Instead of being reactive you become what is known as proactive.

then you have the option to dictate what other party makes in a move

It's too early to show our cards and ball is in India's court. But that doesn't mean that PAF hasn't thought of or rehearsed for different possible scenarios
true it would be very imprudent to assume as such.
in order to remain one step ahead in game or in the game, you always think one step ahead.
Instead of being reactive you become what is known as proactive.

then you have the option to dictate what other party makes in a move


You are right---a prudent person would do that---. But I see----that for some reason---it has lost its glitter---it has lost its luster.

Now is the time for it to get into the next gear. They can't keep chugging in the 3rd and 4th gear. For some reason they went into this reactive mode----they went into a total lack of professionalism----and uncalled for behavior for a military wing---. There are some major problems with this part of army----and someone needs to flush ut the problems----.

What needs to be found out:---

1. how was it possible to smash the air chief 's plane against the mountain---

2. attack on the base in Karachi

3. attack on the base at karma

similar action needs to taken against them as was taken against the general in north korea.
F-16.BL.52+ Seems to be better than Gripen NG & 39C


- 2 ) We cant get Boeing F-18 Uncle sam wont sell it + it's expensive...


3) Same is the case with Typhoon


- For now it seems that our policy makers are not interested in other platforms except J-31 !!
- If Our budget allows to go for it ,still i think we should save this money for J-31 and also keep upgrading our JF-17s..
- we should wait further more as we know chinese are upgrading J-10s...
- we should not acquire more F-16s,now we should look toward other platforms of chinese origin..
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It's too early to show our cards and ball is in India's court. But that doesn't mean that PAF hasn't thought of or rehearsed for different possible scenarios
Like every other muhib ul watan pakistani I am not here to dash down your hopes, but i would want you to know the realities surrounding our acquisitions in PAF. and then see you loving it. if you still do, then you bleed green my bhai.

So far this is what is has been, the greatest blunders from our fazza key muhafiz


You are right---a prudent person would do that---. But I see----that for some reason---it has lost its glitter---it has lost its luster.

Now is the time for it to get into the next gear. They can't keep chugging in the 3rd and 4th gear. For some reason they went into this reactive mode----they went into a total lack of professionalism----and uncalled for behavior for a military wing---. There are some major problems with this part of army----and someone needs to flush ut the problems----.

What needs to be found out:---

1. how was it possible to smash the air chief 's plane against the mountain---

2. attack on the base in Karachi

3. attack on the base at karma

similar action needs to taken against them as was taken against the general in north korea.
its true though sir, something we all pakistani lack in ourselves, professionalism. I am yet to see any resignation forwarded on the Kamra and karachi incident.

What i find even more disgusting is the fact that our hi ranking generals have all their properties and their families well settled in west :bad:
But that doesn't stop me from contributing towards this great nation. May it always prosper even after my death Ameen
Like every other muhib ul watan pakistani I am not here to dash down your hopes, but i would want you to know the realities surrounding our acquisitions in PAF. and then see you loving it. if you still do, then you bleed green my bhai.

So far this is what is has been, the greatest blunders from our fazza key muhafiz

its true though sir, something we all pakistani lack in ourselves, professionalism. I am yet to see any resignation forwarded on the Kamra and karachi incident.

What i find even more disgusting is the fact that our hi ranking generals have all their properties and their families well settled in west :bad:
But that doesn't stop me from contributing towards this great nation. May it always prosper even after my death Ameen

Does it matter that whether I like PAF's current face or not? It's still those fizzai mujahids who'd define it even without us liking it
Does it matter that whether I like PAF's current face or not? It's still those fizzai mujahids who'd define it even without us liking it
You are getting it wrong. I like every other pakistani would lay my life when ever there will be a call of duty, InshAllah.

and as much as we love and support our armed forces, we have every right to praise as well as criticize it wherever it is due. lets not get this discussion into emotional part.

when it comes to maintaining upper hand, you always go for superior and hi tech equipments, MashAllah unlike Arab countries who have hi tech goodies yet they lack manpower, we OTOH have a pool of brave warriors and which is the reason why i would criticize PAF for their inability to provide these boys with much deserved weapons.

I m sure you must have heard of M.M Alam. that is the result of skill plus hi tech equipment.

As i recall it was during those sanction years when PAF was offered Mirages, but a very lakeer fakeer procurement officer of PAF I believe cancelled the deal altogether as he came to know about kickbacks that were being offered. perhaps @MastanKhan Shab can shed some light on it. I mean look at the short sightedness of the officer. Kaha ki soch kaha apply ki.

When he could have easily later on, after the procurement prosecuted the officer involved in corruption, but instead he choose to cancel the deal altogether.
If we had those jets we would be in very much different position from what we at now.

This is my objection the very culture and lack of professionalism in PAF. not anything to do with our brave pilots

There is a lots of stuff that is available to paf----but when you want to dig into it a little deeper---the best may not be the best over all.

Here we have a JF 17---an average middle of the line fighter strike aircraft---. What differs it from everything else is the total weapons package---. The grippen does not even come close to this aircraft as an overall package----. You can literally have 2 1/2 JF 17's for 1 Grippen and the JF 17's have a massive advantage for the armament that they can launch.

As I mentioned---the only thing missing here is an aesa and off bore sight missile capability---once you have a capable agile beam aesa---you have pretty much reached close to the pinnacle of 4 +++ gen aircraft---and on a given day---you can literally take on any other currently operating aircraft our opponent can put out.

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