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PAF shoot down IAF SU-30 MKI l News & Discussion

mis leading video

first it shows parachutes from Su30MKI then it shows dead burnt pilots with text saying IAF Su30MKI

so what they landed from parachutes made their way over to the crash site and got killed?

these type of videos just add more confusion

the wreckage burning is the Mi17

although I am convinced Su30 MKI was downed

What if the pilot killed in the video unable to EJECT safely other then the one sitting next to ??? how you predict that both pilots of twin seater ejected safely ????

Also the wreckage is completely different of Mi17 clip... completely different.. Your comment clearly shows you haven't seen the videos of crashes since day one.
These proofs should be saved as indian propaganda masters are now focusing to delete all these proofs. These should be uploaded on PDF so indians don't lie deep down in future, as they did for 48, 65 and 99 when Pakistan had almost no media.
These proofs should be saved as indian propaganda masters are now focusing to delete all these proofs. These should be uploaded on PDF so indians don't lie deep down in future, as they did for 48, 65 and 99 when Pakistan had almost no media.
Indian propaganda machine is extremely active all over social media.
Considering that it takes 4 minutes to travel that far at jet attack speeds; it is common; as recently as syria incursions have gone as far as 150km with many more assets in the air on defense.

The bigger issue here is, introspectively Indian public needs to look at the current lambs(I would use a more disparaging term with the way the press conference went) leading its lions.

Supposedly having more assets and more advanced ones at that per all the Indian netizens claims and so on, all the foriegn exersizes and knowledge exchanges so far, all the claims of battle preparedness so far; pilots like Abhinandan should not have been sent out there (and as we maintain on our side another jet) and found themselves at a disadvantage.

From a detached observers PoV, the IAF I was hyping up in my mind has been deflated quite a bit- less so of the equipment, more so due to the performance. I am not discounting the common IAF warrior, but I do think a deep persual of the current military and political leadership of India would be in order by those who have independent thought over there.
I absolutely agree Oscar. The moment news spread of our Mig-21 shot, the immediate reaction among masses here was sheer anger; No, it was not against Pakistan, but against our Airforce command. The only question circulating was, what Mig-21s were doing in such a hot atmosphere when an attack from PAF with JF-17 and F-16 was imminent? Whether Wing Commander Abhinandan shot an F-16 or not does not deny the fact that his individual bravery can not hide the short sightedness and incompetence of his superior commands.

Another matter is the arising doubts about our capability. Independent sources are now claiming that our LGBs fell well 150-300 meters short of their targets. According to one video footage, the JeM run Madrasah (and according to one sat image from an Australian source too) is still intact. IAF needs to realize that unless they come up with credible proofs, such serious questions about its capability are bound to come and inflict irreparable damage to its own image as well as its country's. As far as the facts of today are concerned, IAF has handed over a psychological upperhand to your country. I have no option other than accepting it.
I absolutely agree Oscar. The moment news spread of our Mig-21 shot, the immediate reaction among masses here was sheer anger; No, it was not against Pakistan, but against our Airforce command. The only question circulating was, what Mig-21s were doing in such a hot atmosphere when an attack from PAF with JF-17 and F-16 was imminent? Whether Wing Commander Abhinandan shot an F-16 or not does not deny the fact that his individual bravery can not hide the short sightedness and incompetence of his superior commands.

Another matter is the arising doubts about our capability. Independent sources are now claiming that our LGBs fell well 150-300 meters short of their targets. According to one video footage, the JeM run Madrasah (and according to one sat image from an Australian source too) is still intact. IAF needs to realize that unless they come up with credible proofs, such serious questions about its capability are bound to come and inflict irreparable damage to its own image as well as its country's. As far as the facts of today are concerned, IAF has handed over a psychological upperhand to your country. I have no option other than accepting it.
A human mind can t be controlled. A pilot need to have solid reason to hit the target. Otherwise .... such incidence keep on happening . Human realize the truth , but deny. And this denial mood always impact his physical actions.
I absolutely agree Oscar. The moment news spread of our Mig-21 shot, the immediate reaction among masses here was sheer anger; No, it was not against Pakistan, but against our Airforce command. The only question circulating was, what Mig-21s were doing in such a hot atmosphere when an attack from PAF with JF-17 and F-16 was imminent? Whether Wing Commander Abhinandan shot an F-16 or not does not deny the fact that his individual bravery can not hide the short sightedness and incompetence of his superior commands.

Another matter is the arising doubts about our capability. Independent sources are now claiming that our LGBs fell well 150-300 meters short of their targets. According to one video footage, the JeM run Madrasah (and according to one sat image from an Australian source too) is still intact. IAF needs to realize that unless they come up with credible proofs, such serious questions about its capability are bound to come and inflict irreparable damage to its own image as well as its country's. As far as the facts of today are concerned, IAF has handed over a psychological upperhand to your country. I have no option other than accepting it.
Only a single unbiased and reasonable post from indians so far ... however, all the respectable and senior members were already silwnt on this ... hiwever, i think bison is not a bad choice as an interceptor ... it is small highly agile a quick interceptor ... in interceptor role we arestill using f7s which are lower in capability then bison ... i think IAF was over confident from the restraint PAF exercised since past 20 years starting from kargil ... PAF ambushed mig by setting up a trap ... details r not yet known but IAF was not expecting an attack from PAF ... i think indians to look into the missinformstion being spread they r a suprrior force now as they have better equipment ... real wars r not based on paper capabilities .... there r lot of variables .. we lesrnt that hard way after fighting for a decade plus ... india and its media should also realize this ... war is not a game ...
I would request every member, especially seniors and with coefficients of "elite" and "thinktank", and "consultant" to give the topic a break. it is going into analysis paralysis and paranoia.
Truth will come after some time , take break till such time and resume the analysis blitzkrieg again.
I absolutely agree Oscar. The moment news spread of our Mig-21 shot, the immediate reaction among masses here was sheer anger; No, it was not against Pakistan, but against our Airforce command. The only question circulating was, what Mig-21s were doing in such a hot atmosphere when an attack from PAF with JF-17 and F-16 was imminent? Whether Wing Commander Abhinandan shot an F-16 or not does not deny the fact that his individual bravery can not hide the short sightedness and incompetence of his superior commands.

Another matter is the arising doubts about our capability. Independent sources are now claiming that our LGBs fell well 150-300 meters short of their targets. According to one video footage, the JeM run Madrasah (and according to one sat image from an Australian source too) is still intact. IAF needs to realize that unless they come up with credible proofs, such serious questions about its capability are bound to come and inflict irreparable damage to its own image as well as its country's. As far as the facts of today are concerned, IAF has handed over a psychological upperhand to your country. I have no option other than accepting it.

I wholeheartedly agree with your first paragraph, and it is correct that WC Abhinandan was put at a disadvantage. PAF set an ambush, and the IAF fell right through it. Could explain why the AM of the Western command was sacked.

But i would like to address your highlighted point. I for one don't think the IAF M2K's missed their mark and in my opinion the LGB's were deliberately dropped to avoid any collateral damage. Let's accept the Indian argument that it was a terrorist training camp. This might mean the terrorists could have had their children or wives in that compound too. Imagine the hue and cry that would have been made in Pakistan when the cameras would be showing bodies and clothes of kids and women. Pakistan would have been forced to retaliate against Indian military installations. This was most likely a face saving given by India to Pakistan to demonstrate its capability and keep the support base of Mr. Modi happy. I for one don't think the IAF M2K's missed their mark.
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