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PAF Pioneered the CFT


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
There seems to be a dilemma, whether the PAF's Block-52 F-16s have the Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFT) in the package. Albeit this accessory is not only confirmed but even the older F-16s, during upgrades, will be plumbed to be equipped with these tanks. However what's more interesting is that back in the 80s, the PAF designed and equipped it's fleet of F-6s with such tanks called Gondola. In the 80s, while under sanctions, the F-6s formed back bone of PAF fighter squadrons, but it suffered from a limited endurance. However with addition of these tanks, the F-6s were able to maintain "On Station" for longer periods.
Suffice to say, PAF was one of the pioneers of the CFTs.
Now that's something new to me!:woot:
Good to know that PAF already used this concept of CFT back in 1980's and without any western assistance....seems like U.S stole this idea from PAF!! :lol:
By x_man

Hi guys

First of all congrats to all Pakistanis here for achieving a capability that was looooong outstanding.

Now the second and the important thing....Please stop freaking out over CFTs and the rest of the equipment....We have got it all.... even the CFTs and AMRAAMs.....Most of the equipment is already here and the rest will follow soon.

PAF will attach the CFTs and you shall soon be seeing the pics of F-16s with them and AMRAAMs loaded.

There is nothing that has been kept away from us... so don’t put a long face and show us all how good you look when smiling.

back in the 80s, the PAF designed and equipped it's fleet of F-6s with such tanks called Gondola.
Suffice to say, PAF was one of the pioneers of the CFTs.

Your conclusions are not based on historical facts again.

The Gloster Meteor which first flew in 1943 had these CF tanks installed a few years later.

Not only this jet, but also the Electric Lightning and GLoster Javelin among others has these type of tanks in the 50's itself.

We can safely say that your statement about PAF being one of the 'pioneers' of CFT in the 80's is incorrect.

Photo of Israeli Meteors with CFT on 25 July 1954


Photo of RAAF Glosters with CFT.
john doe..Your conclusions are not based on historical facts again.

Let me fine tune historical facts.

PAF in the entire Asian Region is the first to pioneer and use CFTs. Does that satisfy you.

John doe, you didn't pay attention to windjammers post, he said one of the pioneers not the sole pioneer.
PAF in the entire Asian Region is the first to pioneer and use CFTs. Does that satisfy you.

John doe, you didn't pay attention to windjammers post, he said one of the pioneers not the sole pioneer.

Would you agree that Israel in Asia? I have put up a photo of the Isr.Air Force using these tanks in 1954.

Is Saudi Arabia in Asia? And how about Kuwait? Both these countries started using CFT's in their English Electric Lightnings from 1967.

English Electric Lightning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hopefully that resolves the 'PAF in the entire Asian Region is the first to pioneer and use CFTs' belief.

BTW Luftwaffe, before you attack me, check the title of this post, which is " PAF Pioneered the CFT"!!!!
Now am I the one not paying attention?

Even I quoted the 'one of the pioneers' line in my post. I also disagreed with it. Can someone make a thing 40 + years after others have made the same thing, and still be called 'pioneers'?
It is the equivalent of saying Annu Malik is one of the pioneers of original music in India!

There are a 1001 true achievements of a brilliant air force like the PAF, why not bring that up? I would be the 1st one to applaud:yahoo:
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Its good to see the F-16Ds with CFT.

Obviously they are assigned for long range roles, superiority. :bounce::pakistan:
Its good to see the F-16Ds with CFT.

Obviously they are assigned for long range roles, superiority. :bounce::pakistan:

I was wondering if the CFT's that PAF is getting with their new Vipers are also made by Israel's IAI like the CFT's used by UAE's F-16's

"The CFTs are built to Lockheed Martin's specification, by IAI as a sole source"
Conformal Fuel Tanks for F-16
Ah! Never knew that PAF made it possible in 80's. :pakistan:
No john doe, I don't agree, since I don't recognize israel.
Kuwait/Saudis got english electric lightning from UK, these nations did not pioneer or contributed to it.

I'm not attacking you, its you who took it as offensive learn to calm down your self and be educated, when windjammer said one of the pioneers you should have taken his point in first place. End of discussion.

For other PAF achievements open another thread.
China Q-5 already start to use CFT in the 70s when the nuclear bomb bay was not in use.
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