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PAF on the Offensive - 1971 War

While the discussion surrounds the air war aspect, some idiots just to salvage some pride will drag in the overall war scenario. Anyways, here's a classic image of how the PAF mainly equipped with obsolete F-86 Sabres gave the IAF a bloody nose. The MiG-21, in 1971 was a prime fighter, here it's been shot down by the humble Sabre.

While the discussion surrounds the air war aspect, some idiots just to salvage some pride will drag in the overall war scenario. Anyways, here's a classic image of how the PAF mainly equipped with obsolete F-86 Sabres gave the IAF a bloody nose. The MiG-21, in 1971 was a prime fighter, here it's been shot down by the humble Sabre.

Absolutely.. I fail to understand why my Countrymen drtag the result in every thread.. when they know only incidents discussed here is one sided & only those parts which are .....HAHA.
I agree with you.
This all was used to produce which i posted..
[1] The Gold Bird, Shah, Mansoor, Oxford University Press, Karachi, 2002.
[2] Three President’s and an Aide – Life Power and Politics, Khan, Arshad Sami, Pentagon Press, New Delhi, 2008
[3] Chapter 13, ‘The Western Sector,’ page 256.[4] Wg Cdr Muhammad Yunis had the distinction of shooting down an IAF reconnaissance Canberra on a spying mission near Rawalpindi on 10 April 1959, while flying an F-86F; this was PAF’s first kill.
[5] Chapter 14, ‘South-Western Sector,’ page 286.
[6] Chapter 13, ‘The Western Sector,’ page 249.
[7] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 415.
[8] Chapter 13, ‘The Western Sector,’ page 271.
[9] Story of Pakistan Air Force – A Saga of Courage and Honour, page 451.
[10] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 424.
[11] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 426.
[12] The B-57 aircrew that flew the missions to Pathankot on the night of 6 December were: Mission at 0013 hrs – Sqn Ldr Feroz Khan (P) and Sqn Ldr Iftikhar Ghauri (N). Mission at 2317 hrs – Sqn Ldr Rais Rafi (P) and Flt Lt Wasif Bokhari (N).
[13] The Times of India, in a recent report (25 July 2010) on the reconstruction of Bhuj airfield after the major earthquake in Gujarat in 2001, recalls similar repair efforts following the destruction caused by PAF bombing three decades earlier. The newspaper quotes a 60-year old female labourer by the name of Hiru Bhudia of Madhapur village who had participated in the repair work during the war: “The airstrip in Bhuj was completely devastated by Pakistani bombers that dropped 14 napalm (?) bombs on the night of December 8, 1971. The airstrip needed to be reconstructed on a war footing, and for which, officials were not in a position to wait for long. They hurriedly took a decision to get the repair work done by locals. They contacted us and we responded to the crisis in an equally quick manner.”
Women rebuilt Bhuj airstrip destroyed in '71 Pak attack - The Times of India
[14] Of the 62 successful B-57 sorties, 40 were flown with 9x500-lb bombs each, 20 were flown with 9x500-lb and 4x1,000-lb bombs each, while two sorties could deliver only 7x1,000-lb bombs; the 13 successful T-33 sorties were flown with 2x500-lb bombs each; two successful C-130 sorties were flown with 35x500-lb and 45x500-lb bombs. All of this adds up to 410,000 lbs (186 metric tonnes) of ordnance delivered against IAF bases.
[15] This fact was disclosed to the author by retired Air Mshl Denzil Keelor, whom he met in Delhi in May 2008, while on a private visit. Keelor stated that he was convalescing at a military hospital in Amritsar following his own ejection from a MiG-21, after he was shot down by AAA in Lahore Sector. On the morning of 6th December 1971, Keelor noted that extraordinary arrangements were being made in an adjacent ward under supervision of security personnel. Shortly afterwards, two injured PAF bomber aircrew were admitted to the ward. One of them died within a few hours, while the other, who was in a coma, survived for a couple of weeks before succumbing to his injuries. Both were buried in Nizam-ud-din Auliya graveyard in Delhi. Keelor disclosed that both had been badly beaten up by the mob which had rushed at them after their parachute landing at Amritsar. It may be mentioned that Sqn Ldr Amjad Hussain, who had just become a POW after ejecting from an F-104, was given an opportunity to attend the funeral of one of the aircrew.
[16] Sqn Ldrs Ishfaq, Khusro and Christy were recently retired officers, recalled for duty from PIA.
[17] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 424.
[18] PAF intelligence sources have noted the ejection of a certain Flt Lt D R Natu over Amritsar around the time of the F-104 raid, with suspicion. Indian sources claim that Natu ejected due to AAA damage that occurred earlier during the mission.
[19] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 425.
[20] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 426.
[21] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 428.
[22] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 429.
[23] “Plain Tails from the IAF: The Pathankot Raid of Dec 10,” by Air Marshal K D K Lewis (Retd). It may be mentioned that the article centres on Lewis taking exception to the portrayal of Hunters being destroyed in a painting of the Pathankot raid by PAF’s official painter, S M A Hussaini.
[24] Chapter-X, ‘The IAF in the West,’ page 432.
[25] Wg Cdr Mervyn Middlecoat was shot down by Flt Lt Bharat Bhushan Soni of No 47 Sqn.:taz:Still you want summary lady
Ok I will read it and comment :ashamed:
come on don't feel like that:nono::nono:
It is not my area of interest....I am the opposite end of war interest...I rather read something about welfare, education, trying to squeeze economics (not doing well) - basically anything and everything but wars that already happened and in no ways can change our lives now coz its done and dusted ...

Reading about them, fighting about what had happened what should have happened to me is a waste of time....I tried reading your post.....couldnt pass the 3rd para then scrolled to see pix and browsed through hence cant even comment :ashamed:
It is not my area of interest....I am the opposite end of war interest...I rather read something about welfare, education, trying to squeeze economics (not doing well) - basically anything and everything but wars that already happened and in no ways can change our lives now coz its done and dusted ...

Reading about them, fighting about what had happened what should have happened to me is a waste of time....I tried reading your post.....couldnt pass the 3rd para then scrolled to see pix and browsed through hence cant even comment :ashamed:
not a matter, peoples have different interest's,i admire your interest and for me it's more important to show importance to someone's field of interest not to dis heart them...
it's more important to show importance to someone's field of interest not to dis heart them...
I tried...sorry :(

I had read up abit of some war history went into a hot thread which was running read some stuff commented wrongly and every indian on PDF was on my case ....after that day i was like screw wars lets see how fix the damage they caused :ashamed:
I tried...sorry :(

I had read up abit of some war history went into a hot thread which was running read some stuff commented wrongly and every indian on PDF was on my case ....after that day i was like screw wars lets see how fix the damage they caused :ashamed:
Yes any war thread between India and Pakistan is troll feast not for upstanding and irreproachable folks like you ...
Not glorification per se but lessons, both good and bad. Germany and Japan eventually lost WW2 but their doctrines and tactics are taught to this day. Who forgot or not acknowledges the military brilliance of Field Marshall Rommel, though he was on the side that lost. Who does not give reference of German U boats and their Wolfpack tactics in Atlantic? It gives me pain when I get to read such self-defeating responses from kids who are totally oblivious of the history and yet have the audacity to comment foolishly.

The only reason Germany lost the war is they were fighting half the world all alone. Plus Hitler's needless interference did not help things. He had the best generals and the best trained soldiers. It is a tragedy that Germany lost the war.
Altaf said why army did surrender their soldiers. Why not they fought and die.
is it a genuine question to Pakistanis?
I think it is a serious question although altaf made it sarcastically.
Altaf said why army did surrender their soldiers. Why not they fought and die.
is it a genuine question to Pakistanis?
I think it is a serious question although altaf made it sarcastically.
Maybe because swearing to fight till death and religious ranting on an online forum is altogether a difference scenario in Battlefield. On forum your flag might save you even after religious bashing and trolling and swearing, But only ground realities save your life in battlefield.
Altaf said why army did surrender their soldiers. Why not they fought and die.
is it a genuine question to Pakistanis?
I think it is a serious question although altaf made it sarcastically.
Why altaf is in London,why not coming back and leading party and peoples from front?
it is a genuine question to Pakistanis?
I think it is a serious question although altaf made it sarcastically
The only reason Germany lost the war is they were fighting half the world all alone. Plus Hitler's needless interference did not help things. He had the best generals and the best trained soldiers. It is a tragedy that Germany lost the war.
Austria, Hungary, Romania, Italy and Japan...............They were not all alone. The mistakes and blunders of Hitler made Germany collapse prominant among them Moscow and Stalingrad campaigns.
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