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PAF officers booked in group captain's murder case on court order

From my old man who was looking forward to having new Viper squadrons (besides No.14 Sqn) in the service. Sadly it did not happen at that time (contention by re-locating all Vipers to Sargodha.....a major step down for us Kamra kids...)


He could have had HIS Mirage 2K sqdrn if things had worked right---.

He could have had HIS Mirage 2K sqdrn if things had worked right---.
His height would have prevented him and the other half squadron to fit in the Mirage 2000 at that time. Not to mention the low aircraft availability rates at that time.

Cheers !!!
Do you feel the news story is correct? The wife claims that he called home and advised he was the Officers Mess. How is he abducted? He was obviously under arrest and when faced with the FGCM charges, he took his own life.
Who do you believe? the Official version, or the Wife's claims, who herself was involved in the illegal business enterprise of the Late GC by abetting, supporting, and covering the businesses in which her husband was involved. I not sure you know, but families of PAF Officers are ALSO well aware of the rules and regulations of Service. This is a blatant misuses of a position of power, and mockery of the rule of law.

Living in a posh area seems to be indicator on source of income, however, it may likely be that living in an Air Force compound brings some kind of scrutiny and oversight on your visitors which one avoids by living in a civil area. Unlike others, I am not giving opinion based on speculation but based on statements by the people who knew him best, the boys of GDP 85, his course mates. GC Rizwan (Late) was not from a well to do family, for your information. He came from a lower middle class at best. He was very ambitious person, thats why he chose to break the PAF rules and regulations, and even drag others down this dark hole with him. His first involvement in business was with his "In Laws," who have a construction / general contracting firm. He faced a board of inquiry, in which he he somehow got away. This last event was in a long series of investigations, which perhaps broke the preverbal camel's back.

Here you go, on your usual crib against the senior lot.

I dont believe this is about KJ2000.

You are correct. His wife seems to be an accomplice to the event. She also left the country soon after her Husband's passing, and now doing this media battle from far distance.

You are also correct in asking this question, what really happened here? This is what we we old lot not able to understand. If there was a charge sheet, why wasn't he properly processed. This maybe sheer negligence on part of law enforcement, or another nefarious agenda on part of the Top decision maker. We may never find out.
I think she along with her family are in USA.
The deal in question was for british HMD....for which a huge sum in $ terms was released to a company owned by an ex airmarshal. Such was the urgency shown by the PAF that the state bank was made to make the payment on a weekend when the governor state bank was in Beijing.......n all in advance....n not one HMD was ever delivered n the rest is all history.

The way PAF top brass is running its affairs it certainly does not need any enemies
year of this dealing ...??
during Sohail Aman tenure ???
The Group Captain belonged to Engineering or Logistics.
It was a case of suicide after the officer was caught having millions in his account through some shady deals.
Suicide, he could have flee to any country through Karachi port ... If he has millions in account then he could bribe anyone
They don't pull over celebrities :D

MK, just to confirm, in case this ever becomes an issue - you're not suicidal are you?

No---was I when I sent letters to Kiyani and Pasha to blow out their brains for showing cowardice in keeping their mouths shut after Abbotabad incidence---.
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COVER UP is written all over it. How can a single officer manage to do all this without involving higher-ups? In civil bureaucracy too, such high-level corruption only possible because higher-ups are involved.
Suicide, he could have flee to any country through Karachi port ... If he has millions in account then he could bribe anyone


If I had millions in account---you would have seen some schools, colleges, univ, hospitals under my name---.

I would not need to run out of the country---for what---. I would find like minded generals and bring about a revolution---.
The Group Captain belonged to Engineering or Logistics.
It was a case of suicide after the officer was caught having millions in his account through some shady deals.
Yeah kill him in a dark room
Justice prevails ... shame on who did this and shame on who is defending this act in a filthy way
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