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PAF New Batch J-10 C Spotted

Can't provide evidence based proof bcuz "you go to jail for spying" and yet so confidently claiming something better than the other...
...and that whole argument rests on the flimsy argument that since France has been producing jets longer than China has...and therefore
...French made jet > Chinese made jet

Yet in the same post goes on to bash the US made F35 conveniently ignoring his own flimsy argument of "longer history of producing defense weapons". In case u didn't know...US has been producing world class weapons since before Germany rolled through France in WWII.
When u start contradicting ur own argument...it means u have no real argument...and what u r presenting as an argument is nothing but a biased statement.
It makes me laugh when a French is mocking American weapon.
They are speaking German now if not for the American weapon.🤣

Since he considers the third world as peasants, it's a waste of time quarrelling with this guy.
Rafale, J-10, F-35, these are good planes, but bragging does not make something superior.
Have to say it's me who bring 5th generation fighter to the discussion.
He really think that his precious toy could surpass F-35.🤣
There is no evidence based proof here. If it was the case you go to jail immediatly for spying.
Try to persuade who you want that a bird made by a country of farmers forty years ago is best than those study and built by specialists.
The chinese weapons are not best than the russian ones, and we now all can see a real test bench in Ukraine (Irak was a first round, but some explained us it was export low potent russian weapons. No more the case here).

NICE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS ! This bird is full of bugs.
"The fighter plane received an error message on the system and made a controlled emergency landing in Bodø just before 2 p.m.," he told the newspaper, adding that the F-35 landed without drama.
Chinese products are low quality ones. You can see evidence based proof on Ali express, Amazon, and on all the open air market of the world.

About US products, I only found F35 as overhyped. F16, F15 were and remain marvellous planes. F22 was and is THE best air superiority aircraft of the world.

Germany rolled through France just 21 years after being rolled by France.... And this Germany killed 6 millions jews and 20 millions russian people. If you like this Germeny, it's not my choice.
The quality of Chinese products is top in the world. This is proved from the Chinese space station, TBM, HSR, electric vehicles, etc. Including aircraft carrier!

China is superior to France in all high-end technologies. China produced its first aircraft in 1911. Entered the modern aircraft industry in the 1950s.

I don't know where the French have the courage to talk about the quality of Chinese products.... Do you think I can't speak German?
Chinese products are low quality ones. You can see evidence based proof on Ali express, Amazon, and on all the open air market of the world.
Ali express is "evidence"? Are u mentally challenged? That's like me buying a French baguette to see if I can evaluate the quality of Rafale...
...both of those things are entirely unrelated and do not yield any type of data to determine anything.
About US products, I only found F35 as overhyped. F16, F15 were and remain marvellous planes. F22 was and is THE best air superiority aircraft of the world.
The point is that u are not providing any real evidence bcuz "it's classified" and ur whole argument is built on "this country has a longer history of producing weapons"...
...therefore using ur own logic F35 must be superior bcuz US has a "longer history of producing such weapons"(as compared to France).
Germany rolled through France just 21 years after being rolled by France.... And this Germany killed 6 millions jews and 20 millions russian people. If you like this Germeny, it's not my choice.
I'm not a fan of Hitler nor the Nazis nor the Holocaust. The point was to highlight that when France was completely under German control...and producing no weapons...US was a juggernaut in producing and supplying weapons to the allies...
...this was to illustrate USA's "longer history of producing weapons"...
...in order to use ur argument against u to highlight how stupid it is and how u r contradicting urself.
You know why Iranians and Hezbollah use drones and not manned aircraft? Because they have no chance using aircraft.
Israel introduced drones and you leverage American goyam for your protection by using rotten Jews like Epstein and maxwell. Drones are the future not manned aircraft. So enjoy my dear facist. Like your father Adolf your time is coming to an end. They also dreamed of a 1000 year reich and hegemonic designs.
Israel introduced drones and you leverage American goyam for your protection by using rotten Jews like Epstein and maxwell. Drones are the future not manned aircraft. So enjoy my dear facist. Like your father Adolf your time is coming to an end. They also dreamed of a 1000 year reich and hegemonic designs.
Well if drones are the future don't talk about how we bomb terrorists with drones as "easy" because they have no manned aicraft lol
Well if drones are the future don't talk about how we bomb terrorists with drones as "easy" because they have no manned aicraft lol
You are the nazi terrorists. You went to Palestine begging for help. The locals helped you and like a parasite to over took their homes and you killed the British who shipped you there. So your are the real terrorist. And you are anti Judaism and anti teaching of moses. You are 100% sons of Adolf Hitler
You are the nazi terrorists. You went to Palestine begging for help. The locals helped you and like a parasite to over took their homes and you killed the British who shipped you there. So your are the real terrorist. And you are anti Judaism and anti teaching of moses. You are 100% sons of Adolf Hitler
We went to Israel way before the Holocaust, Arabs started committing massacres against Jews in the early 1900s, for example Hebron massacre.
You are the nazi terrorists. You went to Palestine begging for help. The locals helped you and like a parasite to over took their homes and you killed the British who shipped you there. So your are the real terrorist. And you are anti Judaism and anti teaching of moses. You are 100% sons of Adolf Hitler
@Beny Karachun truth hurts doesnt it? You didnt laugh marching in straight line to your father Adolf's gas chambers did u? Didnt the nazi call you terrorists! Oh how the chosen people have fallen

We went to Israel way before the Holocaust, Arabs started committing massacres against Jews in the early 1900s, for example Hebron massacre.
Of course you did and that's why your grandfather's are buried in Europe and your are white. I mean white people come from Palestine right? Now you will tell me prophet moses was white as well
You know why Iranians and Hezbollah use drones and not manned aircraft? Because they have no chance using aircraft.

You know why Israelis and Indians use drones and not manned aircraft? Because they have no chance using aircraft


Hebron massacre.


By David Hoffman

February 26, 1994

HEBRON, WEST BANK, FEB. 25 -- A Jewish settler opened fire on Arab worshipers in a crowded mosque here at dawn today, triggering the bloodiest day in the history of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and jolting the still-incomplete peace process aimed at establishing Palestinian self-government.

Following a day of bloodshed and fury in which Palestinians rioted and clashed with Israeli soldiers throughout the occupied territories, authorities said at least 53 persons had been killed and hundreds wounded. Among them were more than 40 who died when Baruch Goldstein, a physician in his late thirties who had immigrated from New York, opened fire with an assault rifle in the mosque of the Tomb of the Patriarchs, a site revered by Muslims, Jews and Christians.

In the aftermath, Israel, the Palestine Liberation Organization and President Clinton struggled to salvage the peace process that began after the historic Israeli-Palestinian accord was signed last September at the White House. Clinton said both the Palestinians and Israelis had agreed to come to Washington for nonstop negotiations. {Details on Page A20.}

You know why Israelis and Indians use drones and not manned aircraft? Because they have no chance using aircraft

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Lol, but Israel does use aircraft. Besides he's the one talking about how Israel is using manned aircraft against people with no manned aircraft.

Not only that, Israeli pilots can embarass any other pilots in this world, as we have proven multiple times.

@Beny Karachun truth hurts doesnt it? You didnt laugh marching in straight line to your father Adolf's gas chambers did u? Didnt the nazi call you terrorists! Oh how the chosen people have fallen

Of course you did and that's why your grandfather's are buried in Europe and your are white. I mean white people come from Palestine right? Now you will tell me prophet moses was white as well
This territory actually was never Arab lol so stop with your stupid white comment.

Half of Israel's Jewish population are Jews that aren't white and the other half is the result of the Jewish tribes being exiled to many places, Europe being one such place.
Lol, but Israel does use aircraft. Besides he's the one talking about how Israel is using manned aircraft against people with no manned aircraft.

Not only that, Israeli pilots can embarass any other pilots in this world, as we have proven multiple times.

This territory actually was never Arab lol so stop with your stupid white comment.

Half of Israel's Jewish population are Jews that aren't white and the other half is the result of the Jewish tribes being exiled to many places, Europe being one such place.
Point was ... easy to bomb from 30000ft with no opposition. Its no different yo the nazis massacring your grandparents is it. They had all the weapons and you had none. Now you have the weapons and Palestinians still fight you. But your grandparents walked to their deaths without resistance.
Lying is part of your history.
Point was ... easy to bomb from 30000ft with no opposition. Its no different yo the nazis massacring your grandparents is it. They had all the weapons and you had none. Now you have the weapons and Palestinians still fight you. But your grandparents walked to their deaths without resistance.
Lying is part of your history.
Lol, tell that to the Syrian and Iranain air defenses we are bombing every week.

Palestinians are just angry monkeys refusing to admit defeat. Typical.

Warsaw Ghetto lasted longer than France.

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