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PAF Film Fizaon Kay Mohafiz

the amount of energy pakistani forces using on media is too big. if they just use 5% of this energy in real life Americans will never dare to come abotabad and go back safely . peppers lions of PAF .
the whole country knows it well by now that it is not the paf but the confused and coward govts of pak which are responsible for drone attacks, salala and abbotabad incidents.
the whole country knows it well by now that it is not the paf but the confused and coward govts of pak which are responsible for drone attacks, salala and abbotabad incidents.
only a brainless hardcore fan of wardi will believe such BS . they took oath for defend us not defend gov . when hostile army bombing pakistan they wait for orders ? what a BS . did they took order for 3 marshal laws and hanging prime mister or waging a war ?
only a brainless hardcore fan of wardi will believe such BS . they took oath for defend us not defend gov . when hostile army bombing pakistan they wait for orders ? what a BS . did they took order for 3 marshal laws and hanging prime mister or waging a war ?

Dear Ik Sb your negitive opinion abt armed forces is by your own free will which no one can change however I want to clarify some ideas abt armed forces.

1.It is clear rule in army that you can't retaliate without written orders passed to you, no matter what sort of damage you face.
2. Taking oath doesn't mean u can break rules. The army without rules always face defeat or heavy damage as evident from military history.

3. For imposing martial laws the provisions were provided from country's own rules (may get full explanation from Faisal Raza Abidi).

4. No war was waged without consent of Govt.( Including Kargil),

I hope u shall do some research in future and then comment again.
only a brainless hardcore fan of wardi will believe such BS . they took oath for defend us not defend gov . when hostile army bombing pakistan they wait for orders ? what a BS . did they took order for 3 marshal laws and hanging prime mister or waging a war ?
PAF inaction during Salala is indefensible
maybe it was the cowardice that they picked up from Kyani. the least they could do is make an appearance on the scene and prevent the Americans making return trips to kill off surviving soldiers. but the PAF was no where to be seen.
I totally agree that civilians cant be blamed for that,. whatever reason Americans did what they did doesnt matter.. what matters is that PAF didnt come to defend its military colleagues who had no way to retaliate or defend themselves.
Dear Ik Sb your negitive opinion abt armed forces is by your own free will which no one can change however I want to clarify some ideas abt armed forces.[/QUOTE]

janab i was bigger fan boy then you but then i got mature i start thinking my brain rise questions .

1.It is clear rule in army that you can't retaliate without written orders passed to you, no matter what sort of damage you face.
armed forces of western countries may be answerable to defence ministers but pakistan ? are you kidding me ? pakistani forces are doing whatever they want to do no SOB any one can ask them question .ok lets say first attack they dont have written order then what they did for secure us ? did they asked thier own wardi wala mushrraf for written order ? and then hundreds of attacks by foregn troops sometimes they land in pakistan and then fly back with choppers . ohh yeah that time our santry run to PM house for got orders ? whom start these drone attacks were no one else but chief of army staff general parvez mushraf sir .

2. Taking oath doesn't mean u can break rules. The army without rules always face defeat or heavy damage as evident from military history.
yeah when time become to fight in real they hide behind these orders dramas and bla bla . seedhi trah bolty nhi jiski khaty hai aid usko kesy kaaty ?

3. For imposing martial laws the provisions were provided from country's own rules (may get full explanation from Faisal Raza Abidi).
i have more brain then faisal abdi i can judge things better then him . pakistani forces are power hungry whenever they got a chance they attack islamabad and capture it . should i show you a video where in uniform a pakistani army chief saying i will arrange election with in 3 months and then he ruled 11 years ?

4. No war was waged without consent of Govt.( Including Kargil),

yeah when there is time to fight enemy pakistani army have same lame excuses but they can put all politicians in jail by one order at that time they do not need any order .

I hope u shall do some research in future and then comment again.

i think i have researched more then your whole working life sir then ?????????

PAF inaction during Salala is indefensible
maybe it was the cowardice that they picked up from Kyani. the least they could do is make an appearance on the scene and prevent the Americans making return trips to kill off surviving soldiers. but the PAF was no where to be seen.
I totally agree that civilians cant be blamed for that,. whatever reason Americans did what they did doesnt matter.. what matters is that PAF didnt come to defend its military colleagues who had no way to retaliate or defend themselves.
teach him the meaning of ADA sir . why they are combat ready if they can not save their own god damn uniform men ? lets be honest here pakistnai forces are scared to fight USA . its very simple to admit it . they never went to intercept them . our more beghairti make them more brave since 2001 we are going down day by day year by year by year .

and every time after we kicked they give us new lollypop . do you remember ? SAMs are moved to western border ? where are those sams ? heavy weapons move to afghan border where are those weapons even farsi bans firing on us frequently .drones are still on our skies at this movement of time .

our forces are only to fight india .
Dear Ik Sb your negitive opinion abt armed forces is by your own free will which no one can change however I want to clarify some ideas abt armed forces.

janab i was bigger fan boy then you but then i got mature i start thinking my brain rise questions .

armed forces of western countries may be answerable to defence ministers but pakistan ? are you kidding me ? pakistani forces are doing whatever they want to do no SOB any one can ask them question .ok lets say first attack they dont have written order then what they did for secure us ? did they asked thier own wardi wala mushrraf for written order ? and then hundreds of attacks by foregn troops sometimes they land in pakistan and then fly back with choppers . ohh yeah that time our santry run to PM house for got orders ? whom start these drone attacks were no one else but chief of army staff general parvez mushraf sir .

yeah when time become to fight in real they hide behind these orders dramas and bla bla . seedhi trah bolty nhi jiski khaty hai aid usko kesy kaaty ?

i have more brain then faisal abdi i can judge things better then him . pakistani forces are power hungry whenever they got a chance they attack islamabad and capture it . should i show you a video where in uniform a pakistani army chief saying i will arrange election with in 3 months and then he ruled 11 years ?

yeah when there is time to fight enemy pakistani army have same lame excuses but they can put all politicians in jail by one order at that time they do not need any order .

i think i have researched more then your whole working life sir then ?????????

teach him the meaning of ADA sir . why they are combat ready if they can not save their own god damn uniform men ? lets be honest here pakistnai forces are scared to fight USA . its very simple to admit it . they never went to intercept them . our more beghairti make them more brave since 2001 we are going down day by day year by year by year .

and every time after we kicked they give us new lollypop . do you remember ? SAMs are moved to western border ? where are those sams ? heavy weapons move to afghan border where are those weapons even farsi bans firing on us frequently .drones are still on our skies at this movement of time .

our forces are only to fight india .[/QUOTE]

Dear Sir, I already mentioned that your opinion is your own as per cowardice I can deny it categorically, however if we go for capability we should bee fool for not considering superiority of US military power and UN mandate.

Do you honestly think that our US manufactured F16s and old Mirages could intercept Us/NATO jets. Perhaps this the reason that sanity prevailed and we have at least started manufacturing of JF17s. On the other hand due to robust jamming capabilities our existing SAM systems with perhaps exception of LY80 and Hq16 are vulnerable. We may have some sort of competition if go for Russian/Chinese Jets and HQ9 like LRSAM.

Musharaf never started drones attacks but he allowed them to be launched through Pak provided basis same has been done by any ruler either IK or NS.

To destroy Pakistan physically or economically it is evident that many Int powers are working especially Iran, Afghanistan backing Indian interests and USA as per their new world order. Lets don't forget our brotherly UAE.

If sanity prevails the military and govt should be on one page.

I stand by my point that even on border the retaliation is done after issuance of orders from competent authority. Please do check from some army guy.
saw this program last night. good one but i dont know why we people feed lies to the whole nation. the biggest lie was that there is only very little difference between the upgraded mirages and su 30 and su 35 and it was told by a pilot. mirage is no doubt and old and obsolete air craft. although the upgraded mirages have got some teeth and have got important role as a strike air craft but still they are very old and their crash rate is increasing. they are in PAF because we never had the funds for timely replacement of them. even their ground strike capability can be well judged by the fact that paf uses them rarely in FATA.

Well, to be fair the question asked was about strike capability and yes the ROSE-II mirages are VERY capable at day-night strike. I would suggest you look at the crash rate vs age and serviceability for any other jet and the Mig-21 and its derivatives will top the list.

As for judging them by their usage; these aircraft do have limited service lives left in them and as such are focused on delivering certain munitions specific to them at night with good accuracy. Their usage of precision munitions is limited due to their very focused role on offensive counter air operations on day 1 of a conflict. It is that mission which they practice day in and day out.
They were never meant for FATA operations as it would be a drag on their operational lives along with the F-16s having the additional support as the US has deemed them important for FATA.

On the other hand, I do want to slap the anchor with a pomfret for completely unrelated reasons.
Wow...wallpaper is so awesome....Why PAF always have good marketing and promotional team compared to army and navy....

These men of sky always know how to remain in people heads...The most touching national song ever sung by, in my opinion, is Tum hi say ha Mujahido, for PAF...
That song still chills down your spine....:pakistan:

But I m worried that too much involvement in media by PAF can lead its officers to distraction and fantasies....Am I just being stupid or this is some real concern that can happen...

Please remain professional and brave....Thats how PAF is recognized all over world....

No offense...
i think both PA and PAF has good public relations sections as both have produced a lot great movies and dramas highlighting their roles..Alpha Bravo Charlie is by far my most favourite play though it had little bit more romantic content than desired...and this film on Aik Thi Marium is really great and I watched twice once alone and once with friends.
But Pak Navy is lagging behind the two in this area so they need to catch up as they have a very different and attractive role.
Well, to be fair the question asked was about strike capability and yes the ROSE-II mirages are VERY capable at day-night strike. I would suggest you look at the crash rate vs age and serviceability for any other jet and the Mig-21 and its derivatives will top the list.

As for judging them by their usage; these aircraft do have limited service lives left in them and as such are focused on delivering certain munitions specific to them at night with good accuracy. Their usage of precision munitions is limited due to their very focused role on offensive counter air operations on day 1 of a conflict. It is that mission which they practice day in and day out.
They were never meant for FATA operations as it would be a drag on their operational lives along with the F-16s having the additional support as the US has deemed them important for FATA.

On the other hand, I do want to slap the anchor with a pomfret for completely unrelated reasons.
With the F-16s equipped with Sniper and the JF-17s due for an ATP (reportedly Aselsan), does the PAF even need to use the Mirages for short-range tactical strikes? From what I can see, the PAF only needs them for that specific long-range or stand-off range strike, especially in terms of cruise missiles (which don't necessitate the Mirage's own internal systems but rather the ALCM's INS or - best case - SATNAV).

I think it'd be a good supplement If the Army can pick up a good relatively cheap long-range artillery rocket system (think: 300km range INS/BDS or Israeli LORA). Imagine lining up a massive number of these precise "quasi-ballistic missiles" on land (and maybe sea) for an initial onslaught alongside the PAF's long-range strike assets.
Can someone confirm if Pakistan armed forces actually help and provide financial support for these movies.

I am not sure around it because in India, no one spends a single rupee around making movies or self glorification by armed forces. Most of the wings of armed forces are too secretive. Even people did not knew that there is an agency called RAW in India. It is only after the advent of so much media hype that RAW came into limelight. Still a huge population of India believes that RAW is just a fictional agency which is shown in movies. There are almost 0 reports in newspapers of India regarding the success and failures of secret services.
Then perhaps the Indian masses are very dumb and 'under informed'.
That is not a normal thing for a country like that of yours, you need to come out of your bubble and educate yourselves.
Can someone confirm if Pakistan armed forces actually help and provide financial support for these movies.

I am not sure around it because in India, no one spends a single rupee around making movies or self glorification by armed forces. Most of the wings of armed forces are too secretive. Even people did not knew that there is an agency called RAW in India. It is only after the advent of so much media hype that RAW came into limelight. Still a huge population of India believes that RAW is just a fictional agency which is shown in movies. There are almost 0 reports in newspapers of India regarding the success and failures of secret services.
Then perhaps the Indian masses are very dumb and 'under informed'.
That is not a normal thing for a country like that of yours, you need to come out of your bubble and educate yourselves.
he is lying, they do hire their directors to make movies abt them in the past, present. their film Sarfarosh, border, LOC were a few examples. These days their films like Baby, Phantom r another examples.....Their directors like Kabir Khan, Neeraj Pandey r well known RAW collaborators in their industry.
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He is either pretending or being plain stupid. You are right and most of Bollywood follows this policy, they are perfectly alligned with the RAW and often send ridiculing msgs through their movies to Pakistan.

There is no limit to the hatred of RAW and the likes for the very existence of Pakistan. Unfortunately our people have forgotten the value of the liberty they are still enjoying on the cost of the blood that our defenders are giving yet everyday.

But everything can be countered, even media for that say.
he is lying, they do hire their directors to make movies abt them in the past, present. their film Sarfarosh, border, LOC were a few examples. These days their films like Baby, Phantom r anther examples.....Their directors like Kabir Khan, Neeraj Pandey r well known RAW collaborators in their industry.
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