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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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The problem in neighborhood is in regard to misread and misinterpreted updates about Pakistan. Pakistan never had the problem in regard to sanctions on our purchase from US. It's always about CSF /FMS. If we can pay fully, we can buy whatever was available.

However FMS /CSF based deals have a different taste than paying for it.
Trump blocked the brand spanking Zulus and you expect him to release 70s?

Bro, Zulu's weren't blocked but US just stop the Military Aid which we wanted to use to pay for these Zulu's, If we have money we can get both Zulu's and those 8 F-16's US offer around 2 years ago .CSF was cut and hence all those weapons were stopped because Pakistan did not have/want to pay fully .
@Khafee @zulu @Armchair @Mangus Ortus Novem @RIWWIR
Good Day Gentlemen,
"Victory has many fathers...defeat is orphan"

Ever wondered why sudden change in US Policy? those who believe we are getting the F-16s because of Afghan-Taliban-US resolution is not entirely true. what i have deduced its because of operational performance of PAF and there is an ace which PAF holds. (2 x Israeli Pilots)

actual number should be 36 F-16C/D Block 72 (24 charlies and 12 x Delta) and upgrade of 18 x F-16C/D Block 52+ (12 x Charlie and 6 x Delta) That is 54 aircraft.

2 x israeli pilots = 54 x F-16s Vipers..(36 x new, 18 x upgrades)

Enjoy the monsoon!

No friend! why would i increase? its 8 kills (3 x Su-30MKI, 2 x Mirage 2000, 3 x MiG-21BISON) on 27th Feb 19.

Salaam Tallguy

Still waiting for official conformation... ;-)
Just one word: pressler!!

F-16 has only been delivered to Pakistan when USA needed something from Pakistan!!

In 1980ies... Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (and if memory serves me right then other options of fighter planes where turned down and PAF insisted on F-16)
1992 PRESSLER - US did not need Pakistan
1998 Suddenly the embargoed F-16 where offered as a carrot to have Pakistan not doing the nuclear tests
2001 9-11! And F-16 again on the table because of Afghanistan

So if more F-16 are coming then the questions is what is US getting....

US selling Pakistan f-16 from a business point of view: Forget it
US selling Pakistan f-16 because US want to help Pakistan: Forget it
US selling Pakistan F-16 because of good marketing: Forget it
US selling Pakistan F-16 because PAF pilots are good fighter pilots: Forget it
US selling Pakistan F-16 because of what happened 27th feb 2019: Forget it

And i won´t believe it before i see them in PAF colors landing on Pakistan soil
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Agreed, time will tell, and frankly, i would rejoice like crazy if half of the news posted by @Khafee turns out to be true.
Calm down bro.. And give some time to @Khafee... Only time will tell who is right and who is wrong...
If anyone think @Khafee is kidding or throwing flying arrows he is free to put him on ignore list rather then requesting MOD to ban him
IA The Zulus are coming, so are the Vipers - Blk70/72 - 24 confirmed for now. The upgrades are coming as well.

IF it turns out to be false, I will apologize, dont worry. I'm not a tin can TT, to be high on something, or have an ego the size of Texas + Alaska.

I know about Zulus are coming. Infact the preparations are being made for refresher courses and to send pilots to America in few weeks .
I never really wanted to join this forum and start posting and discussing issues with some very immature and stupid posters or Indian trolls.

But there are some very good and knowledgeable posters and I enjoy reading what they have to say. Again we have some posters ridiculing and questioning where the money will come from and if we will be taxed more to pay for these planes.

In the world of international politics and strategic games money is the least important factor.

If I may remind people that Pakistan actually did not increase its defence budget this year and actually made a cut.

Now where is the money going to come from?

When we read recent head lines that Pakistan is looking at 9 billion dollars payments from CSF it did not say outstanding payments.

If you include all the outstanding payments due (approx $2.5 billion) and add to this the price Americans are willing to pay for the orderly and respectable withdrawal from Afghanistan ( over 2-3 years) it starts to make sense. They are willing to pay Pakistan for helping them move hundreds of billions dollars worth of equipment and supplies through Pakistan. This does not even include the amount they will have to pay for us to step in and fill the vacuum once they leave.

Do not expect any peace deal to be orderly and quick. It will require monitors, perhaps peace keepers, logistics and flood of pro government refugees that is expected to leave Afghanistan. Pakistan will bear the brunt of any peace deal or even failure of any deal.

This time the deal negotiated will be long term and no more transactional nature. We will deliver things through our connections and manpower and fire power if necessary and Americans will pay for it. I keep repeating that Trump is heavy on optics and he needs a live TV coverage of Americans leaving victorious and not like they did in Vietnam . He wants this deal to be his biggest legacy and achievement to be talked for ever. The cost involved to achieve this? Mere 9 billion out of which at least 7 billion will be spent on American jobs and firms .

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

And this does not even touch upon the role of Middle Eastern countries. Turkey and Malaysia recently flouted the idea to become Progressive Muslim world leaders along with Pakistan. Saudis will never accept this.

They know Pakistanis are the only one Saudis can trust. Seeing how Americans spare no oppertunity to humiliate Saudis , recently denying weapons sales for example, they want muscle and manpower to fight which only Pakistan can provide. And eventually join the above three as the Islamic world leaders.
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