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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Guys, the past 4 days I was in Karachi for some work. During that period one of the Indian Trolls decided to visit my YouTube page & use it as a platform to give his views in the comment section. Clearly he doesn't have the nuts to speak up on PDF, hence wants others read his b.s.

Feel free to take Mr. Abhineet Singh to the cleaners.

One remark was directed at @Khafee
Good Job buddy, Good Job:tup:

what happened to that seriousness of PAF?
and did that seriousness came after EFT?
Before EFT.
@Khafee Sahib what implications does this
Volte-Face From Trump
mean for the upcoming Block-72 deal for PAF in your opinion?
It is in the interest of Yahud wa Hanood, that there is no war.

Any war that happens, will unite the fragmented Muslim Ummah, and this they can ill afford.

The Toilet OP that you have linked, is dehati aurats wishful thinking, nothing more. The conv was the opposite of what is being BS'd in it.
It is in the interest of Yahud wa Hanood, that there is no war.

Any war that happens, will unite the fragmented Muslim Ummah, and this they can ill afford.

The Toilet OP that you have linked, is dehati aurats wishful thinking, nothing more. The conv was the opposite of what is being BS'd in it.
Thank you for clearing that up.
It is in the interest of Yahud wa Hanood, that there is no war.

Any war that happens, will unite the fragmented Muslim Ummah, and this they can ill afford.

The Toilet OP that you have linked, is dehati aurats wishful thinking, nothing more. The conv was the opposite of what is being BS'd in it.
Not if KSA and Iran engages each other and India engages Pakistan.

Pakistan is recovering fast and if by some means we become economically stable and independent of west than there is no way we will let Israel destroy or capture GCC. Having Nukes in the arsenal, Pakistan is the biggest fear for Israel.

Sorry to tell you that but I feel now there is no chance of Muslims getting united again.
Not if KSA and Iran engages each other and India engages Pakistan.

Pakistan is recovering fast and if by some means we become economically stable and independent of west than there is no way we will let Israel destroy or capture GCC. Having Nukes in the arsenal, Pakistan is the biggest fear for Israel.

Sorry to tell you that but I feel now there is no chance of Muslims getting united again.
You think any govt can control Jihadis pouring into Pak, all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the South China Sea?

THIS is the biggest threat to the Yahud wa Hanood.

Because of a media blackout, people are unaware of how the Muslim world is simmering, at the atrocities in Kashmir.
It is in the interest of Yahud wa Hanood, that there is no war.

Any war that happens, will unite the fragmented Muslim Ummah, and this they can ill afford.

The Toilet OP that you have linked, is dehati aurats wishful thinking, nothing more. The conv was the opposite of what is being BS'd in it.

Oh really? So the invasion of Iraq by the zionist states of America, wasn't "Muslim enough" to unite the Ummah? Or the destruction of Libya by zionist Britain and France wasn't "anti-Islamic enough" to get the blood of the Ummah boiling? And what about the carnage in Syria, perpetrated by zionist America, Britain, Israel and Wahhabi agents, not enough to get us Muslims off our behinds and do something about the demonization of Islam?

Forget all of the above, isn't the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza enough to get the Ummah united? Doesn't the demolition of Palestinian homes by zionist-Israel enough to get the Ummah to drop their petty squabbles and fight as one unit? Seeing Palestinians dehumanized on a daily basis isn't enough to boil your blood as a Muslim to go fight against that zionist-piglet, israel?

Sorry my friend but your analysis of this subject is hopelessly misplaced. The enemies of Islam and Pakistan WANT that Pakistan gets pulled into a full blown war with India. Because Israel cannot demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa with Pakistan still standing with all it's nuclear weapons armed and intact. They want a war in South Asia to blow up the entire region, dragging China into an open conflict to support Pakistan against India. Because when China does do this, the zionists would use Japan, Australia to unleash war on China.

They, zionist piglets want war to explode on the entire globe. That is how they have done it in Europe with the First World War and then the Second World War. Go read the history books with your brain open, only then would you understand that the zionist want global war for the "Gentiles" to destroy each other, so that they can make Israel the only country standing with any semblence of technology, medical expertise, food production and military power left.

Wake up out of that myopic view of things and look at the bigger picture. India is Israel's b!tch, just as America, Britain & France are. They are all host bodies to the Parasitic Cancer called Zionism.
Only few news/leak threads remain active for this long and this clearly shows the attraction /desire for F16 among Pakistanis here
Oh really? So the invasion of Iraq by the zionist states of America, wasn't "Muslim enough" to unite the Ummah? Or the destruction of Libya by zionist Britain and France wasn't "anti-Islamic enough" to get the blood of the Ummah boiling? And what about the carnage in Syria, perpetrated by zionist America, Britain, Israel and Wahhabi agents, not enough to get us Muslims off our behinds and do something about the demonization of Islam?

Forget all of the above, isn't the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza enough to get the Ummah united? Doesn't the demolition of Palestinian homes by zionist-Israel enough to get the Ummah to drop their petty squabbles and fight as one unit? Seeing Palestinians dehumanized on a daily basis isn't enough to boil your blood as a Muslim to go fight against that zionist-piglet, israel?

Sorry my friend but your analysis of this subject is hopelessly misplaced. The enemies of Islam and Pakistan WANT that Pakistan gets pulled into a full blown war with India. Because Israel cannot demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa with Pakistan still standing with all it's nuclear weapons armed and intact. They want a war in South Asia to blow up the entire region, dragging China into an open conflict to support Pakistan against India. Because when China does do this, the zionists would use Japan, Australia to unleash war on China.

They, zionist piglets want war to explode on the entire globe. That is how they have done it in Europe with the First World War and then the Second World War. Go read the history books with your brain open, only then would you understand that the zionist want global war for the "Gentiles" to destroy each other, so that they can make Israel the only country standing with any semblence of technology, medical expertise, food production and military power left.

Wake up out of that myopic view of things and look at the bigger picture. India is Israel's b!tch, just as America, Britain & France are. They are all host bodies to the Parasitic Cancer called Zionism.
History will prove ONE of us right.
History will prove ONE of us right.

I do not care for whether I am right or wrong, rather I care for fellow Muslims to wake up and see what is coming. I care for my Pakistan and my fellow Pakistanis. Most of all I care for Islam and the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. I am nothing, not worth a second look ..... those who put Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah before themselves, do not care for personal gratification.

If you or any of my fellow Muslims and Pakistanis have understood what I have stated in my previous post. Then my job is done. History is to learn from, read it with the eyes of your soul, OPEN!!! And ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS let your heart turn to the Holy Quran for guidance. Because it is only the Holy Quran that would open the eyes of your soul.
I think he is referring to the Su-30, PAF once upon a time, was seriously look at the Su-35.

Even if your leaks comes true, those F-16s will not be able to fill gap of required maritime role fighter jet, as AShM and ARMs are not allowed on PAF F-16 it AShM is allowed then Harpoon don't have good range which Chinese or Russian AShM offer.

So Su-30SM/35 still have a place in PAF/PN.
Not if KSA and Iran engages each other and India engages Pakistan.

Pakistan is recovering fast and if by some means we become economically stable and independent of west than there is no way we will let Israel destroy or capture GCC. Having Nukes in the arsenal, Pakistan is the biggest fear for Israel.

Sorry to tell you that but I feel now there is no chance of Muslims getting united again.
The economic stability is a decade away if not more. Even a situation where we do not need repeated IMF bailouts is yet 5 years away. The last 2 Governments have caused huge damage to the exchequer. It will need time to recover.
Even if your leaks comes true, those F-16s will not be able to fill gap of required maritime role fighter jet, as AShM and ARMs are not allowed on PAF F-16 it AShM is allowed then Harpoon don't have good range which Chinese or Russian AShM offer.

So Su-30SM/35 still have a place in PAF/PN.
Have you informed PAF of this?
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Kindly refrain from taking pot shots by butting in to fulfill some agenda.

Quoting a troll post is like providing a life line. Either we learn & understand this simple thing to keep it clean or we shall continue by disrupting the decorum while still complaining about unrest during conversations. Let's make a clear call.

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