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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Khafee! you have built such high hopes for everyone that if (God for bid) it doesn't happen, we ALL will combine to send you to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

Times change. Leaders change. Politics change.

Going into a venture with the Chinese was a good move because we required to have an in-house jet that we could call our own.

You're so hell bent on the Russian Su-35's...fine. When the UN Security Council is in session in regard to Kashmir..., we'll find out how much your Russian friends would be willing to do business with Pakistan. I bet my (retro) Air Jordan IV that they'll VETO.

Even if I were to buy your rhetoric about buying the Sukhoi's...it would suit India just well. Make us spend Millions on Russian equipment & then India would dictate of what needs to be done.

Now coming to the United States... Seriously, we've seen what its like to be on the wrong side of a Super Power like the US. Sure, you have next Super Power in the form of China next to you, but they aren't handing out J-10's, Destroyers & Aircraft Carriers like candy in our direction either.

Dealing with the US is not just about Defense Contracts and Aid. There is (always) a bigger picture in play.

Finally, I admire Shahid Latif as much as the next guy. The man was one of the first to go to the US to get trained on the F-16 & was also the first to land it on our soil. However, his statements have changed in regards to the events of 27th Feb. On a couple of occasions he spoke of the F-16 going up against the MiG-21.

The might of the F-16 in the PAF inventory has proven over & over - as Wg Cdr. Noman Ali Khan & Sqn Ldr. Hasan Siddiqui are living proof.
Selling weapons and hvimg a diffeent POV in UNSC is like matching apple to oranges?
It's different thn what ur little mind can digest?
Pak needs no support from no one, all it wants is to let world recgonize pakistan right to defend kashmiris, cause we know if 70 years passed tht dam organization can't do anything about kashmir then how come now?
So u lack basic understanding how the situation is?
And as u said yes time has changed and we hve to move on from tht dam F16S era which is just there cause a few of our generals and thier dam families will be benefiting from tht, we need to create better understanding and cooperation among the powerfull nations close to us?
If we can produce, JFT with China thn I think Russia has much more high tech waiting for us to explore in comming future, I'm not hell bent, in SU35 sell to pakistan its up to the think tank of PAK military establishment, to decide among MIG31, SU35, or SU 57 or something else which can serve us comming 25 years and has the potential for future up grades and all tht means thanks and good bye to F16S for ever and with tht the hidden kickbacks and hidden immigration of some top level military officials and thier dam families in search of dam dollors in usa?????
Selling weapons and hvimg a diffeent POV in UNSC is like matching apple to oranges?
It's different thn what ur little mind can digest?
Pak needs no support from no one, all it wants is to let world recgonize pakistan right to defend kashmiris, cause we know if 70 years passed tht dam organization can't do anything about kashmir then how come now?
So u lack basic understanding how the situation is?
And as u said yes time has changed and we hve to move on from tht dam F16S era which is just there cause a few of our generals and thier dam families will be benefiting from tht, we need to create better understanding and cooperation among the powerfull nations close to us?
If we can produce, JFT with China thn I think Russia has much more high tech waiting for us to explore in comming future, I'm not hell bent, in SU35 sell to pakistan its up to the think tank of PAK military establishment, to decide among MIG31, SU35, or SU 57 or something else which can serve us comming 25 years and has the potential for future up grades and all tht means thanks and good bye to F16S for ever and with tht the hidden kickbacks and hidden immigration of some top level military officials and thier dam families in search of dam dollors in usa?????

As per previous mails it is certain that perhaps you have some military experience however it is every person his own view what should be done or not. Only on one to two points require some clarification.
1- After introduction of fifth gen fighter especially by India within next decade what shall be role of 4-4.5 th gen jets. Further Pak F16s if allowed by USA, after V upgrade may be equivalent to above mentioned jets if not better. Turkey is also stepping in soon with own upgrade package like V upgrades.

2- Nearly every defense deal in the world carries some sort of favor or corruption in open words. further defense deals especially with USA are carried out by joint civil and military officials so one should suspect whole bunch of people from PM to ministry of finance and mainly ministry of defense instead of only few serving High ranking PAF/Military professionals.

3- What are your views about practical capabilities of Russian stuff during past conflicts, as many think it is better to get second hand tech from USA/EU than getting down graded tech of Russia.
As per previous mails it is certain that perhaps you have some military experience however it is every person his own view what should be done or not. Only on one to two points require some clarification.
1- After introduction of fifth gen fighter especially by India within next decade what shall be role of 4-4.5 th gen jets. Further Pak F16s if allowed by USA, after V upgrade may be equivalent to above mentioned jets if not better. Turkey is also stepping in soon with own upgrade package like V upgrades.

2- Nearly every defense deal in the world carries some sort of favor or corruption in open words. further defense deals especially with USA are carried out by joint civil and military officials so one should suspect whole bunch of people from PM to ministry of finance and mainly ministry of defense instead of only few serving High ranking PAF/Military professionals.

3- What are your views about practical capabilities of Russian stuff during past conflicts, as many think it is better to get second hand tech from USA/EU than getting down graded tech of Russia.
All of ur queries are bassed on if usa allow pak to v grade F16S?
No thy won't, and with current situation even not to turkey thn why to waste time on tht dead meat?
No matter what usa or west does, Russia will keep matching them up in high tech air power?
And thts the point which we should be thinking off, cause with F16S we hve enough of experience of american tech, if we Russia, China, turkey can form a joint research organization I'm sure, we can develop a real good match to anything west is planing?
As for 5th gem tech, Russia is the only country which has the potential to come up with a darring answer, and SU57 is truly a 5fth gen fighter instead of rafaels or gripen which r 4.5 gen fighters?
Thy hve the potential to be upgraded near to 5th gen but the so does SU35, and MIG 31 or MIG 41s as for my qualifications, I had short carrier in armed forces and Thts it, now I'm more into open intell gathering and sharing bizz these days?
And pls stop speculations tht any Arab country will give u thier 2nd hand, used fighter without the permission of thier masters in Washington?
I'm not hell bent, in SU35 sell to pakistan its up to the think tank of PAK military establishment, to decide among MIG31, SU35, or SU 57
Yeah, i'm pretty sure that they aren't gonna go with the Russians. We're not interested in a Nation which is in the Indian Camp. So good luck selling your narrative...

It's different thn what ur little mind can digest?
Funny, I was thinking the exact same 'bout you.

Here, if you want take a screenshot - now's your chance.

1. The Block 70/72 may come and/or may not come*.
2. One way or another we will get F-16's (used if it comes down to it).
3. We will NOT be getting any MiG's or Sukhoi's.

One doesn't need to have a Military background and/or connections in the Military to figure that out.

* But if they do come, f#*k the Indians - you're the first one i'm gonna hunt down on PDF.
All of ur queries are bassed on if usa allow pak to v grade F16S?
No thy won't, and with current situation even not to turkey thn why to waste time on tht dead meat?
No matter what usa or west does, Russia will keep matching them up in high tech air power?
And thts the point which we should be thinking off, cause with F16S we hve enough of experience of american tech, if we Russia, China, turkey can form a joint research organization I'm sure, we can develop a real good match to anything west is planing?
As for 5th gem tech, Russia is the only country which has the potential to come up with a darring answer, and SU57 is truly a 5fth gen fighter instead of rafaels or gripen which r 4.5 gen fighters?
Thy hve the potential to be upgraded near to 5th gen but the so does SU35, and MIG 31 or MIG 41s as for my qualifications, I had short carrier in armed forces and Thts it, now I'm more into open intell gathering and sharing bizz these days?

Thks but one can only hope that one day Pak, Russia and China make along with Turkey any suggested research group, so far Pak ahs got nothing hi tech from Russia. The two main problems are Indian still enjoy leverage through heavy defense pacts with Russia, other is finances issue as unlike China or USA, Russians cannot supply defense equipment on credit basis.

On other hand your opinion is still awaited regarding corruption in defense deals.
No Russkie birds are going to come our way. Grow up guys, Russia needs dollars and India is it biggest arms buyers, that is a fact no one can deny. They cant afford to offend India. So no birds are coming our way.

The only option now available in the given circumstances are the Chinese J10's or used F16's if situation get better between PAK n USA
No Russkie birds are going to come our way. Grow up guys, Russia needs dollars and India is it biggest arms buyers, that is a fact no one can deny. They cant afford to offend India. So no birds are coming our way.

The only option now available in the given circumstances are the Chinese J10's or used F16's if situation get better between PAK n USA

India's economy is faltering - and very fast.

What money they have, they are spending on promoting the Hindutva ideology rather than economy. It will be obvious very soon.
No Russkie birds are going to come our way. Grow up guys, Russia needs dollars and India is it biggest arms buyers, that is a fact no one can deny. They cant afford to offend India. So no birds are coming our way.

The only option now available in the given circumstances are the Chinese J10's or used F16's if situation get better between PAK n USA

Russians doesn't have too much clients for their mil equipment technically. They will stand with India for just one reason $$$. PAF never ever hands on Sukois atleast for next 100 years lol
Hi i dont mean to be disrespectful or offend you Khafee but can anyone tell me how reliable of a source he is? Has he broken news in the past that turned out to be true? Im a new user on this forum so i dont know the credibility of all posters.
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