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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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@Tps43 bhai waise tu account logout ker dia tha, lakin is thread aur @Khafee ne kaha reconsider karo PDF chorne ka tu ab jab tak yeh sab cheezen confirm nai hoti mai login karun ga :D Lakin post kam se kam karunga :)

oh bhai Tps43 meri treat kahan hai ?

@Tps43 bhai waise tu account logout ker dia tha, lakin is thread aur @Khafee ne kaha reconsider karo PDF chorne ka tu ab jab tak yeh sab cheezen confirm nai hoti mai login karun ga :D Lakin post kam se kam karunga :)

oh bhai Tps43 meri treat kahan hai ?

@Tps43 bhai waise tu account logout ker dia tha, lakin is thread aur @Khafee ne kaha reconsider karo PDF chorne ka tu ab jab tak yeh sab cheezen confirm nai hoti mai login karun ga :D Lakin post kam se kam karunga :)

oh bhai Tps43 meri treat kahan hai ?
@Tps43 bhai waise tu account logout ker dia tha, lakin is thread aur @Khafee ne kaha reconsider karo PDF chorne ka tu ab jab tak yeh sab cheezen confirm nai hoti mai login karun ga :D Lakin post kam se kam karunga :)

oh bhai Tps43 meri treat kahan hai ?
Mein khud almost ta ta kar giya tha lakin koi nhi :D

Apki treat sarakhon par app biryani tyar rakhein
Mein khud almost ta ta kar giya tha lakin koi nhi :D

Apki treat sarakhon par app biryani tyar rakhein

Bhai news hi kuch esi di apne .. Khanjer maar dia is bechare ke dil mai :D

han aur begum ke liye McDonald Happy meal :D
I think discussion is about the offer on table and positive response from US, which is indeed a development and i trust the fundamental difference is the Donald Trump him self.

If and when deal materialize, is something no one can promise.

Hon Batman,

After the $600-million tied up for umpteen years in the previous F-16 deal and the fact that Trump stoped the 12 AH1Z helo deliveries, can any third world country like Pakistan ever trust the US to deliver even after the deal has been signed & the money paid in advance?

I for one wouldn't. I would still buy US equipment if Pakistan needs it but something like the retired F-16s or C-130s, retired Artillery or retired Naval vessels because these are already manufactured and can be delivered in less than a year. But certainly not the ones with the long delivery period which goes beyond the current term of the incumbent President. IMHO, even that would a gamble because Trump has the habit of pulling out of agreed deals if he gets up on the wrong side of the bed.

Sorry but I am "Once bitten twice shy". Therefore I would go for the Chines or Russian 5th generation aircraft instead. These may not be as good but there is a good probability that once struck, the deal would be honored.
May be i am naive or out of place, my understanding is that Block 3 should be able to counter Rafael's with PL 15, new engines, with off bore PL ?? category, HMD, AESA and all? THat is a self reliant and " self respecting" program.

i can argue that there is nothing free in this world. when someone gives you things for free, you are obliged to do their bidding... that hurts your interests... history is ripe with such examples. ask for trade to be more self reliant, access to market, but then there are no free f16s. sorry, its a slave mindset. other be a khudaar qoum and say i will pay for it.
Generally that's how things go...ALL small states usually have to pick a side and operate within the sphere of influence of one major power or the other...at best they can hope to play different sides(world powers) to their advantage...but there's never an option where a small country gets to chart its own path independently.

When Russia was sitting in Afghanistan...would Pak have been able to kick them out without turning to US? Would Pak be able to fend off things like being blacklisted on FATF and other such things without the help of GCC, China, etc? So many times China has helped Pak with its veto. So many times Pak has been helped by KSA, UAE, Turkey, US, and others. In return it's natural that they expect something from Pak...which is what u r referring to as the COST.

If not these F16s then there will be some next thing where Pak will rely on some country X...and will eventually have to pay for it whether monetarily or through other means. That IS the reality and it's not going to change anytime soon...there is no scenario where Pak can chart its own independent path.
Instead ur concern should be about how Pak plays its cards...and not get used and discarded like last time(after USSR's defeat in Afghanistan and the sanctions that followed). Pak should learn from that and build more comprehensive long lasting relationships that continue the give and take relationship rather than a one night stand.
@Khafee @Tps43 I am almost sure both of you know famous Mr. KK especially if you are/were related to acquisitions, upgrades, supplies mostly from Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, somewhat LM and not to forget CASA.....
Oh ok! It could be an equivalent of S-400 then? To show India a middle finger and to prove Russians that THAAD is better than their system, USA might pitch in an air defense system to Pakistan. Not F-16s may be @Khafee

Khafee in Arabic I think means hidden. So this news is so hidden from everyone except @Khafee :) :)
Oh ok! It could be an equivalent of S-400 then? To show India a middle finger and to prove Russians that THAAD is better than their system, USA might pitch in an air defense system to Pakistan. Not F-16s may be @Khafee

Khafee in Arabic I think means hidden. So this news is so hidden from everyone except @Khafee :) :)
If they selling Us THAAD then we should grab more F16 too there many used F16 available now we should try to grab it as many we can would be nice THAAD against S400
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