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PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects

We all have heard that PAF might going to give follow up order of another 18-36 F-16s Block-52 along with some Block-40s from EU countries.??? Is it Real!

Block40 in EU countries never existed all EU countries operate A/B Block 15s upgraded to AM/BM MLU standards. They are comparable to Block 40s. PAF MLUs are quiet different they have more modern radars and EW suites as compared to EU MLUs. Venezuela is an option to get F-16s as their one are grounded around 18 Block 15s they operate are sitting ducks as they have no spare and technical support due to sanctions by US.

^^ why is delivery taking such a long time? US has HUGE industrial capacity and must be churning out scores of these a year (maybe not anymore).
there was a strike at Lockheed for past 4 months which has now has been ended after negotiations with workers and all next MLUs will be conducted by TAI at Kamra in Pakistan TAI has trained nearly 200 PAF engineers and technicians with the first 3 MLUs conversion in Turkey and US has delivered first 2 pattern aircrafts only 2 are in US.
^^ why is delivery taking such a long time? US has HUGE industrial capacity and must be churning out scores of these a year (maybe not anymore).

the upgrades are not going on at Lockheed Martin-US. Only the first two under went MLU at LM and the next three were done at TAI.
it is being reported that atleast four more are under process at TAI-Turkey.
furthermore, TAI have also trained PAC engineers and future upgrades will be carried out at PAC Kamra with assistance of TAI.

Here is the MLU news and event updates by date:

February 6, 2012: Pakistan receives first MLU F-16s
The Pakistani air force received its first two MLU upgraded F-16s today at PAF Shahbaz airbase after the aircraft arrived back from the USA.

Accompanying the two upgraded F-16s was the final block 52 airframe a D-Model (#10801) which had remained in the US for testing & trials. This concludes the delivery of all 18 of the newer Block 52 aircraft ordered as part of the 'Peace Drive' program.

According to PAF public affairs officials the two F-16 block 15 aircraft, were earlier sent to USA for Mid Life Upgrade (MLU) and have been delivered back to the PAF on time. On there return a small ceremony was held at the base attended by PAF dignitaries.

The United States has released $ 116 million to finance mid-life upgrades for Pakistan's existing fleet of block 15 A/B aircraft.

Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) will do the upgrade MLU which primarily involves replacement of avionics and structural modifications bringing them close to block 40 standards.

February 8, 2012: TAI delivers first upgraded PAF F-16
Turkey's center of aerospace, Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), has delivered the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) its first upgraded F-16 (#90617) as part of the Peace Drive II modernization program.

The first PAF F-16 aircraft, completed modernization and flight tests and was delivered to PAF at a ceremony held at TAI on 8 February 2012.

In attendance were the Turkish Deputy Minister of Defense Mr. Hasan Kemal Yardımcı, Pakistan Ambassador to Turkey HE Muhammad Shaukat Haroon, Pakistan Deputy Chief of Air Staff Air Mshl. Asim Suleiman, Turkish Armed Forces Foundation General Manager Mr. Hayrettin Uzun and Undersecretary for Defense Industries Mr. Murad Bayar as well as many military and civilian high level representatives.

The Peace Drive II program was signed with Pakistan Ministry of Defense in June 2009, with work starting in October 2010 and planned completion by September 2014.

Under the program, TAI's engineers and technicians will perform avionics and structural modernization of a total of 41 F-16 aircraft that are in the inventory of Pakistan Air Force. The test flights of each modernized aircraft will also be performed by TAI's F-16 Test Pilots.

The required parts, material and technical data are furnished to TAI in accordance with another contract between US Government and PAF.

TAI will also provide classroom and on-the-job training for 72 PAF technicians. Upon completion of their trainings, the technicians will directly participate in the ongoing modernization activities at TAI.

TAI, which was established for co-production of F-16 aircraft for the Turkish Air Force in 1984, is one of the major aerospace companies in the world at F-16 manufacturing and modernization. After manufacturing and delivering a total of 272 F-16s, TAI, which has successfully completed avionics and structural modernization of F-16s of the Royal Jordanian Air Force and is currently modernizing 175 F-16s for the Turkish Air Force.

February 26, 2012: TAI upgraded F-16s arrive in Pakistan
The first batch of three TAI upgraded F-16 block 15 MLU (Mid Life Upgrade) were delivered to the Pakistan Air Force on Friday.

The aircraft were flown from Ankara, Turkey to PAF Base Shahbaz at Jacobabad according to a PAF spokesman. The aircraft were earlier sent to TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) to be refurbished under the Peace Drive II program which started in October 2010.

A ceremony was held to commemorate the delivery of the first batch of upgraded jets, attended by Deputy Chief of Air Staff (Operations), Air Marshal Waseemuddin, and other officials.

Under the program, TAI is modernizing the avionics and structure of the F-16 jets that have been in service with the PAF since 1982-83. The projected completion date for all the upgrades is expected to be September 2014.

Earlier this month, the US delivered the last F-16D block 52 jet and two F-16 block 15 jets that had undergone mid-life upgrades in the US.

So this confirms the presence of 5 Mid-Life Upgraded F-16 is PAF with the first two coming from US Lockheed Martin and the Next three from Ankara TAI.
Four more are to be delivered within this year in coming months.

f-16 is still useless against the jets IAF is getting
4 were sent to the US. so the 2 remaining will arrive within 2012.

we are getting APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar for our MLU F-16?
since at the start there was an option for either APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or the APG-66(V)2 radar.
however as far as i now the PAF F-16 even before MLU have gone through a Operational Capability Upgrade and are F-16 Blk-15OCU standard so have already a APG-66 upgraded radar.

as per my info we are getting the APG-68(V)9 but just need a confirmation.

yourself, ANTIBODY or any one please?

Northrop Grumman APG-68 [V]9 Multi-Mode Fire Control Radar:
Northrop Grumman APG-68 radar, the (V)9 multi-mode fire control radar that offers improved detection range and resolution. This is the second most advanced Radar to ever be equipped by F-16, second only to UAE's AN/APG-80 AESA radars. A new slightly advanced version the V(10) is also developed that included all-weather autonomous detection and targeting for Global Positioning System (GPS)-aided precision weapons. It also adds SAR mapping and terrain-following (TF) modes.

The AN/APG-68, an evolution of the APG-66, was introduced with the F-16C/D Block 25. The APG-68 has greater range and resolution, as well as 25 operating modes, including ground-mapping, Doppler beam-sharpening, ground moving target, sea target, and track-while-scan (TWS) for up to 10 targets. The Block 40/42's APG-68(V)1 model added full compatibility with Lockheed Martin Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN) pods, and a high-PRF pulse-Doppler track mode to provide continuous-wave (CW) target illumination for semi-active radar-homing (SARH) missiles like the AIM-7 Sparrow. Block 50/52 F-16s initially used the more reliable APG-68(V)5 which has a programmable signal processor employing Very-High-Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) technology. The Advanced Block 50/52 (or 50+/52+) are equipped with the APG-68(V)9 radar, with a 30% greater air-to-air detection range and a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) mode for high-resolution mapping and target detection-recognition.

AN/APG-68 V9 Pulse Doppler Radar
The AN/APG-68(V)9 radar system consists of the following line-replaceable units:
Modified Dual Mode Transmitter (MDT)
Modular Receiver/Exciter (MoRE)
Common Radar Processor (CoRP)
Note that the Line-Replaceable Units are the components that are designed to be replaced quickly at an operating location.
The AN/APG-68(V)9 radar is the latest development. Besides the increase in scan range compared to the previous version, it has a Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) capability enabling it to get high detailed and high resolution signals from the target area.

It uses Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) technology that provided faster processors that provide increased throughput, with x5 faster processing speed and x10 growth in memory capacity over the APG-66. With the powerful processing capability, the new APG-68V9 has a high resistance to electromagnetic interference and countermeasures and future growth potential. The system offers new and improved capabilities in both air/air and air/ground modes, primarily in the operation at long range (BVR) and target rich airspace. The APG-68(V)9 offers 30 percent increase in detection range, improved search-while-track mode (four vs. two tracked targets) and larger search volume and improved track while scan performance. Its single target track performance has also been improved.

On air/ground missions, the new radar becomes an effective sensor, utilizing its high-resolution synthetic aperture radar mode, which allows the pilot to locate and recognize tactical ground targets from considerable distances. Although previous radars had some Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capabilities, the new version generates imagery-class (2 feet resolution) high resolutions pictures, comparable to pictures delivered by the most modern commercial satellites. These pictures can be acquired from very long range, at all weather conditions and provide an effective, real-time source for the targeting of long range, precision guided weapons. The radar provides autonomous, all-environment, precision air-to-surface targeting with a high-resolution synthetic aperture radar ground mapping mode.

The radar also has increased detection range in sea surveillance mode, and enhanced ground moving target identification and mapping capability. The radar features an inertial measurement unit that improves dynamic tracking performance and provides an auto-bore sight capability, which increases accuracy.

The APG-68 V9 features reduced weight, power, cooling and 25%-45% lower support costs. With more line replaceable units, it is both cost effective and maintenance friendly.

The new APG-68 V9 radar have increased mission performance and reliability. It enables engagement of air-to-air and air-to-surface threats with greater accuracy and at greater ranges. Provides autonomous, all-environment, precision air-to-surface targeting. New modes for improved situational awareness.
It have a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) ground mapping mode that significantly improves the planes performance is specially air-to-ground attack role. Have smaller Target Location Error with improved Weapon Probability of Kill.
the APG-98 V9 provides faster, farther aerial target acquisition with 33% greater air-to-air range than legacy radars with four-target Situational Awareness Mode

Weapon Support:
The APG-98 V9 is compatible with most of the latest weapons systems including:
AMRAAM, AIM-9X, and other missiles
GPS weapons such as JDAM, JSOW, and WCMD
LITENING II and other EO pods
ASPJ, ASPIS, ALQ-131, & other EW systems

Radar Range: 300Km
Max Track Range for 5 sqm RCS: 80 km Max Track sqm RCS for 5 - 80 km
Search cone: 120 degrees × 120 degrees
Azimuth: +/- 60 degrees
Basic Weight: 164Kg
It would be better if we can upgrade our F-16s with the new AESA radar that lockheed is now proposing but considering how rapidly our relationship have deteriorated with the Americans and considering that guys in the PAF are not that keen either, it seems to be a distant dream.
It would be better if we can upgrade our F-16s with the new AESA radar that lockheed is now proposing but considering how rapidly our relationship have deteriorated with the Americans and considering that guys in the PAF are not that keen either, it seems to be a distant dream.

that wont be a cost effective approach and in the same money, we can get some AESA for our JFT!!
the JFT is brand new plane and have massive room for improvements.
spending billions in upgrading decades old F-16 is not a good idea!
that wont be a cost effective approach and in the same money, we can get some AESA for our JFT!!
the JFT is brand new plane and have massive room for improvements.
spending billions in upgrading decades old F-16 is not a good idea!

In another thread people are discussing about possible issues of cooling the AESA radar on JF-17. When can a possible solution to this is achieved who knows but not for block 2 which brings us back to F-16 and hence my argument. F-16 though decade old is still our main stray fighter, so equipping it with the very best should not be a matter of concern.
we are getting APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar for our MLU F-16?
since at the start there was an option for either APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or the APG-66(V)2 radar.
however as far as i now the PAF F-16 even before MLU have gone through a Operational Capability Upgrade and are F-16 Blk-15OCU standard so have already a APG-66 upgraded radar.

as per my info we are getting the APG-68(V)9 but just need a confirmation.

yourself, ANTIBODY or any one please?

Yes our MLU F-16s will have APG-68 V(9) radar + 10 spare APG-68 V(9) radar sets to be delivered to us. APG-66 V2 which we currently have on our F-16 can fire AMRAAMs as well, but it would require serious airframe (wiring) and software changes in the recipient aircraft.

The serials of MLUs delivers so far to PAF are:
82603, 84713, 84718, 84608 and 84617.
It would be better if we can upgrade our F-16s with the new AESA radar that lockheed is now proposing but considering how rapidly our relationship have deteriorated with the Americans and considering that guys in the PAF are not that keen either, it seems to be a distant dream.

The close relation to China is another point, on the other side recent news says that Taiwan gets AESA radar to upgrade their older F16s, Japan gets AESA and even IRST for their F15s, S. Korea is evaluating the F15 Silent Eagle and might divert some upgrades to their older versions too if it wins and Israel is trying to add their own AESA to F15s and F16. So the US are pushing AESA and other upgrades to countries they seems to thrust more at the moment.
The close relation to China is another point, on the other side recent news says that Taiwan gets AESA radar to upgrade their older F16s, Japan gets AESA and even IRST for their F15s, S. Korea is evaluating the F15 Silent Eagle and might divert some upgrades to their older versions too if it wins and Israel is trying to add their own AESA to F15s and F16. So the US are pushing AESA and other upgrades to countries they seems to thrust more at the moment.

they the US always offer hardware 1st to tier-1 countries (NATO/Jpn/ROK) etc. taiwan is another story. its mostly political. other countries like PK are tier-2 countries. its not about trust only as you infer.
It would be better if we can upgrade our F-16s with the new AESA radar that lockheed is now proposing but considering how rapidly our relationship have deteriorated with the Americans and considering that guys in the PAF are not that keen either, it seems to be a distant dream.
our APG radars are brand new, upgrading to AESA would not be fair at this point of time. And secondly even US has recently floated its tender for F-16 AESA upgrade, it would be wiser to go for any such upgrade after: 1)our radar stock has exhausted its life span 2)feedback from USAF's program (which would also be benificial since with the expansion of production of radar sets for USAF, the unit cost would likely decrease given development costs spread over production). Given the financial constraints that we historically has been facing, it would be rather approperiate to wait and watch for the time being.
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