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PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects

Defense Security Cooperation Agency

On the web: The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Media/Public Contact: (703) 601-3670

Date: 28 June 2006 Transmittal No. 06-34

Pakistan – Weapons for F-16C/D Block 50/52 Aircraft

On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of Weapons for the F-16C/D Block 50/52 Aircraft as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $650 million.

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of:

Major Defense Equipment (MDE);

> 500 AIM-120C5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)

> 12 AMRAAM training missiles

> 240 LAU-129/A Launchers

> 200 AIM-9M-8/9 SIDEWINDER missiles

> 500 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Guidance Kits: GBU-31/38 Guided Bomb Unit (GBU) kits; 1,600 Enhanced-GBU-12/24 GBUs

> 800 MK-82 500 pound General Purpose (GP) and MK-84 2,000 pound GP bombs; and

>700 BLU-109 2,000 pound with FMU-143 Fuze.

Associated support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, capability to employ a wide variety of munitions, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to ensure full program supportability will also be provided. The estimated cost is $650 million.

Defense Security Cooperation Agency


On the web: The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Media/Public Contact: (703) 601-3670

Date: 28 June 2006 Transmittal No. 06-09

Pakistan – F-16C/D Block 50/52 Aircraft

On 28 June 2005, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of 36 F-16C/D Block 50/52 Aircraft as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $3 billion.

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of:

Major Defense Equipment (MDE)

>36 F-16C/D Block 50/52 aircraft with either the F100-PW-229 or F110-GE-129 Increased Performance Engines (IPEs) and APG-68(V)9 radars

>7 spare F100-PW-229 IPE or F110-GE-129 IPE engines

>7 spare APG-68(V)9 radar sets

>36 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems

>36 AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS radios with HAVE QUICK I/II

>36 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs)

>36 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals

>36 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Systems

>36 APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems

>36 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites without Digital Radio

>Frequency Memory (DRFM) or AN/ALQ-184 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM or AN/ALQ-131 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM or AN/ALQ-187 Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suites without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-178 Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suites without DRFM and
1 Unit Level Trainer

Associated support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, capability to employ a wide variety of munitions, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment,


Defense Security Cooperation Agency


On the web: The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Media/Public Contact: (703) 601-3670

Date: 28 June 2006 Transmittal No. 06-10

Pakistan – F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification Kits

On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification kits as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $1.3 billion.
The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU) modification and Falcon Star Structural Service Life Enhancement kits consisting of:

>APG-68(V)9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or APG-66(V)2 radar;

>Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems;

>AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems;

>AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems;

>Have Quick I/II Radios;

>Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals;

>SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability;

>Reconnaissance pod capability;

>Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units;

>MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits
21 ALQ-131 Block II Electronic Countermeasures Pods without the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM) or ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures Pods without DRFM;

>60 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems;

>1 Unit Level Trainer; and

>10 APG-68(V)9 spare radar sets.

Also included are radars, modems, receivers, installation, avionics, spare and repair parts, support equipment, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, technical assistance, publications and technical documentation, system drawings, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, and other related logistics elements necessary for full program support. The estimated cost is $1.3 billion.

Defense Security Cooperation Agency


On the web: The Official Home of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency Media/Public Contact: (703) 601-3670

Date: 28 June 2006 Transmittal No. 06-11

Pakistan – F-16 Engine Modifications and Falcon UP/STAR Structural Upgrades

On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of Engine Modifications and Falcon UP/STAR Structural Upgrades as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $151 million.

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale for modification/overhaul of 14 F100-PW-220E engines, 14 Falcon UP/STAR F-16 structural upgrade kits, de-modification and preparation of 26 aircraft, support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to support the program. The estimated cost is $151 million.
Lockheed Martin ships 10 more upgrade kits. (July 30/11)

On June 28/06, the US DSCA notified Congress via a series of releases of its intention to provide Pakistan with a $5.1 billion Foreign Military Sales package to upgrade the F-16s that serve as the PAF’s top of the line fighters. Some of these items had been put on hold following the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan & Kashmir, but the request for 36 new F-16 Block 50/52s is now going ahead, along with new weapons, engine modifications, and upgrade kits for Pakistan’s older F-16 A/Bs. The buy went through, and was accompanied by the supply of 26 older F-16s from USAF surplus stocks.

These items are detailed below, along with controversies the proposed sales have created, and some of the conditions attached to the sale by the US government…

* Item 1: 36 New F-16 Block 50/52s – $3 billion
* Item 2: Weapons for the New F-16s – $650 Million
* Item 3: F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification Kits – $1.3 billion
* Item 4: F-16A/B Engine Modifications & UP/STAR – $151 Million
* Deal Updates and Progress [updated]
* Potential Controversies (July 5, 2006)
* Additional Readings [updated]

Item 1: 36 New F-16 Block 50/52s – $3 billion
F-16 Block52 PAF
PAF F-16D Block 52
(click to view full)

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of up to 36 F-16C Block 50 and F-16D Block 52 two-seater aircraft – a buy of 18 jets, with an option for another 18. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $3 billion.

The planes will be equipped with the APG-68(V)9 radars, which are the most modern F-16 radar except for the UAE’s F-16E/F Block 60 “Desert Falcons” and their AN/APG-80 AESA. The engine contract was less certain. Pakistan’s existing F-16s use the Pratt & Whitney F100 engine, the new planes involved a competition between Pratt & Whitney’s F100-PW-229 or General Electric’s F110-GE-129 Increased Performance Engines (IPEs). Pratt & Whitney kept their customer, and supplied the new F-16s with their F100-PW-229 EEP variant.

The package for Pakistan’s new F-16s also includes:

* 7 spare F100-PW-229 EEP or F110-GE-129 IPE engines (F100-PW-229 EEP selected)
* 7 spare APG-68(V)9 radar sets
* 36 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
* 36 AN/ARC-238 SINCGARS radios with HAVE QUICK I/II
* 36 Conformal Fuel Tanks (pairs) that fit along the aircraft’s sides to give them extra range
* 36 Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals; see tactical uses of MIDS-LVT Link 16 systems
* 36 Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation Systems
* 36 APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems
* 36 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare (ALQ-211 AIDEW) Suites without Digital Radio Frequency Memory (picked); or AN/ALQ-184 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-131 Electronic Counter Measures pod without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-187 Advanced Self-Protection Integrated Suites without DRFM; or AN/ALQ-178 Self-Protection Electronic Warfare Suites without DRFM
* 1 Unit Level Trainer
* Associated support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, capability to employ a wide variety of munitions, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to ensure full program supportability.

The principal contractors under Pakistan’s “Peace Drive” buy will be:

* Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Fort Worth, TX
* Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control, Dallas, TX
* BAE Advanced Systems Greenlawn, NY
* Boeing Corporation Seattle, WA
* Boeing Integrated Defense Systems: St Louis, MO; Long Beach, CA; San Diego, CA
* Raytheon Company: Lexington, MA; Goleta, CA
* Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, AZ
* Northrop-Grumman Electro-Optical Systems in Garland, TX
* Northrop-Grumman Electronic Systems in Baltimore, MD
* United Technology Company subsidiary Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford, CT; or
* General Electric Aircraft Engines in Cincinnati, OH

There are no known offset agreements in connection with this proposed sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips to Pakistan involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical review/support and program management of the aircraft. See DSCA release [PDF].

Item 2: Weapons for the New F-16s – $650 Million

To equip those new F-16s, the Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of:

* 500 AIM-120C5 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM)
* 12 AMRAAM training missiles – these have seeker warheads but lack engines
* 200 AIM-9M-8/9 Sidewinder Short-Range Air-Air Missiles; they are the version before the fifth-generation AIM-9X.
* 240 LAU-129/A Launchers – these support AMRAAM or Sidewinder missiles.
* 500 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Guidance Kits: GBU-31/38 Guided Bomb Unit (GBU) kits
* 1,600 Enhanced Paveway GBU-12 (500 lb.) and GBU-24s (2,000 lb.) with dual laser/GPS guidance
* 800 MK-82 500 pound General Purpose (GP) and MK-84 2,000 pound GP bombs
* 700 BLU-109 2,000 pound bunker-buster bombs with the FMU-143 Fuse
* Associated support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, capability to employ a wide variety of munitions, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to ensure full program supportability will also be provided.

The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $650 million. The principal contractors will be:

* BAE Advanced Systems in Greenlawn, NY
* Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth, TX
* Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control in Dallas, TX
* Northrop-Grumman Electro-Optical Systems in Garland, TX
* Northrop-Grumman Electronic Systems in Baltimore, MD

There are no known offset agreements in connection with this proposed sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips to Pakistan involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical review/support, program management, and modification of the aircraft. See DSCA release [PDF format].

Item 3: F-16A/B Mid-Life Update Modification Kits – $1.3 billion

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale of 60 F-16A/B Mid-Life Update (MLU) modification and Falcon Star Structural Service Life Enhancement kits consisting of:

* APG-68v9 with Synthetic Aperture Radar or the APG-66(V)2 radar, which is a much smaller improvement on earlier F-16s. The APG-68 with SAR is far better at air to ground work, and can be used to monitor ground activity.
* Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
* AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems
* AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems
* Have Quick I/II Radios
* Link-16 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminals (MIDS-LVT)
* SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability
* Reconnaissance pod capability
* Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units (used for training exercises)
* MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits
* 21 ALQ-131 Block II Electronic Countermeasures Pods without the Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM); or ALQ-184 Electronic Countermeasures Pods without DRFM;
* 60 ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Management Systems;
* 1 Unit Level Trainer; and
* 10 APG-68v9 spare radar sets.
* Radars, modems, receivers, installation, avionics, spare and repair parts, support equipment, CONUS-personnel training and training equipment, technical assistance, publications and technical documentation, system drawings, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, and other related logistics elements necessary for full program support.


The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $1.3 billion.

According to the US DSCA, Pakistan intends to purchase the MLU Program equipment “to enhance survivability, communications connectivity, and extend the useful life of its F-16A/B fighter aircraft. The modifications and upgrades in this proposed sale will permit Pakistan’s F-16A/B squadron to operate safely, and enhance Pakistan’s conventional deterrent capability. Pakistan’s air fleet can readily use these updates to enhance and extend the life of its aircraft.”

The principal contractors will be:

* BAE Advanced Systems in Greenlawn, NY
* Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth, TX
* Lockheed Martin Missile and Fire Control in Dallas, TX
* Northrop-Grumman Electro-Optical Systems in Garland, TX
* Northrop-Grumman Electronic Systems in Baltimore, MD

There are no known offset agreements in connection with this proposed sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips to Pakistan involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives. See DSCA release [PDF].

InsideDefense.com makes the interesting observation that Pakistan doesn’t have 60 F-16s to upgrade. The clear implication is that the Pakistani government is interested in buying used F-16s and upgrading them, which proved to be the case. As part of the deal for new planes, in Sept 30/06 the USA also agreed to deliver 26 of the “Peace Gate III/IV” F-16A/B Block 15OCUs that had been ordered in 1988-1989, then embargoed when Pakistan tested nuclear weapons. After the embargo, the planes had been diverted for use as aggressor combat training aircraft by USAF and the US Navy.

Item 4: F-16A/B Engine Modifications & UP/STAR – $151 Million
F100 engine
F100 Engine Test

The third contract involves Engine Modifications and Falcon UP/STAR Structural Upgrades as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $151 million.

More specifically, the Government of Pakistan has requested engine improvements and structural modifications to its F-16 fleet, which includes a possible sale of:

* 14 F100-PW-220E engines
* 14 Falcon UP/STAR F-16 structural upgrade kits
* De-modification and preparation of 26 aircraft
* Support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to support the program.

The principal contractors will be:

* Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company in Fort Worth, TX
* United Technology Company subsidiary Pratt & Whitney in East Hartford, CT.

There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale, but implementation of the engine modifications and UP/STAR repairs will require multiple trips to Pakistan involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical review/support, program management, and modification of the aircraft. See DSCA release [PDF].

$5.1B Proposed Sales, Upgrades, Weapons Pakistan’s F-16s
qouting some updates--Rest of the updates in the initial pages

It is interesting to see that finally two MLU'ed are returned from Turkey (I thought there were 3 in Turkey) and the 4 from USA (that took them ages but pretty much related to testing). The most interesting is that PAF did everything (paying 75 million USD) to get the upgrades done in Pakistan. Not again that we send major numbers to USA and then pay for parking slots for decades... We are learning.

6 F16 A/B coming after MLU from Turkey and USA in DECEMBER 2011.
,remaining 26 will be upgraded at KAMRA''

32 Falcon STAR kits for original Peace Gate I aircraft, 35 MLU kits ordered, with 11 more MLU kits optional. 4 F-16A/B being upgraded in the U.S., delivery expected December 2011, 2 F-16A/B being upgraded at Turkish Aerospace Industries from February 2011 ...delivery expected December 2011, remaining aircraft to be upgraded at PAC Kamra by TAI personnel. 10 more MLU kits ordered on 29 July 2011 out of those 11 optional kits.''
Has PAF placed a order for 18 more blk 52 on option ? i know there were talks about it any news or we are going to the smart thing and not place the order.
Top Gun.

Do you honstly believe that USA will grant more hardware at this moment in time.

OR that PAK GOVT and MOD would even contempate buying more usa fighters
Has PAF placed a order for 18 more blk 52 on option ? i know there were talks about it any news or we are going to the smart thing and not place the order.

Assalam u Alaikum TOPGUN.
Well, my sources told me too about this order. It was cause SD-10 was facing problems. But after a week or two, Eagle Hannan told us the problem is solved and JF-17 can now use SD-10.

Hence I dont think the order was made. Nabil_05 confirmed to us that order wasn't made.

Top Gun.

Do you honstly believe that USA will grant more hardware at this moment in time.

OR that PAK GOVT and MOD would even contempate buying more usa fighters

Perhaps you need to read up more before opening up your mouth every where its was reported that PAF was in talks with the US for option of 18 more blk 52 so i was asking about that if you don't know jack about our country or even whats going on the fourm then just accpect to learn before talking out with no knowledge iam very much aware of the Pak-US realtionship :coffee:.

---------- Post added at 03:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:36 PM ----------

Assalam u Alaikum TOPGUN.
Well, my sources told me too about this order. It was cause SD-10 was facing problems. But after a week or two, Eagle Hannan told us the problem is solved and JF-17 can now use SD-10.

Hence I dont think the order was made. Nabil_05 confirmed to us that order wasn't made.


Walkum salaam bhai thanks for the info yaar i have been on and off .. of the site becuase of work so perhaps i didn't get to read it chalo good we made the wise choice thanks.
The report for more F16 x 18 WAS FROM 2 YEARS AGO.

In 2011 THE RELATIONSHIP is diffrrent infact the difference is night and day. SO DIFFERRENT that the usa is offering F35 TO YOUR ENEMY INDIA with TOT.

On offer that was laughed out the office by the indian MOD.

So what India is offered F-35? and what's your post got to do with the issue we are discussing at hand. Please try not to disrupt flow of discussion with your Mighty India rants
The report for more F16 x 18 WAS FROM 2 YEARS AGO.

In 2011 THE RELATIONSHIP is diffrrent infact the difference is night and day. SO DIFFERRENT that the usa is offering F35 TO YOUR ENEMY INDIA with TOT.

On offer that was laughed out the office by the indian MOD.
they are offering to you because they know what you can do with this machine along with tot they know acountry which cant make tejas in 30 years with 20 billion defence budget can do nothing with this machine bt when talking for pakistan babar cruisefrom tom hack upgraded harproon anti ship to ground attack missile these are things after that they cannt even think about this so its shame for you not proud...........

---------- Post added at 11:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 AM ----------

The report for more F16 x 18 WAS FROM 2 YEARS AGO.

In 2011 THE RELATIONSHIP is diffrrent infact the difference is night and day. SO DIFFERRENT that the usa is offering F35 TO YOUR ENEMY INDIA with TOT.

On offer that was laughed out the office by the indian MOD.
they are offering to you because they know what you can do with this machine along with tot they know acountry which cant make tejas in 30 years with 20 billion defence budget can do nothing with this machine bt when talking for pakistan babar cruisefrom tom hack upgraded harproon anti ship to ground attack missile these are things after that they cannt even think about this so its shame for you not proud...........
18 new F-16C/D cannot be delivered within one month. however 18 F-16C/D blk 40's can be transferred from EDA stocks on 'as is' basis.
so if the news is true, then it would be a combination of...

1-F16D - blk 52
3-F16A/B - blk 15MLU
14-F-16C/D - blk 40's (as USN still hasnt agreed to release the 14 F-16A's which were originally designated for PAF but were embargoed)

but before we jump for joy lets wait for DSCA announcement (if any)
Pakistan to receive final batch of F-16 aircraft from US
10 January 2012

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will receive 18 F-16 block 52 aircraft from Lockheed Martin later this month as part of a foreign military sale (FMS) of 36 F-16C/D block 50/52 aircraft announced in June 2005.

Under the US-Pakistan F-16 programme, Lockheed was awarded a contract for 12 F-16C and six F-16D block 52 aircraft in December 2006. The delivery comes at a time when military aid for Pakistan has been almost completely halted by the US in the wake of a series of crises affecting the bilateral relationship between the two nations.

Pakistan has already received block 52 versions of the F-16 aircraft, which includes day-night, all-weather and precision-attack capabilities. The compact multirole, single-engine Lockheed Martin-built F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft has a high level of manoeuvrability, a top speed of 2,124km/h, and can detect planes flying at very low altitudes. The F-16 block 52 aircraft provides additional fuel and payload capacity, improved avionics and sensors, and colour cockpit displays with enhanced pilot/vehicle interfaces.

The AN/APG-68 radar-equipped F-16 with wind-corrected munitions dispenser infrared navigation provides the pilot with separate air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, including long-range, all-aspect detection and tracking, simultaneous multiple-target tracking and high-resolution ground mapping. The F-16 jets are widely deployed by the air forces of Israel, Egypt, Iraq, New Zealand, South Korea, Chile, Poland, UAE, Bahrain, Greece and Singapore.

The US is also working with the PAF to update 45 F-16s from its existing fighter fleet through the US foreign military financing security assistance programme. The aircraft are currently undergoing mid-life upgrades and deliveries are scheduled to take place throughout 2012 and 2013.

Pakistan to receive final batch of F-16 aircraft from US - Airforce Technology
Pakistan to receive final batch of F-16 aircraft from US
10 January 2012

The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will receive 18 F-16 block 52 aircraft from Lockheed Martin later this month as part of a foreign military sale (FMS) of 36 F-16C/D block 50/52 aircraft announced in June 2005.

Under the US-Pakistan F-16 programme, Lockheed was awarded a contract for 12 F-16C and six F-16D block 52 aircraft in December 2006. The delivery comes at a time when military aid for Pakistan has been almost completely halted by the US in the wake of a series of crises affecting the bilateral relationship between the two nations.

Pakistan has already received block 52 versions of the F-16 aircraft, which includes day-night, all-weather and precision-attack capabilities. The compact multirole, single-engine Lockheed Martin-built F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft has a high level of manoeuvrability, a top speed of 2,124km/h, and can detect planes flying at very low altitudes. The F-16 block 52 aircraft provides additional fuel and payload capacity, improved avionics and sensors, and colour cockpit displays with enhanced pilot/vehicle interfaces.

The AN/APG-68 radar-equipped F-16 with wind-corrected munitions dispenser infrared navigation provides the pilot with separate air-to-air and air-to-ground modes, including long-range, all-aspect detection and tracking, simultaneous multiple-target tracking and high-resolution ground mapping. The F-16 jets are widely deployed by the air forces of Israel, Egypt, Iraq, New Zealand, South Korea, Chile, Poland, UAE, Bahrain, Greece and Singapore.

The US is also working with the PAF to update 45 F-16s from its existing fighter fleet through the US foreign military financing security assistance programme. The aircraft are currently undergoing mid-life upgrades and deliveries are scheduled to take place throughout 2012 and 2013.

Pakistan to receive final batch of F-16 aircraft from US - Airforce Technology

I think its typo and that is 18th plane of total 18 plane which was send back to US because of some mal function in hardware when we have to received 6 planes and we only received 4 due to some tech problems & if i remember on that time we discussed the same in PDF.
we have now got 5 MLU F-16s in PAF inventory.

wonder what is the status of the reported STAR upgrade for the Blk-15 MLU F-16 of PAF. initially it was reported that both are different programs but as per my study, its is the structural upgrades and is being carried along with MLU.

any news?
we have now got 5 MLU F-16s in PAF inventory.

wonder what is the status of the reported STAR upgrade for the Blk-15 MLU F-16 of PAF. initially it was reported that both are different programs but as per my study, its is the structural upgrades and is being carried along with MLU.

any news?

It is a part of the whole MLU package, all the blk 15s will get Falcon Star structural enhancement including the five we just received.
As per my knowledge, the structural upgrade preceeds the midlife upgrade. But I can be wrong. Let me find out.
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