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PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

Excuse me? Mirage 2000 were painted, but not fired upon. They bugged put not to evade. They cited so called radar problems.
Where and when ? And how is that mirages from Gwalior are carrying out CAP in northern india, dosent make effin sense.
I remember when you said Pakistan got an additional F16 from Turkey or Jordan

No F16 shot down. An external body did the count and proved it to be the truth.
No such count happened for your Su30mki.
Fake news, there was no such count, even the Pentagon isn't aware of such a count lol. I think the Pentagon's words are more credible than yours.
Or you know, the fragment of the AMRAAM shown indicates its proxy fuse detonated. It's proxy fuse won't detonate unless it's found its target which in this case, is the su30mki. And are you really telling me India managed to find an AMRAAM fragment that quick after the engagement (in a hypothetical scenario where no su30mki was shot down).
The Proximity fuze could have been set by a decoy , that's very much possible
What? As per the IAF doctrine with its mig21, the mig 21 is supposed to fly low, nap of the earth to avoid radar detection whilst their su30mki is supposed to remain at height using its super dooper NO11 BARS radar to detect aircraft, acting as a mini awacs (that turned out to be very wrong).
After reading this post, I must say you don't know $hit about IAF, you are totally unaware of what role each fighter has and when they are employed. Mig21 is a point air defence fighter and an interceptor. It's not meant to fly Low NOE, it's job is to intercept and challenge intruders coming from the enemy airspace and fly regular CAPs to ensure local airspace dominance. Su 30 on the other hand is multirole fighter, it can carry out deep penetration and strike missions, standoff strikes , interception, air dominance missions and CAP. Strike aircraft fly NoE to prevent radar detection, mig21 is not a strike aircraft, it's an air defence fighter.
Get some knowledge
That was what Abhinandan was doing exactly alongside his wingman.
Kuch bhi ?
It was only because of the PAF heavily jamming Abhinandan's radar and communication system, that he crossed the LOC. His wingman turned back because his comms system wasn't jammed yet. He heard the message that he has a lock against him so he bugged out. Abhinandan couldn't hear that message, hence he was shot down as soon as he crossed the LOC.
Understandable , Mig21 dosent have a secure datalink. All IAF fighters have BNET , except Mig21.
Where and when ? And how is that mirages from Gwalior are carrying out CAP in northern india, dosent make effin sense.

Fake news, there was no such count, even the Pentagon isn't aware of such a count lol. I think the Pentagon's words are more credible than yours.

The Proximity fuze could have been set by a decoy , that's very much possible

After reading this post, I must say you don't know $hit about IAF, you are totally unaware of what role each fighter has and when they are employed. Mig21 is a point air defence fighter and an interceptor. It's not meant to fly Low NOE, it's job is to intercept and challenge intruders coming from the enemy airspace and fly regular CAPs to ensure local airspace dominance. Su 30 on the other hand is multirole fighter, it can carry out deep penetration and strike missions, standoff strikes , interception, air dominance missions and CAP. Strike aircraft fly NoE to prevent radar detection, mig21 is not a strike aircraft, it's an air defence fighter.
Get some knowledge

Kuch bhi ?

Understandable , Mig21 dosent have a secure datalink. All IAF fighters have BNET , except Mig21.
Finally, you are here, my wise friend. I was waiting all the time for you to come to this thread and enlighten us with your usual wisdom and stubbornness.
(BTW same goes to me, I am a Kashmiri and for me words of Kashmiris are also more reliable in which they say a SU30MKI was shot and fell inside loc on Indian Occupied Kashmir side)
Finally, you are here, my wise friend. I was waiting all the time for you to come to this thread and enlighten us with your usual wisdom and stubbornness.
(BTW same goes to me, I am a Kashmiri and for me words of Kashmiris are also more reliable in which they say a SU30MKI was shot and fell inside loc on Indian Occupied Kashmir side)
Dude , aren't you the same guy who kept on insisting that india has 700,000 army troops in kashmir despite you being proved wrong , and your whole argument revolved around the point that you are kashmiri hence you know the ground realties , you provided zero research material back then , how can I expect you to be rational now ? I'm stubborn when I have facts on my side, I am ready to apologize if I'm proved convincingly wrong.
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Dude , aren't you the same guy who kept on insisting that india has 700,000 army troops in kashmir despite you being proved wrong , and your whole argument revolved around the point that you are kashmiri hence you know the ground realties , you provided zero research material back then , how can I expect you to be rational now ? I'm stubborn when I have facts on my side, I am ready to apologize if I'm proved convincingly wrong.
not 700,000 .... 9 lacs when they were at their peak.... may be less now as there is not much resistance inside valleys now (only until a certain time). And my figures covered the whole of Jammu & Kashmir, at LOC and inside the valley.
not 700,000 .... 9 lacs when they were at their peak.... may be less now as there is not much resistance inside valleys now (only until a certain time). And my figures covered the whole of Jammu & Kashmir, at LOC and inside the valley.
Give me the Deployment pattern of the forces, names of formations deployed, etc. I had given you all the data back then
You're making numbers out of thin air
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Give me the Deployment pattern of the forces, names of formations deployed, etc. I had given you all the data back then
You're making numbers out of thin air
I am not bound to give you anything. See, I am more stubborn than you :azn:
Ok. Let's get serious. Only accurate numbers can be provided by Indian Army themselves, right? But do you really believe India will provide real numbers when it will hurt her stand a lot in the eyes of the world, not to mention in the eyes of her own people who are fed that Kashmir is an integral part of India and Kashmiris are with India.
Well, to control a population of more than 12.5 million Kashmiris (all Indian-occupied union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh) 0.8 or 0.9 million troops are not enough when you have to look at your border both with China And Pakistan, and also to control independence movement inside the valley.
The numbers I gave are estimated and are generally accepted by the rest of the world.
I am not bound to give you anything. See, I am more stubborn than you :azn:
Ok. Let's get serious. Only accurate numbers can be provided by Indian Army themselves, right? But do you really believe India will provide real numbers when it will hurt her stand a lot in the eyes of the world, not to mention in the eyes of her own people who are fed that Kashmir is an integral part of India and Kashmiris are with India.
Well, to control a population of more than 12.5 million Kashmiris (all Indian-occupied union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh) 0.8 or 0.9 million troops are not enough when you have to look at your border both with China And Pakistan, and also to control independence movement inside the valley.
The numbers I gave are estimated and are generally accepted by the rest of the world.
I wasted a few seconds of my life to read this. Now to compensate for that give me facts, not rhetoric.
Indian army of 11 Lakh can't have 900,000 troops in kashmir. There are only two corps in Jammu and Kashmir. Of these only one is in kashmir. There are 65 RR battalions too. The total no. Of army personnel isn't more than 200,000

Leave Jammu and Ladakh out of the equation. They are fiercely pro india. Only Kashmiris create trouble
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I wasted a few seconds of my life to read this. Now to compensate for that give me facts, not rhetoric.

Leave Jammu and Ladakh out of the equation. They are fiercely pro india. Only Kashmiris create trouble
And you also wasted 10 secs of my life to put this link here.
He gets Vir Chakra for not following orders? I am pretty sure one needs permission before shooting down enemy aircraft or crossing airspace.
I can't answer this question sir

And you also wasted 10 secs of my life to put this link here.
This talks accurately about the no. Of paramilitary forces ( I never disputed the no. Of paramilitary forces) but the no. Of army personnel given is wrong and grossly overexagerated ( 600,000 army men according to the website and that too cited without a source).
You still don't have any credibile evidence about the no. Of army personnel. Two corps + 65 RR battalions can't be more than 200,000. What's even more laughable is the no. Of air force personnel being fixed at 40,000 without a source.
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I have quoted an Indian source (not Pakistani or any other source) and your shameless ranting goes on. 🤪
And my numbers included all the forces deployed in Indian occupied Kashmir.
I have quoted an Indian source (not Pakistani or any other source) and your shameless ranting goes on. 🤪
And my numbers included all the forces deployed in Indian occupied Kashmir.
Stop arguing with these Indians.
If they can paint their own MiG-21 wreckage in PAF colours and display it as a trophy or award Abhinandan a medal or build Galwan Victory Wall and don't have the nerve and mentality to question how dozens of battered and bruised Indian soldiers ended up in Chinese captivity, then you can be sure, most of these Fanboys have been fitted with brains developed by DRDO.
There's a reason Lockheed Martin has posted pictures of PAF F-16s on their websites and now another American company has released official model of PAF F-16 calling it Sukhoi SU-30 Killer.
And here is the bird in all its glory.

Where and when ? And how is that mirages from Gwalior are carrying out CAP in northern india, dosent make effin sense.
Don't ask me. Ask your IAF alongside our personnel monitoring your comms. Isn't our fault you were in such a panic that your mirages called bingo.
Fake news, there was no such count, even the Pentagon isn't aware of such a count lol. I think the Pentagon's words are more credible than yours.
You countered it with fake news lol. ALL articles related to this (pentagon not being aware of the count) quote the Hindustan times article who were the first to report this fake news by saying "the Pentagon told them exclusively". Aka we needed to save face by making up bullcrap.

"The Pentagon, like the State Department, has yet to issue a public statement on the F-16 count, but there have been no counter-leaks contradicting the Foreign Policy report."

Haha cope
The Proximity fuze could have been set by a decoy , that's very much possible
Then one has to ask where did they get the AMRAAM fragment from so quickly? Perhaps it was lodged in-between something :)

After reading this post, I must say you don't know $hit about IAF, you are totally unaware of what role each fighter has and when they are employed. Mig21 is a point air defence fighter and an interceptor. It's not meant to fly Low NOE, it's job is to intercept and challenge intruders coming from the enemy airspace and fly regular CAPs to ensure local airspace dominance. Su 30 on the other hand is multirole fighter, it can carry out deep penetration and strike missions, standoff strikes , interception, air dominance missions and CAP. Strike aircraft fly NoE to prevent radar detection, mig21 is not a strike aircraft, it's an air defence fighter.
Get some knowledge
Please read about Cope India exercise 2004/05 between USAF and IAF and the usage of the Mig21 in conjuction with the Su30mki. They tried the same thing on 27th of Feb. It didn't work.
See the difference you have to tag members to get some attention but the stray that you are, you crawl all over the forum with your mouth open.
Should change your nasty habits as some one might stick something into your curry hole. Loser.

Stop arguing with these Indians.
If they can paint their own MiG-21 wreckage in PAF colours and display it as a trophy or award Abhinandan a medal or build Galwan Victory Wall and don't have the nerve and mentality to question how dozens of battered and bruised Indian soldiers ended up in Chinese captivity, then you can be sure, most of these Fanboys have been fitted with brains developed by DRDO.
There's a reason Lockheed Martin has posted pictures of PAF F-16s on their websites and now another American company has released official model of PAF F-16 calling it Sukhoi SU-30 Killer.
And here is the bird in all its glory.

View attachment 910456
@Windjammer We appreciate you are stepping up and kicking @ss and taking names or taking @*** and kicking names, something like that (I can't seem to think right, coffee isn't kicking in atm)! ;)
Don't ask me. Ask your IAF alongside our personnel monitoring your comms. Isn't our fault you were in such a panic that your mirages called bingo.
I asked you for a source bro
You countered it with fake news lol. ALL articles related to this (pentagon not being aware of the count) quote the Hindustan times article who were the first to report this fake news by saying "the Pentagon told them exclusively". Aka we needed to save face by making up bullcrap.

"The Pentagon, like the State Department, has yet to issue a public statement on the F-16 count, but there have been no counter-leaks contradicting the Foreign Policy report."

Haha cope
I think it's you who should be coping right now, pentagon hasn't confirmed your count lol. All those media houses saying that the count took place cite Pakistani sources for the same. Meanwhile the pentagon hasn't even confirmed the existence of any such count.
Then one has to ask where did they get the AMRAAM fragment from so quickly? Perhaps it was lodged in-between something :)
Amraam C5 dosent fly for more than 105km you know lol. If it was set off by decoys it has to fall somehowere.
Please read about Cope India exercise 2004/05 between USAF and IAF and the usage of the Mig21 in conjuction with the Su30mki. They tried the same thing on 27th of Feb. It didn't work.
Lol no, cope india was a well laid out exercise with defined objectives and planned scenarios. The situation on 27th February was spontaneous, the sukhois had to evade and the migs on CAP were scrambled to identify and challenge the intruders. Nothing similar at all.
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