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PAF Deploys to Northern Territories

Will depend on the nose cone size(I think from memory it is around 530 to 560 mm). RD 93 will most likely have to be modified so what purpose will it serve to spend so much money modifying a PD radar for a 60 yrs old plane that is facing obsolescence. If it can go in as it is it might be a good idea otherwise not.

Personally, I want a high performance delta wing fighter paired with the Thunder. Modern engine + AESA radar + new body, avionics etc. would make an entirely new fighter, while keeping the aerodynamics of the Mirage. If this can be done, then seriously, there WON'T be ANY need for another 4th gen fighter. The full aerodynamic flexibility will be available for strategy building, and capability can be enhanced through system upgrades.

I personally believe that Delta-Canard configuration is a complexity created to somehow get the best of both worlds. Retaining the pure delta wings and pure cropped-delta wings gives the pure advantages of each. Using them in tandem creates many interesting scenarios.

Such a venture on the Mirages would also give practice to local Pakistani designers. This kind of real world experience forms a solid basis for realistic fifth gen work that is truly indigenous.
Folks it’s simple if paf can find $$ they would replace mirages and f-7s , they cannot so keep flying them and rebuilding them also mirage with 8000 hour life with results can go for another 10 or so years also mirage is SEAD, stand off strategic attack platform with good range which will eventually be taken over by jf mostly once block 3 shows up but again replacing 9-10 remaining sqn requires $$$$$$ and time so till it happens paf has no choice, at least till 2026/27
Folks it’s simple if paf can find $$ they would replace mirages and f-7s , they cannot so keep flying them and rebuilding them also mirage with 8000 hour life with results can go for another 10 or so years also mirage is SEAD, stand off strategic attack platform with good range which will eventually be taken over by jf mostly once block 3 shows up but again replacing 9-10 remaining sqn requires $$$$$$ and time so till it happens paf has no choice, at least till 2026/27

Understood. But I let myself dream about possibilities, and I believe what I outlined above is an interesting thought to hold.
Bhai jan.
We are financially bust and you want to go on an adventure which could risk a serious response and consequently full fledged war. You really think in their election year, you strike their Corps and they will sit back and let it go.Naa bhai, you deploy forces and only intiiate vigorous defensive maneouvers on being subjected to offense. Interestingly, you dont have to return captured lands if the other side has initiated incursions.

Bhai Jaan, nothing was ever achieved with cowardice and sitting idle when the other side wants to come hit you up. When some one hits you then you hit them back and let them know its not that simple, and when you don;t then you make yourself look like nothing but a joke.

Wars are not initiated nor won with your so called illusory wealth of this world, or the quality of your machines, but with faith in victory and defeat resting in the hands of the Lord of Heavens. Lack of that very faith is exactly what makes coward and shallow of men and leaves them nothing but weak like women who only know how to talk.
Bhai Jaan, nothing was ever achieved with cowardice and sitting idle when the other side wants to come hit you up. When some one hits you then you hit them back and let them know its not that simple, and when you don;t then you make yourself look like nothing but a joke.

Wars are not initiated nor won with your so called illusory wealth of this world, or the quality of your machines, but with faith in victory and defeat resting in the hands of the Lord of Heavens. Lack of that very faith is exactly what makes coward and shallow of men and leaves them nothing but weak like women who only know how to talk.
Bhai Jan.
Did you bother to read what I wrote or responded off the cuff.I wrote and copy verbatim "Naa bhai, you deploy forces and only initiate vigorous defensive maneouvers on being subjected to offense." This was in response to your statement again quoted verbatim "What I want is for us to go and do a real strike and show them the proof and show them how its done." So now when you say"When some one hits you then you hit them back and let them know its not that simple, and when you don;t then you make yourself look like nothing but a joke." is it just me or does someone else see you changing tunes. All I have said and quoted is that adventurism cannot be afforded(ie, adventurous aggressive strikes without provocation). However a vigorous response to any aggression is our right and a matter of national dignity. In the current times there is a need to remain politically correct and understand that even within the realms of international laws and norms there is enough maneouvering space to let it be known to your adversary that you mean business. However political isolation and ostracization is not in Pak land interest. If you look at the two statements cooly you will realize that you are actually saying what I said earlier.
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Personally, I want a high performance delta wing fighter paired with the Thunder. Modern engine + AESA radar + new body, avionics etc. would make an entirely new fighter, while keeping the aerodynamics of the Mirage. If this can be done, then seriously, there WON'T be ANY need for another 4th gen fighter. The full aerodynamic flexibility will be available for strategy building, and capability can be enhanced through system upgrades.

I personally believe that Delta-Canard configuration is a complexity created to somehow get the best of both worlds. Retaining the pure delta wings and pure cropped-delta wings gives the pure advantages of each. Using them in tandem creates many interesting scenarios.

Such a venture on the Mirages would also give practice to local Pakistani designers. This kind of real world experience forms a solid basis for realistic fifth gen work that is truly indigenous.

You can buy J-10C for that.
Don't know why j-10 b or j-10c are not bought yet even in small numbers would help.

Lack of strategic planning. If the navy can go on the sort of buying spree we have seen the past 2.5 years, there’s no reason why the PAF cant buy couple squadrons of J-10s to provide the JF-17 an adequate hunting partner
I disagree that's not the reason I agree with falcon26 !!

Sir Navy Shopping Spree is not an upfront payment , the first Submarine will join PN around 2023 ... PAF will not go for J-10 but instead they will keep trying to get New ( highly unlikely ) or used ( likely ) F-16's .
I disagree that's not the reason I agree with falcon26 !!

Money isn’t the issue. The naval acquisitions proof that.

PAF is not even doing basic due diligence. For example, the Israelis have years been training with the Greeks to develop countermeasures against the S-300. Similarly, the Indians have long trained with the Singapore Air Force’s F-16s. PAF has never trained with the Malaysian Air Force whose Sukhios are the closest you will get to the SU-30MKI. PAF uses tired cliches and false sense of confidence. It’s fast becoming an obsolete force.

Sir Navy Shopping Spree is not an upfront payment , the first Submarine will join PN around 2023 ... PAF will not go for J-10 but instead they will keep trying to get New ( highly unlikely ) or used ( likely ) F-16's .

What’s stopping the PAF to get the J-10s on deferred payments? In recent years, the navy bought 8 brand new submarines, 04 Type 041 frigates, Ada corvettes, Dutch & American corvettes & inducted plethora of armaments including cruise missiles. And we are to believe the Air Force can’t buy couple squadrons of J-10?
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