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PAF crossed LoC says Indian Media

The blackouts were only in bollywood inspired media of yours. In the real world Pakistan never went into any blackout neither here in Lahore where I am from or Karachi as speculated. @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @PaklovesTurkiye These guys can attest the same.

Blackouts only happened on Indian Twitter after pajeets reported it from their "sources"
Local news report:
They saw a trail and relates the same to PAF crossing LoC in reference of yesterday meeting in ISI Head Quarters. Just wanted to convey to Indian Media that Pakistan doesn't need such a high level meeting merely to cross LoC as such to make some headlines. Modi should have another excuse to calm Indian Public for their own issues instead of making such baseless accusations.
All can cool down, there is no violation of Indian airspace ... some folks saw a contrails on the west of the LOC and assumed it to be a fighter contrail.. In a clear November sky, cloud can create thin lines which may seem like a contrail..

@Mods... the thread should be closed .. its noting but speculation .. there are bigger things happening in next 72 hours, we should focus our energy on that ...
There has been conflicting reports released by the IAF regarding the incident with it saying nothing was observed along the LoC while on the other hand also saying that there was a violation of the 10km buffer zone.
There has been conflicting reports released by the IAF regarding the incident with it saying nothing was observed along the LoC while on the other hand also saying that there was a violation of the 10km buffer zone.
IAF told Nation.... Congrats Mitroo PAF caught us with our pants down again.. :rofl:
There has been conflicting reports released by the IAF regarding the incident with it saying nothing was observed along the LoC while on the other hand also saying that there was a violation of the 10km buffer zone.
They are doing some nasty things like putting some wrong transponders to check either their radar picked up things or what was the response.
In a clear November sky, cloud can create thin lines which may seem like a contrail..

Am surprised by the level of Indian Media reporting and couldn't differentiate between static or extending contrail caused by jet flying.
All can cool down, there is no violation of Indian airspace ... some folks saw a contrails on the west of the LOC and assumed it to be a fighter contrail..

Indian Media is gone crazy over this. I argue that there is no violation of Indian air space though, if it is done, that's the LoC for everyone.

Do you have that picture from 27th Feb showing half circle contrails over IoK? I think it was also shared by you. Asking for comparison & the pattern resemblance.
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