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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

sorry i dont understand you sir @airomerix , i am talking the facts about senior/professional members, most of them have direct/indirect links to Pakistan armed forces, do you have any links to Pakistan armed forces @airomerix

Nope I dont.

I'm posted as a chowkidar at Thana tehsil nagar.
sorry i dont understand you sir @airomerix , i am talking the facts about senior/professional members, most of them have direct/indirect links to Pakistan armed forces, do you have any links to Pakistan armed forces @airomerix

Can't fire BVR limited radar coverage, we have similar upgrades (F-7PG) Grifo-7 radar with a range of only 55 Km , or in with certain condition (small diameter air intake radome) (with exception of HMD) to their MIG-21 Bison @Myth_buster_1

hi listen man, its for your own knowledge.

It all depends how you employ your weapon in war situation because your max range max speed etc may not matter in some situations.
An upgraded Mig-21 has smaller RCS and can easily sneak up behind you with use of terrain like that of Kashmir. How else do you think Mirages were able to deep strike enemy territory? They stayed low to the terrain avoiding radar and SAM detection and when they were pick up by radar, their mission was already over and were hurling back home at mach 2!

Had it been plain flat terrain like dessert, things may have been different and both sides would stay away from being flat out visible to radars.

PAF F-7PG are a joke in todays airwarfare. Its like taking a kitchen knife to a gun fight.
Nope I dont.

I'm posted as a chowkidar at Thana tehsil nagar.
are you doing sarcasm ?? i am asking dead serious question to you sir @airomerix

hi listen man, its for your own knowledge.

It all depends how you employ your weapon in war situation because your max range max speed etc may not matter in some situations.
An upgraded Mig-21 has smaller RCS and can easily sneak up behind you with use of terrain like that of Kashmir. How else do you think Mirages were able to deep strike enemy territory? They stayed low to the terrain avoiding radar and SAM detection and when they were pick up by radar, their mission was already over and were hurling back home at mach 2!

Had it been plain flat terrain like dessert, things may have been different and both sides would stay away from being flat out visible to radars.

PAF F-7PG are a joke in todays airwarfare. Its like taking a kitchen knife to a gun fight.
And we don don't have multiple radar coverage on 27 FEB, AWACS/Ground based radars/ other fighter jets to cover whole spectrum of battlefield @Myth_buster_1

So same goes to their MIG-21 Bison, only exception is Israeli ECM on their MIG-21, you can't increases the diameter of air intake radome to fit bigger radar to increase Mig-21 radar range @Myth_buster_1
Lets use our collective wisdom. please ask @Tps43 he has seen some things..at least 1 x F-16, 2 x JF17 locking up 5 IAF Bandits (i say bandits as i am not quite sure how many were Su-30MKIs were in the mix at that moment) yes 5 IAF Bandits.

I am now pretty sure that PAF scored 8 x Kills and of number of Pilots we had in our custody they were 4 yes 4 (1 x Abhi returned -Alive, 1 x Sikh returned-Dead, 2 x IDF/AF Exchange pilots (in custody both alive one was injured in ejection) they were also part Strike Package on 26th Feb and recovered at Srinagar AFB these were same pilots providing CAP in Mirage 2000i with MICA up-north.

I do understand the rigid nature of this forum but yes this forum not obliged under any secret information act and i am no military man! just a pathetic salesman and if i can gather enough information that will be as per time came truth we can do it collectively as well and yes they are inconsistency in DG ISPR statements ...but ever thought why in his correction he wrote "only 1 x Indian Pilot in our custody" why mention nationality..it is odd!

I believe some time things are communicated between the lines and due to this and Pakistani threat of missile strike on both fronts ever think about that within a night THAAD emplacement/activation in Israel done by US.

Lot of things happened in 3 Day war. what i hate is our posture is making enemies stronger in there believe that they can get away with it. The new Norm is set already and we are the ones waiting and suffering i might add.

Some victories are turned into defeats more you prolong more your narrative erodes.
Lets use our collective wisdom. please ask @Tps43 he has seen some things..at least 1 x F-16, 2 x JF17 locking up 5 IAF Bandits (i say bandits as i am not quite sure how many were Su-30MKIs were in the mix at that moment) yes 5 IAF Bandits.

I am now pretty sure that PAF scored 8 x Kills and of number of Pilots we had in our custody they were 4 yes 4 (1 x Abhi returned -Alive, 1 x Sikh returned-Dead, 2 x IDF/AF Exchange pilots (in custody both alive one was injured in ejection) they were also part Strike Package on 26th Feb and recovered at Srinagar AFB these were same pilots providing CAP in Mirage 2000i with MICA up-north.

I do understand the rigid nature of this forum but yes this forum not obliged under any secret information act and i am no military man! just a pathetic salesman and if i can gather enough information that will be as per time came truth we can do it collectively as well and yes they are inconsistency in DG ISPR statements ...but ever thought why in his correction he wrote "only 1 x Indian Pilot in our custody" why mention nationality..it is odd!

I believe some time things are communicated between the lines and due to this and Pakistani threat of missile strike on both fronts ever think about that within a night THAAD emplacement/activation in Israel done by US.

Lot of things happened in 3 Day war. what i hate is our posture is making enemies stronger in there believe that they can get away with it. The new Norm is set already and we are the ones waiting and suffering i might add.

Some victories are turned into defeats more you prolong more your narrative erodes.

The red part is very ridiculous. Israeli's are not idiots to send their man power to accompany IAF pilots. The entire world is aware of IAF training standards and trust me they are notorious.

This IDF theory is just a rumour which was spread by people who tend to pin every wrong doing in this bloody country on yahudi's. Nothing more.

The rest of your post is more of a wishful thinking. Not true at all.
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The red part is very ridiculous. Israeli's are not idiots to send their man power to accompany IAF pilots. The entire world is aware of IAF training standards and trust me they are notorious.

This IDF theory is just a rumour which was spread by people who tend to pin every wrong doing in this bloody country on yahudi's. Nothing more.

The rest of your post is more of a wishful thinking. Not true at all.

thank you for reply..time will tell! we can agree to disagree
Most tall claims of your are just mere speculations, Especially your 8 IAF jet claims

I am 6`7'' i am tall!

as i remember 2-3 days back you were quite sure that there was no Mirage 2000i in 27th Feb 19 battle for that was a speculation at that time now you have multiple sources verifying that there were indeed pair of Mirage 2000i on CAP.

That is why ACM sahib, i respectfully agree to disagree Pandora box will open and then you will remember pathetic handle name tall-guy who use to respectfully ask help to fill in the blanks. keep harping about!
I am 6`7'' i am tall!

as i remember 2-3 days back you were quite sure that there was no Mirage 2000i in 27th Feb 19 battle for that was a speculation at that time now you have multiple sources verifying that there were indeed pair of Mirage 2000i on CAP.

That is why ACM sahib, i respectfully agree to disagree Pandora box will open and then you will remember pathetic handle name tall-guy who use to respectfully ask help to fill in the blanks. keep harping about!
Mirage-2000 Cap on LOC didn't means it had been shot down, you're spreading your TALL/false speculations/assertions without a single proof @TheTallGuy
And how on earth 2/2.5 gen interceptor can bring Modern 4.5th gen F-16D,your MIg-21 Bison has its design limitations no matter how you upgrades it, it has a limited radar coverage (small diameter radar air intake nosecone) which can't guide BVR, We have better radars/BVR on our F-16D (AMRAAM-C5/ APG-69 V9 with a range of 300 KM), has limited agility/maneuverability, at best Mig-21 Bison can agile/maneuverable at 5 Gs, whereas F-16 can agile/maneuverable at 9 Gs, we have more Chance to shot down MIG-21 rather than your Mighty 10 gen MIG-21 had have shot down our 4.5th gen F-16D, use your brain if you have @Mace

In the real world your adversaries don’t play to your rules @pakistanipower.

- Mig21 pilot employed better tactics than F16 pilot
- Maybe F16 pilot made a mistake. People make mistakes @pakistanipower
In the real world your adversaries don’t play to your rules @pakistanipower.

- Mig21 pilot employed better tactics than F16 pilot
- Maybe F16 pilot made a mistake. People make mistakes @pakistanipower
Technically impossible to achieve, and what tactics against your mighty raptor of the east MKI, and yes people do mistake but not in networked airspace/situation awareness AWACS/graound radars, SAMs radars,Jammers @Mace and pentagon already confirmed no PAF F-16 is missing, i already provide my proved to you @Mace :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

In the real world your adversaries don’t play to your rules @pakistanipower.

- Mig21 pilot employed better tactics than F16 pilot
- Maybe F16 pilot made a mistake. People make mistakes @pakistanipower
You're most stubborn & illiterate poster here, to insist your crap again and again without single solid proof @Mace :blah::blah::blah:
In the real world your adversaries don’t play to your rules @pakistanipower.

- Mig21 pilot employed better tactics than F16 pilot
- Maybe F16 pilot made a mistake. People make mistakes @pakistanipower

If wishes were horses, Indians would fly.

It will take a miracle for IAF to shoot down a PAF F-16. You have better chances of winning the lottery. Stop this globally debunked nonsense that an F-16 was shot down. It didn’t happen. Won’t happen. Get real!
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