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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

Su-30mki shot dpwns with an AMRAAM.. It means PAF F-16s the one which scores this elephant, JF-17 shot downs nandu Mig21
Alan Warnes ... one of the most reputed sources of info
on airforce & air warfare matters in the world

Lesson for all Pakistani. Guys always trust your official source. They are thorough professionals. They know what they are doing.
there are many ways to confirm the kill, live cam easily catch the signature of a rival plane. plus enemy satellite do daily runway counts of the enemy base, plus watch every sortie very carefully on a daily basis.
c'm on even if we hadnt had this tweet we knew judging by lack of focus on the Indian side
I reckon this is more likely SU30 2nd pilot dropped on indian side, he is not abhinandan as the locals are speaking hindi language.
naaah, that sounds like language from marashtra area, probably a crash related to drdo's and hal's "superb" maintenance...
naaah, that sounds like language from marashtra area, probably a crash related to drdo's and hal's "superb" maintenance...
Maharashtra crash incident happened in june 2018. This video is uploaded on 7th march 2019. Make more sence of 7th feb skirmish.
Maharashtra crash incident happened in june 2018. This video is uploaded on 7th march 2019. Make more sence of 7th feb skirmish.
Well regardless of the time period the language isn't even remotely close to the one found spoken around the theater of operation.
Found something interesting. The clip of the JF-17 "chasing" another plane at low level, which at first was presumed to be an IAF Su-30MKI, was actually another JF-17. The chasing JF-17 was his wingman.

Check the first 5 seconds of this video...

I reckon this is more likely SU30 2nd pilot dropped on indian side, he is not abhinandan as the locals are speaking hindi language.
No, that's incorrect. This pilot is apparently a Jaguar pilot. Crash took place on Jan 19, 2019.

would tell you you need 2 seats for guidance of Raptor 1 & 2.
The guidance for the H4 is optional not and a must. It is carried out if needed
SO why F-16D or F-16B why PAF top fighte
This is where the IAF claim is interesting and agrees with the PAF. The downed aircraft is a 2 seater (Su30 in PAF's claim). You don't specifically claim downing of a 2 seater F-16 until you are pretty sure since most F-16s are single seaters. They wanted the aircraft to be a D model but were more than willing to settle for a B as evidenced by their post Foreign Policy article claims. And the pilot they claimed was 'lynched' was from 19 SQN which fly the B model. Indians themselves are not sure what to claim
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This is where the IAF claim is interesting and agrees with the PAF. The downed aircraft is a 2 seater (Su30 in PAF's claim). You don't specifically claim downing of a 2 seater F-16 until you are pretty sure since most F-16s are single seaters. They wanted the aircraft to be a D model but were more be more than willing to settle for a B as evidenced by their post Foreign Policy article claims. And the pilot they claimed was 'lynched' was from 19 SQN which fly the B model. Indians themselves are not sure what to claim
They're clutching for straws. Deep down they're salty and burning with frustration to score one over so they resort to deceptive methods. It's pure frustration fed by hatred and jealousy.
i agree with you.

And that does not mean an F16 was shot down.

Currently we have more to lose if we reveal with proof that we shot down an MKI because that could stop our JF17 program. Chineses engine for JF17 is not yet ready to go in mass production according what I understood from my readings on this forum.

Adding to that, if F16 was really shotdown then, what stopped indians to come again after what we did on the 27th ? After all a Supa Powa should not be scared from a 7 times smaller country, isn’t it ?

And most important point to notice is when you saw the face of the indians drag queens showing the piece of AIM120 as a proof that F16 was used so according to their logic an F16 was shotdown ...cough cough

So continue to believe what you want but there is nothing actually which tend to confirm loss on our side.

Ps : minor correction of words etc.
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And that’s not mean an F16 was shot down.

Currently we have more to lose if we reveal with proof that we shot down an MKI because that could stop our JF17 program. Chineses engine for JF17 is not yet ready to go in mass production according what I understood from my readings on this forum.

Adding to that, if F16 was really shotdown then, what stopped indians to come again after what we did on the 27th ? After all a Supa Powa should not be scared from a 7 times smaller country, isn’t it ?

And mostly when you saw the face of the indians drag queens showing the piece of AIM120 as a proof that F16 was used so according to their logic an F16 was shotdown ...cough cough

So continue to believe what you want but there is nothing actually which tend to confirm loss on our side.


This does not look like victory to me.
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