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PAF cadet caught in sex scandal in Australia.

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tharkiiii asshole. Brought shame to this country. Should be court marshaled for misconduct and made an example so that next time perverts like him think twice before committing such hideous acts.
There are number of militaries in the world that report such issues yearly.
You cannot avoid such a thing unless you make a pilot/military person gay.
you cannot avoid attraction b/w two different poles of magnet by keeping them side by side, same phenomenon apply on male and female.
No matter, one train a pilot/military person like a Robot but still he is a Human and keeps a brain that know about the human desires.
If both genders are staying and working together at one place, you simply cannot AVOID this.

There are two Islamic solutions for that,
1 - Exclude female from military service.
2 - Or else make their a totally separate Female military department that does not employs any male.
So by your logic....
One, who was meant to be a PAF employ, makes an error.......... the budget should be down sized....
What about when such soul lays down life in the line of duty....... what should be the percentage in increase of the same. ??!!

thats your way of interpreting the stayements not mine,, i say most of our affairs are controled by army and the miloitary industroial complex,, a huge chunk of or budget is allocated for defence related ministries,, and in return what protection we get? drone attact? missile strikes ? air raids just 70kmm away from our capital where we jhave nuclear installation? ? jihadism? islamism(of zia) ? over runing of civilian governments? deats to those (esp journalists who expose m,military connections with terrorists?

at this time we need to reduce the armny manpoewr to 2 lax max,,, kashmir is an issue that the british left for the elites (both militay and civilian govts of pak.ind) so that they can play the patriotism card to control their population,,

and last but not the least just search the endeavours our military has taken upon be it bangladesh issue, 89 issue of karachi operation,zzias islamaization,,baluchistan issue,

look at the world the advanced cpountries even want to reduce their military expenditures and trying to improve other iassues,, what we a potentially fdailed banan state doing? increasing the military expenditure day by day,,

jazakallah for those whose two tmes bread is coming one way or the other from the earnings associated with mil,, how will the accept their captainship,birgadiership to be lost,,
ask those who are displaced by this army
thats your way of interpreting the stayements not mine,, i say most of our affairs are controled by army and the miloitary industroial complex,, a huge chunk of or budget is allocated for defence related ministries,, and in return what protection we get? drone attact? missile strikes ? air raids just 70kmm away from our capital where we jhave nuclear installation? ? jihadism? islamism(of zia) ? over runing of civilian governments? deats to those (esp journalists who expose m,military connections with terrorists?

at this time we need to reduce the armny manpoewr to 2 lax max,,, kashmir is an issue that the british left for the elites (both militay and civilian govts of pak.ind) so that they can play the patriotism card to control their population,,

and last but not the least just search the endeavours our military has taken upon be it bangladesh issue, 89 issue of karachi operation,zzias islamaization,,baluchistan issue,

look at the world the advanced cpountries even want to reduce their military expenditures and trying to improve other iassues,, what we a potentially fdailed banan state doing? increasing the military expenditure day by day,,

jazakallah for those whose two tmes bread is coming one way or the other from the earnings associated with mil,, how will the accept their captainship,birgadiership to be lost,,
ask those who are displaced by this army

Looks like the Canadian cold has gotten into your brain!

What nuclear installations?

And do you have any proof that he was indeed killed by ISI or MI or such and NOT by the same people who kill countless others?
come on guys, he is just a horny boy...nothing wrong with this....he just went to a foreign country and saw a different side of world and reacted wrongly...
boys will always be boys .. we cant overly blame him for something every teenager does
Yeh sab thoda aur- thoda aur ka chakkar hai.. He could have taken a peek ( not that i support this)..Why was he filming the girl..?

He is just 22 ---- how many of you have screwed up and didnot get caught---I did many a times---. People casting stones---remember----of your own sins----.

He is still an individual-----the offence is minor---a misdemeanor----so it should stay as such----.
what does elmo have to say about this ? ;-)

I'll agree with a bit of Mastan Khan


He is just 22 ---- how many of you have screwed up and didnot get caught---I did many a times---. People casting stones---remember----of your own sins----.

He is still an individual-----the offence is minor---a misdemeanor----so it should stay as such----.

But then again he was in another country and should not have been doing such a thing in the first place - typical pak. men mentality that a "gori" is easily available and the whole deal.
I'll agree with a bit of Mastan Khan

But then again he was in another country and should not have been doing such a thing in the first place - typical pak. men mentality that a "gori" is easily available and the whole deal.

Well , that they are . No point lying about that . Only if our South Asian women showed less attitude and did not deprive their men of sex , this probably would not have been the case. Huh .:smokin:
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