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PAF cadet caught in sex scandal in Australia.

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Mr Fayyaz is understood to be a high-achieving engineering cadet

Explains the behaviour pattern,....... following his line of work of mechanical, he was probably observing the physical movements.
nope i am not i am innocent paindu and don't know any thing .i only get this site and i use it .:D

Imranbhai you can not get away so easily. I am vanting and vaiting for private email urgently. remember wife and kids are way.
Imranbhai you can not get away so easily. I am vanting and vaiting for private email urgently. remember wife and kids are way.

so what you need from me now please explain first lolz hehehehhee

kassam se na main wifes bechta hoon na kiray per deta hoon .:rofl:
so what you need from me now please explain first lolz hehehehhee

kassam se na main wifes bechta hoon na kiray per deta hoon .:rofl:

No I was thinking of your reputation as explained by abu zolfiqar. Maybe we juniors could learn somthing from you sir.
Should be forgiven and little education should fix the matter most Australians are nudist by nature and they don't love to wear clothes so no harm done

The problem is with with Management from sending a promising cadet there instead of creating a world class institute in Pakistan

The root cause is management not the young cadet of course he has raging harmones and by the way , picturing someone is not sex , sex is mostly related to intercourse this is more like snooping
.................. most Australians are nudist by nature and they don't love to wear clothes so no harm done.....................

..................this is more like snooping

Such perverse generalizations and rationalizing of the alleged criminal behavior is one of the many ways in which we bring disrepute upon ourselves, easily and yet so unnecessarily.

The "nature" of the female cadet is immaterial, as is her culture, which must not be painted the way you have just done so callously.

"Snooping" on a female taking a shower is ILLEGAL, not to mention immoral.

Get your thinking straight here.

Having said that, we must wait for the allegations to be proven before saying anything further on the topic.
Both the PAF cadet & Australian Defence Force Academy are at fault.Don't they have any security in the Girls mess.
Good idea..I can place a phone in anyone showering vent then associate it with the person I would like to frame. What are the evidences that the phone was actually owned by Mr Fayyaz?? Such discrediting techniques are in wide spread use by teenagers in school and colleges after learning them from Hollywood movies and media. Back in the school days, if we had to revenge some one we would sneak in during break time and hide a few nude pictures in their notebook. Later during the class, if things went as planned and teacher collected the notebooks for correction then you can expect a life time suspension of that students as well a wasted year. Really mean revenge but useful for the baddest meanest crowd.

At best I can estimate is Mr Fayyaz was engaged in some tharkipan and the girl decided to teach him a lesson.

When the f___ will world grow up and realize what you see is not necessarily what you should believe.

Even worst, the phone could be stolen from a genuine person and then used to frame him in false charges.
Good idea..I can place a phone in anyone showering vent then associate it with the person I would like to frame. What are the evidences that the phone was actually owned by Mr Fayyaz?? Such discrediting techniques are in wide spread use by teenagers in school and colleges after learning them from Hollywood movies and media. Back in the school days, if we had to revenge some one we would sneak in during break time and hide a few nude pictures in their notebook. Later during the class, if things went as planned and teacher collected the notebooks for correction then you can expect a life time suspension of that students as well a wasted year. Really mean revenge but useful for the baddest meanest crowd.

At best I can estimate is Mr Fayyaz was engaged in some tharkipan and the girl decided to teach him a lesson.

When the f___ will world grow up and realize what you see is not necessarily what you should believe.

That is exactly why I said that let the allegations be proven first.
Alright guys. VCheng moved in a great point!

Well, if it is true, he mustn't be allowed in Pakistan either forget PAF.
A heavy fine should be imposed too and must be sent off to prison until the victim herself allows him to get out.

A proper investigation committee must be handling this case.
Australian people are known as number 1 racists. This guy must be top-scoring and other must have done it on purpose.
What proof do they have the video made by him? Someone could have used his cell phone or the video was found in his cell phone, most probably it was being spread to everyone and he was the first one to get caught.
Hey plus its possible he was mailed the video how would he know .. if you get the video in the mail and you did not know what it was about

Ever heard of SPAM ?

Sorry I say keep the cadet and just put him thru proper character training and nothing more

The issue is being escalated beyond reason

I mean its a University / College ppl pull pranks all the time

My question is
So who gave the right to the Lady to snoop in on the Cadet's phone ? and go thru his personal belongings

To me it seems like case of the girl , had a crush on the guy he said no she said ok I will mail him a video of myself , and then get him in trouble could have happened not saying it did but snooping in someone else's phone is WRONG what if she made a video of herself ?

University and Colleged email / cell phones / you name it you got it ... all have SPAM
Arrggh... if you guys can get through to that guy through your contacts then please get it from him and PM me . Thanks .
@Nick_indian you seem really desperate ?
Like patriot bhai pointed out earlier, this cadet should've spanked his monkey a few times to keep his hormones in check.

Or atleast he should've given the Australian female cadet a run for her money lol, (not against her will though).

That would've been less perverted than sneakily filming her while showering.

Also, this brings along unnecessary drama for the PAF and "foreigners" in Australia for example.

This incident will indeed be measured out and extravagated in the Australian media.

PAF cadets/trainees are not allowed to have relationships or a marital status if i'm correct?

I thought I read this somewhere. Perhaps that also adds up to why this cadet did what he did.

But like VCheng said, innocent untill proven guilty and not the other way around.

For all we know, this cadet could've been set up, and who went through his mobile phone without asking?
As the saying goes..... call your Mother ugly and who is to disagree with you. !!
No doubt such an act bestows pervertism, but aren't we washing the soap before Hands.
While the concerned authorities ponder...... the armchair Jury have already put him in dock to be charged.!!
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