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Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US, said China's Xi

You're really worth your fabulous User name, idiotic troll. Don't bring your insignificant country to a superpower deut.

India is A small player at best. Embassy attack in Delhi yestoday explain the "insignificance" of India' in world stage. Imagine attacking Israel embassy in Beijing or Washington DC.

So if attack on embassies are taken as a standard for 'insignificance' then Iran, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, UK, Pakistan etc are insignificant countries..not to forget NATO bombed Chinese consulate in Belgrade in 1999.

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is it true that in the 'no-lone area' both men carries pistols and is authorized to shoot the other if the other one gets a little cranky or refuse to follow the order.
No it does not. A 'No lone zone' does not mean everyone who enters must be armed. It is an area where everyone, at least two or more, must be in visual contact with at least one companion.

For example, whenever I had to enter a 'Victor Alert' HAS, neither I nor my companion can be out of sight of each other. If in the course of duties we must be on different areas of the aircraft and out of sight of each other, then two or more people from the outside will be called in so everyone is in compliance. Usually if the lower half of the body is blocked from view, we generally excuse that, but we cannot excuse the upper half because of the hands and the head, obviously. If someone refuses to obey procedures and/or orders and cannot be persuaded to leave the area, then we are authorized to use whatever force necessary to remove the person, and that include lethal force if it come to that. I have never had any 'bad' experience in a VA HAS, the armed cops have a pretty good deterrence effect.
No it does not. A 'No lone zone' does not mean everyone who enters must be armed. It is an area where everyone, at least two or more, must be in visual contact with at least one companion.

For example, whenever I had to enter a 'Victor Alert' HAS, neither I nor my companion can be out of sight of each other. If in the course of duties we must be on different areas of the aircraft and out of sight of each other, then two or more people from the outside will be called in so everyone is in compliance. Usually if the lower half of the body is blocked from view, we generally excuse that, but we cannot excuse the upper half because of the hands and the head, obviously. If someone refuses to obey procedures and/or orders and cannot be persuaded to leave the area, then we are authorized to use whatever force necessary to remove the person, and that include lethal force if it come to that. I have never had any 'bad' experience in a VA HAS, the armed cops have a pretty good deterrence effect.

Thanks for the info..just clarifying what I saw in opening sequence of the movie 'War Games'
"Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US"

Translation: "You say on your side, we stay on our side"
And where is the demarcation of this 'line'? Can it be agreed upon by everyone who lives on each respective side? The problem with your argument is that such a line would have China the self granted authority and the military power to back it up to militarily impose China's will on smaller and weaker nations. Do not point to US and the Western hemisphere in your rebuttal. Focus on China's neighbors. If they do not agree that China is a benevolent force in Asia, then no such 'line' will ever be agreed upon and the US will be a permanent guest to counter China's malevolent presence.

LOL at people who can't comprehend international affairs
This is quite applicable to you.
Do you see everything through your 'master-slave' prism.

He's nostalgic about 70s and 80s dude. Nixon did really give him a taste of something he'd love to remember. :lol: Hence the prism.

Get used to it.
And where is the demarcation of this 'line'? Can it be agreed upon by everyone who lives on each respective side? The problem with your argument is that such a line would have China the self granted authority and the military power to back it up to militarily impose China's will on smaller and weaker nations. Do not point to US and the Western hemisphere in your rebuttal. Focus on China's neighbors. If they do not agree that China is a benevolent force in Asia, then no such 'line' will ever be agreed upon and the US will be a permanent guest to counter China's malevolent presence.

I see such things typically in Caribbean and South America. Guess China will be more than happy to be a permanent guest to counter US's malevolent presence.

And exactly that's part of this Chinese leader's original meaning, holding China for next 10 years would guarantee he has such an ambition. and China's already doing that by bounding with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, etc, Noh, that list is long. No neighbors like you at least seems to me.
LOL....... nobody is going to risk getting nuked themselves for Australia. I thought you guys didn't even want the Queen anymore. :rofl:

lol we are apart of the commonwealth, war on us means war on all other members of the commonwealth, especially the UK.... the usa has been our allie for a hundred years.. that wont change either.... you were right about one thing, australia is a very important strategically... the usa wont stand by and let anything happen to us lol
LOL....... nobody is going to risk getting nuked themselves for Australia. I thought you guys didn't even want the Queen anymore. :rofl:

Australia has defence pact with America. And if we wanted we can have nukes within a year. I mean we have the worlds largest uranium reserves!

Australia has defence pact with America. And if we wanted we can have nukes within a year. I mean we have the worlds largest uranium reserves!


thats it... in even of war... look up the anzus treaty... america gives us many many many kool planes and equipment etc.. dont need to mention the usa and new zealand would openly declare war on china too do i?
Poor China.. .they can't control their existing colonies - xinjiang, Tibet .... but keep putting up a brave face by talking about far away "oceans" .. not even the nearby sea.

Maybe, they got scared by vietnam and phillipines assertions in south china sea .... and given up all those spurious claims.

Good for Xi ..... he backed out of South china sea, while putting up a brave face with verbal statements on "pacific ocean" et all.

I think, next he'll say "Milky way galaxy is large enough for USA and China ..... let's forget about pacific ocean". :laugh:
Poor China.. .they can't control their existing colonies - xinjiang, Tibet .... but keep putting up a brave face by talking about far away "oceans" .. not even the nearby sea.

Maybe, they got scared by vietnam and phillipines assertions in south china sea .... and given up all those spurious claims.

Good for Xi ..... he backed out of South china sea, while putting up a brave face with verbal statements on "pacific ocean" et all.

I think, next he'll say "Milky way galaxy is large enough for USA and China ..... let's forget about pacific ocean". :laugh:

What do you mean we can't control Tibet and Xinjiang, 2 integral parts of China?

We're controlling them so hard they can only burn themselves, instead of burn others like Maoists.
I see such things typically in Caribbean and South America. Guess China will be more than happy to be a permanent guest to counter US's malevolent presence.

And exactly that's part of this Chinese leader's original meaning, holding China for next 10 years would guarantee he has such an ambition. and China's already doing that by bounding with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Colombia, Honduras, etc, Noh, that list is long. No neighbors like you at least seems to me.
Good luck with that, in both convincing the American states that the US is a malevolent force in the Americas that they need China for protection.
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