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P 17 vs Type 45 distroyers

Don't get him started. He will start producing list of the nukes he has and how CCP is itching to use them and how it is their "conscience" that is only stopping them from "conquering the world".

Let's focus on the topic.

P-15A is better than Type-45D,,,the 052C is far inferior to them both.
Type 45 is better in terms of stealth whereas p-15a is deadly in terms of armanent...

Not true buddy. P-15A is also stealthier than Type-45.

Wait until March when the first Kolkata DDG is commissioned and I can give a reliable comparison
of the stealth shaping and signature-reduction features. The pics of P-15A on net so far are all
Not true buddy. P-15A is also stealthier than Type-45.

Wait until March when the first Kolkata DDG is commissioned and I can give a reliable comparison
of the stealth shaping and signature-reduction features. The pics of P-15A on net so far are all

Yeah plz do so.. thanks in advance.. But seriously, IN lacks a submarine teeth and may as well be lacking in submarine warfare..
The SAMPSON radar can handle 16 missiles simultaneously while the MF-STAR can do only 12.
Where have you got this from the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR can track and counter in excess of 20 missiles.

Let me correct myself....

The MF-STAR can engage 12 targets and the SAMPSON can engage 16 simultaneously.

I do not have any figures for how many missiles they can control at any one time.

The numbers come from memory and I cannot post any links now.
@ Chauism

Hey I'm sorry man I told you I'd post a comparison chart in the P-17 v/s 052C thread and forgot about it:D Here I go now -

Project-15A Kolkata DDG v/s Type-45 Daring DDG

P15A - 7,000tons
T45D - 8,000tons


16 Cruise missiles [BrahMos supersonic ASCM (300km), Nirbhay subsonic LACM (1000km)]
96 Surface-to-Air missiles [Barak-8 (70km), Barak-8ER (120km), Barak-1 (12km; CIWS)]
180 Anti-submarine rockets (in 2 x RBU-6000 MRLs with 90+ rockets each)
4 30mm CIWS guns
1 100mm multipurpose gun
2 ASW/SAR choppers


8 Cruise missiles [AGM-84 Harpoon subsonic ASCM (180km), or BGM-109 Tomahawk (1,700km)]
48 Surface to air missiles [Aster-15 (30km), Aster-30 (120km)]
2 30mm CIWS guns
1 20mm CIWS gun (Phalanx)
1 113mm multiprpose gun
1 or 2 ASW/SAR choppers

Main Radar
P15A - Elta EL/M-2248 MF-STAR AESA

The P15A with the MF-STAR AESA (considered better than the US Navy AN/SPY-1 AEGIS radar) coupled with the medium-range Barak-8 and long range Barak-8ER can provide missile defence capability that is very much comparable (if not equal) to the American Aegis.

The T45D's SAMPSON AESA (a lot weaker than MF-STAR) with the Aster-15/30 SAMs provide more or less the same level of ballistic missile defence, but the lower power of the radar makes the T45D more vulnerable to MF-STAR's jamming.

Furthermore, I'd expect P15A's tonnage to be higher than 8,000tons total full load. Due to basically two reasons -
1) The P-15 Delhi-class (to which P15A is the successor) already weighs > 7k tons.
2) Contemporary Chinese DDGs like Type-052C weigh around 7500tons full load but P15A is much
larger in size than 052C are carries almost twice as many missiles and rockets, another
reason to believe it's tonnage is being understated.

The bold features will be added in B class.
Let me correct myself....

The MF-STAR can engage 12 targets and the SAMPSON can engage 16 simultaneously.

I do not have any figures for how many missiles they can control at any one time.

The numbers come from memory and I cannot post any links now.

Engage 16 targets.. fire 24 missiles at them... in particular each panel has the capacity to engage 8 targets each... and there are 4 such panels... making it capable to perform as many as 32 engagement however that would leave the track of other targets or damage the radar... tracking range is upto 500km for destroyers... with upto 3000 targets tracked and can direct fire from other vessels in buddy mode.
A also has the capability to carry them. From what I know, P-15A has a
Universal VLM module for cruise missiles (that could carry both Brahmos and
Nirbhay) and the Barak-8ER has been designed to fit into the same VLS cells as Barak-8.

Kolkata class guided missile destroyers | naval-technology

The vertical launcher that has been developed by L&T could launch different types of missiles. But the Nirbhay isn't tested yet and will take some time to mature.

Larsen & Toubro



A launch system for BRAHMOS ASM is capable of launching eight canisterized missiles in vertical mode. The system only comprises the launcher structural and shock absorption systems, associated hydraulic systems for hatch operation and the integrated fire control systems (FCS). Also includes a system for loading & unloading of canister from jetty to the launcher and vice versa.
The FCS developed for the BRAHMOS inclined launcher has been successfully proven on R-Class ships of Indian Navy. The modular design of this FCS facilitates adapting this system to different missile clusters and classes of platform.


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