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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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If people on PDF actually realise how harmful Pakistanis are, then we would realise why our state is in such a condition. How can it be possible the people are paak and saaf but all in power are corrupt. Try living in Pakistan as a shareef person, with no family or financial backing. A person honour, life, family, property, reputation will be harmed by normal people, never mind those in power. The problem starts from grassroot level to the top.
bhai I lived a good 29 years of my life in Pakistan (Karachi) mini Pakistan, and I know what I am talking about, I come from a middle class family background and still relatively middle/lower middle class family, Pakistani's are a fcuked up in their heads, and no matter what you hear on PDF, all this goodie goodie hum zinda qoum hai, we are all Pakistani's, we don't hate blah blah ground realities are very different, I am at least honest in my hate towards Pathans/Punjabis/Sindhi/Saraiki's/ and others rest are just Hypocrites.
Like it or not Mullah's are the core of our problems. The Second Caliph of Islam, Umar (ra) whilst travelling to Jerusalem to receive the keys of the city, refused to pray in the Church when offered by the Patriarch and said: ‘If I do so, the Muslims may sometime in future infringe upon your rights by pretending to follow my example.’ [1] His support for co-existence was showcased throughout his caliphate – where advocates of all religions enjoyed full rights and protection. Non-Muslims enjoyed the freedom and relaxation of their own properties and possessions and a rule was introduced on Muslim citizens to ensure that they do not usurp the rights of others living with them

Secondly and most importantly, whilst Iqbal entered into a the difficult task of re-imagining modern Islam that would rekindle the time of Cordoba on the international stage, Quaid-E-Azam was a was a modernist Muslim more in political, cultural and social sense of the word than in the constructivism of Iqbal. His intellectual development in Britain was rooted in modern law and constitution that had roots in British history and European modernisation. He embraced the ideal of liberation and independent nationalism. The Indian nationalism first and wider philosophy of individual and collective rights had origins in his own development and embracing of modernity as a path to national progress. Besides his profession, the practice of law, all his life was devoted to the independence of India and later how to secure representation of Muslims in the British and post-British institutions through lawful, constitutional and democratic means.

The idea of the state of Pakistan as a neutral space among religion that Jinnah placed before the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. We have deviated from that vision, a modernist vision of Pakistan according to which religion is safer in the civil society that being a strong arm of the modern state. Sooner we get back to this modernist vision, the better for our social order, peace and stability.

[1] Tareekh Ibn Khaldoon (2/225) : https://www.islamguide.info/en/did‘...-when-he-conquered-bayt-al-maqdis(jerusalem)/
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I bet DG ISPR asked fazlu to give this statement

bhai I lived a good 29 years of my life in Pakistan (Karachi) mini Pakistan, and I know what I am talking about, I come from a middle class family background and still relatively middle/lower middle class family, Pakistani's are a fcuked up in their heads, and no matter what you hear on PDF, all this goodie goodie hum zinda qoum hai, we are all Pakistani's, we don't hate blah blah ground realities are very different, I am at least honest in my hate towards Pathans/Punjabis/Sindhi/Saraiki's/ and others rest are just Hypocrites.

I agree with you. Living in a village is the same or even worse because a person has to rely on people for food, water, roads. The village mafias will not let a good person breath (not talking about politicians but normal people ganging up). The only way to survive is to join a gang, just agree with whatever crap they come out with, backbite, lie, blackmail, steal, give false statements, give money, just spend whole life like a dog following others and pleasing them, the day a person becomes old or something bad happens, they will dump the person or turn against him, blackmagic is another issue. This is why I've mentioned countless times on PDF and circles that IK needs to be careful, he should do good for Pakistan but only if the people are genuinely with him, otherwise don't sacrifice for those who are same as the ruling mafia, if these people became Zardari, they would do 100 worse things.

He is spot on.
They've started kidnaping wives so that they can use them to threaten husbands. They've even threatened to kidnap Imran Khan's wife.

I don't remember this level of oppression in Pakistan's history, especially in Punjab. This army has committed large scale atrocities in East Pakistan, Baluchistan, Sindh, Karachi, KPK but it's the first time they're doing it in Punjab as well. If you keep a mad dog, eventually it'll bite you as well.

These duffers are so thick that it's hard to see how they themselves will benefit from this. Pakistan is going down the drain economically. If they kill or suppress Imran Khan there will be so much discontent and instability that no one will invest in the country and money and people will flee the country. Most of the best educated people who remain will leave. The rupee will fall to 1000 in a couple of years and eventually the generals' plots will be almost worthless.

In East Pakistan the people probably welcomed the Indian invasion to liberate their country. They're living as puppets of India but they're still better off than if they were living under occupation of the Pakistan Army.

The generals should fear the day when the people of Pakistan cheer when some foreign invasion force comes in and destroys them.
I agree with you. Living in a village is the same or even worse because a person has to rely on people for food, water, roads. The village mafias will not let a good person breath (not talking about politicians but normal people ganging up). The only way to survive is to join a gang, just agree with whatever crap they come out with, backbite, lie, blackmail, steal, give false statements, give money, just spend whole life like a dog following others and pleasing them, the day a person becomes old or something bad happens, they will dump the person or turn against him, blackmagic is another issue. This is why I've mentioned countless times on PDF and circles that IK needs to be careful, he should do good for Pakistan but only if the people are genuinely with him, otherwise don't sacrifice for those who are same as the ruling mafia, if these people became Zardari, they would do 100 worse things.
Mere bhai cities are no different when it comes to the mafia's, PDFians chu here often make fun of Karachi wala's for voting for MQM, but never talked about who other options we had ? PPPP ? ANP ? JI ? like seriously ? they would never talked about how " Muhajir " youth was pushed towards MQM by the treatment they get in Mehran and Karachi universities by Sindhi and Pathans, even PTI just came to Karachi and after the downfall of MQM, look how people from Karachi turn to IK, why ? because people thought he would do something for Karachi and even he has his own bias, IK is no saint or even close to a good leader, but I would support him because we need more Political stability rather than Fauji boots, IK might over the time get himself some decent educated people which will guide him towards the right policies.

If i vote for PPPP, they are the biggest scums in Pakistan, you want me to vote for JI the religious fanatics ? or ANP who brought it tribal Pashtoons to Karachi to start ethnic feud with Urdu speaking community under the guise of tackling MQM, what options do we have ? PTI won and IK did jack shit to Karachi or for Karachi, rest of Pakistanis still taunt Karachi for voting MQM, and if it was up to the Pakistani's they would turn Karachi or parts of Karachi into GAZA just because they voted MQM, the level of hate within their hearts is to a level that even when the argument or turmoil has nothing to do with MQM they still bring MQM into the argument, the rule now in Pakistan is simple man, you hate me, I will hate you back... no turn the other cheek, or hum sab Pakistani BS...

Tell me about the killing of intellectuals of East Pakistan by Pakistan Army.

The events you are referring to are commonly known as the "intellectual killings" or "massacre of intellectuals" that took place during the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. It occurred in East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh) when it was part of Pakistan.

During the Liberation War, the Pakistani military launched a brutal crackdown against the Bengali nationalist movement, which sought greater autonomy and later independence for East Pakistan. As part of their campaign to suppress the movement, the Pakistani Army targeted intellectuals, professionals, academics, and cultural figures who were seen as symbols of Bengali identity and potential leaders of the resistance.

Starting in the final days of the war, as the Pakistani Army realized that their defeat was imminent, they began targeting intellectuals and systematically executed them. The aim was to eliminate potential opposition and crush the intellectual and cultural foundation of the Bengali people. This included professors, writers, journalists, poets, artists, doctors, engineers, and others who were influential or perceived as threats to the Pakistani state.

The killings were carried out through targeted operations, with intellectuals being rounded up, arrested, and often tortured before being executed. Many were taken to torture cells and detention centers, where they were subjected to severe physical and psychological abuse. The bodies of the victims were often dumped in mass graves or rivers.

The intellectual killings were a deliberate attempt to cripple the emerging independent Bengali nation, as the Pakistani Army wanted to crush any resistance and intimidate the population. The extent of the killings and the number of victims remains a matter of debate, but estimates range from several hundred to several thousand.

These killings and other atrocities committed by the Pakistani Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War led to widespread condemnation and were later recognized as acts of genocide. Bangladesh eventually gained independence in December 1971, but the scars of the intellectual killings and the war as a whole remain deeply ingrained in the collective memory of the Bangladeshi people.
I don’t advocate for violence and support peace.
But if anyone comes to arrest the women if your household, even in a uniform, fight till the end.
We’ve seen videos of these filthy dogs showing their private parts to women. These dirty perverted dogs make s*xual videos of men and torture them in a perverted manner. Just imagine what they can do with a women in jail.
Peace is always something we should strive for.
However, there’s no point in life if the women of your household will be kidnapped, groped, and sexually assaulted by dirty perverted creatures.
No amount of money will ease the trauma and suffering your women will face if these creatures come to kidnap them.

Death before dishonour.
bhai I lived a good 29 years of my life in Pakistan (Karachi) mini Pakistan, and I know what I am talking about, I come from a middle class family background and still relatively middle/lower middle class family, Pakistani's are a fcuked up in their heads, and no matter what you hear on PDF, all this goodie goodie hum zinda qoum hai, we are all Pakistani's, we don't hate blah blah ground realities are very different, I am at least honest in my hate towards Pathans/Punjabis/Sindhi/Saraiki's/ and others rest are just Hypocrites.

No sir, you need better company of people around you, instead of ethnofacists and ethnoracists. I have lived in pakistan too specifically lahore and guess what? Nobody really gives a crap what ethnicity you are or not. You have been recently to the states right? You’re going through a conundrum right now which is totally fine. Now honestly answer this, yes there are racist there but do you seriously think there are no good people? Or they don’t mean what they say and everybody is just doing blah blah and closet racists? Respectfully bullshit brother, you need to widen your horizon and be a little positive.
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