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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
A million lannats on this person. These are the people mentioned in Surat Baqarah:


And when it is said unto them: Make not mischief in the earth, they say: We are peacemakers only.

Timing is important:

Also notice the vehicles used in this "public" dharna... :D :

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Refer back to my post when I said plan B is still very much in effect.
You know I always thought of non Muslims about these verses but its apparent the enemy is within. Hypocrites.

Perhaps that's why the lowest depths of Hell are reserved for them.
From a time when Twitter trend #We_All_Are_AsifGhafoor to this moment when PMIK declares current DG ISPR as #NanaMunaISPR .... a generation is lost!

What a tragedy!

However, this is brought upon by the MirJaffar head hanco and the current MirJaffarCollective!

For the sake Pakistan and the honour of the Instituition, please, DefeatedGang Resign!

Resign and Leave OurLand.


Having thought hard about it ... now you cann't take MirJaffar with you. No!!!

If an elected Prim Minister of Pakistan can hang then an Army Chief can swing as well.

can leave but MirJaffar must be brought justice and the Court of Law must administer judgement upon him!!!

Tragic days. Dark days these.

But the BlackBook with all its BlackChapers needs to close for good.

The ONLY way forward is the PakPositiveNationalism based on the Idea of Pakistan.

Everything else has failed!


P.S. When the elected GoP returns... it must nationalise all madrasas of every sect/firqa and liberate Pakistan from these mullahs who have been running Relgion-for-Business and Blackmail enterprise...
Determine a salary for imam masjid and mufti and let them collect no more chanda ... regulate all of them!

Why just resign and leave which they won't anyway. They should be hanged for all the f ups they have and they must pay for it.
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