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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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This video made me laugh a lot.

I used to follow Zaid Hamid once, around 2010, even after his right-hand man left him, accusing him of being on ISI’s payroll. I used to think of the ISI as the good guys.

But I stopped taking him seriously around 2014 when he didn’t support Imran Khan and Tahir ul Qadri during the dharna in Islamabad. I thought it was natural that he should join Imran Khan. He was close to Hamid Gul and so was Imran Khan. They were natural allies.

For me it was weird that he supported change in Pakistan yet he didn’t support those demanding change. It turned out he’s always been working for ISI.

Are you talking about Immad Khalid?
Why can't PTI wait till the October elections? can we stop and bring some sorta stability? - do a muk muka with PDM on provincial elections and focus on making October general elections a free&fair one
This is such a nicompoop argument and coming frim you sorely disappointed, what makes you thiunk they want an election at all, what will changes iun these couple of months? what gurantee is there that this drama will not play out again? Use your brain.
Such a retarded argument, You give them a foot and they will take a mile.

So we are bringing the country to a standstill just because we feel they'll delay elections?- when they delay the elections, then we can start a proper protest movement rn I feel like it's just constant chaos with no result in sight ( I don't think they'll delay the elections)

I don't see any grand revolution, make or break moment all I see is instability, chaos, and short-sighted behavior by all sides with no net-gain for PTI when the dust settles
And why is the onus of satability of PTI and people? why isnt it on Govt and institutions? They get paid for this FGS!!!
You are acting like an idiot or are just one.

Before IK and after Charter of Democracy

Nawaz Shareef launches a long march against PPP

PPP imposes Governor rule in Punjab

PML-N takes up memo gate case against Haqqani and Zardari

PML-N takes case to SC for disqualification of Yousuf Raza Gillani

You deliberately forgot to mention one thing. Biggest leader of Pakistan BB was removed, who hereself signed Charter of Democracy. And Imran Khan was injected into mainstream politics to ensure continuity of political chaos and instability of the 90s.
If this thread has shown me one thing, it’s the utter childish desperation of the few PDM supporters on here who usually rarely show their face, but are getting their yearly dose of happiness and are posting every few minutes basically 24/7 to try and get back at all the chitrol they have been receiving on this forum everyday for the last year. If they were to bring any rational arguments I’d totally listen to them. I don’t mind most of the people who are Anti-PTI/IK here (but also not Pro-PDM at the same time) because they often being rational reasoning for their beliefs.

But these PDM supporters literally pumping out posts (almost as if they’re Paid in Kilogram of Biryani per post), actually beautiful. Keep it up, Especially you @muhammadhafeezmalik , we all need some comedic relief in these trying times.​

You deliberately forgot to mention one thing. Biggest leader of Pakistan BB was removed, who hereself signed Charter of Democracy. And Imran Khan was injected into mainstream politics to ensure continuity of political chaos and instability of the 90s.
If Benazir hadn’t been assassinated, she would have been remembered as just another corrupt politician. Her untimely death made her the “Biggest leader” of Pakistan, because the PPP did what it does best and used dead people as martyrs to promote their cause. Try making a little more logical sense next time.​

Coming back to actually useful discussion. IK is in the IHC now. I personally don’t expect him to be given relief there, he might end up under arrest again, especially considering how the arrest of the rest of the PTI leadership is continuing without any cause or reason, simply overshadowed by this whole fiasco. It’s such an alarming thing that basically nobody is noticing, how the Establishment and government is just simply picking up everyone systematically to shut down something they’ve failed to bring down by other means for a year.

For IK, This time the SC stepped in, what happens next time? I don’t see much of a way out, especially with nobody else leading the PTI.
If there are more riots after a second arrest, the Establishment and Govt will blame the PTI again despite it technically being the IHCs doing. So I don’t see cause for celebration for IK or PTI yet.
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Superior courts are meant to there to rectify any flaw in lower courts, every day many decisions are lower courts overturned in superior court, so all lower courts' judges should step aside??
For this case it’s perfectly fine for IK to appeal for another judge. Aren’t you from the party that wants SCCJ to be arrested and brought to parliament for questioning?
This drama, started by PDM & Co., is creating many more issues.

It has come to the point now that it's starting to affect families on a personal level who cannot reach home to talk to their loved ones to see if they are alright. For example, my wife broke down within the last 4 hours as she's not been able to speak with her single mother (widowed) while caring for our six-month-old.

At some point, this nonsense has to stop, and common sense needs to prevail.
Exactly my point. The entire country is at a standstill, education is stopped, roads are closed, people who live on daily wages haven’t earned a thing for two days, communication is broken down, the healthcare sector is frozen, doctors aren’t making it to hospitals to tend to patients, all on top of the severe economic impact of the internet shutdown (in excess of Rs 2 billion already). In the face of these things, it really just feels like nobody actually cares about the situation of the country, not the army leadership, not the PDM nor the judiciary (and in some ways, not the PTI. Though in this particular instance they’re rather powerless to make decisions, they have been in the same place in the past). None of these parties have actually come forward to try and actually calm things down. And of course the supporters of each don’t have any way to justify the lack of action from their side apart from “but but but the other side is a criminal!!”

I don’t care wether the courts think IKs warrants and case are valid or not, but to send him back to jail would be akin to dooming the country to more lockdowns, riots and economic loss, that’s what needs to be considered in this case if literally anyone here actually cares of the country. But try telling that to the PDM or the judiciary or the Establishment who have enough in their pockets to barely notice the countries situation.​
Aamer Farooq, chief justice Isb. high court is a proven Establishment stooge and a lapdog, reports of him taking orders from internal wing and from London.

Think that PTI judicial team will raise concern on him leading the bench and get him recused.

This drama, started by PDM & Co., is creating many more issues.

It has come to the point now that it's starting to affect families on a personal level who cannot reach home to talk to their loved ones to see if they are alright. For example, my wife broke down within the last 4 hours as she's not been able to speak with her single mother (widowed) while caring for our six-month-old.

At some point, this nonsense has to stop, and common sense needs to prevail.

Exactly my point. The entire country is at a standstill, education is stopped, roads are closed, people who live on daily wages haven’t earned a thing for two days, communication is broken down, the healthcare sector is frozen, doctors aren’t making it to hospitals to tend to patients, all on top of the severe economic impact of the internet shutdown (in excess of Rs 2 billion already). In the face of these things, it really just feels like nobody actually cares about the situation of the country, not the army leadership, not the PDM nor the judiciary (and in some ways, not the PTI. Though in this particular instance they’re rather powerless to make decisions, they have been in the same place in the past). None of these parties have actually come forward to try and actually calm things down. And of course the supporters of each don’t have any way to justify the lack of action from their side apart from “but but but the other side is a criminal!!”

I don’t care wether the courts think IKs warrants and case are valid or not, but to send him back to jail would be akin to dooming the country to more lockdowns, riots and economic loss, that’s what needs to be considered in this case if literally anyone here actually cares of the country. But try telling that to the PDM or the judiciary or the Establishment who have enough in their pockets to barely notice the countries situation.​

I'm reposting the post you quoted; I accidentally deleted it.

I completely agree with your statement. However, from an investor's point of view, this doesn't bring any confidence due to political instability. As someone in this thread mentioned, we will, be compared to an African-level country.

What's happening in Pakistan isn't just affecting that country; it's affecting businesses here in the U.S. that rely on foreign tech talent to keep things running, doctors, engineers, and accountants who utilize Pakistan human resources as backend support. So imagine what little we have to keep our people employed and decide to shift across the border; whatever their ethnic issues are, political stability and no arm twisting, whereas you have to talk to the army, then bureaucracy and other nonsense they take jobs away from us.
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"Big relief for ex-PM Imran Khan as Islamabad High Court puts stay on Toshakhana case​

Its also expected that Pre Arrest Bail will be given to Ex PM IK today as he appears in IHC on Al-Qadir Trust case following the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) order .

A Short rally is gathering around G-13 area .

The PDM government is reacting insanely on these developments with the Minister of information in her video statement saying

The attacks on state institutions need to be condemned ; However there is a conscious effort by PDM to put PTI against Establishment and avoid facing elections in Punjab which is the epicenter of PTI Vote bank , previously ruled by PML-N.

All the PDM party leaders / spokesperson referring to constitution & law while commenting on IK arrest seems totally illegit when one thinks of their shameful behaviors to obey to serving elections in 90 days as required by constitution."
"Justice Gul Hasan & Justice Suman Riffat hearing case at IHC of Al Qadir trust .

Mean while the corrupt incompetent Cabinet under SS is meeting to discuss critical situation [ i,e ways and means to defy constitution and to delay elections] .. Irony "



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