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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some ignorant people have been mistaking this dog for a tiger for 35 years ...

Its not Sharif network but Patriotic Generals v pro secular western generals. This has always been the case in the Pakistani army. Dont forget our generals get training in the west so they look at them as role models. This doesn't mean they are traitors, they will defend Pakistan land if attacked. Its about Pakistan foreign policy, international policy, security policy, the pro western generals know west is very powerful so they don't want to be anti west, the patriotic generals want Pakistan first policy. A balance policy is the best. We should work with all but have some self respect.
Only some generals are educated in West. Many are not.
If the majority ask them to resign due to differences then they will resign, they cannot rebel can they? It will lead to division in the army and civil war like Syria, Libya.
I highly doubt it. What's happening here is more like a civil revolt against a specific military faction which is obviously being opposed by other factions within the military, more specifically the upper echelons of the military. There is not enough political manpower behind this military faction that it can be termed a civil war.

Same goes for the idea that Pakistan will split again like 1971. This idea is even more absurd. What will it split into? PTI and military both are all over Pakistan in every city. And again, the military doesn't have enough manpower in this situation.

What we have here are a handful of rogue generals against tens of millions of civilians. The only thing these generals can do is give orders from the top but there is not much under them for support in a non-military political conflict.

What's more likely to happen is a coup within the military, with the rogue generals ousted by other factions, who then bring stability.
i am not familiar with army structure, so help me out here, please.

Army hq = COAS?
So who is in charge of punjab strike corp?
Punjab holding Corp?
Sindh and so in?

Cause if I am reading this right, corp commanders report to command and then COAS is on top?
COAS is the CEO of the military imagine CCs as C suite officers in a corporate company all reporting to the CEO. Of course where this structure differs is the Joint Chief of Staff and its Chairman who is the defacto commander in chief, although in an advisory role has no control over “operational” matters.

I know this family .. u know what.. this is an ARMY family including star generals .. in the past.. many from this family fought the 1965 war as well.. the general who killed in terror attack rawalpind westridge years back was also belongs to this family..
As I posted on Tuesday. Please pay attention the the part in bold:


This is what they are good for, polarising their own support base. Khota squad! A million lannats are not enough.

Meanwhile in London, the great leader is not happy .....

Apparently the Metropolitan Police told MNS lawyers they can’t stop PTI protesters from protesting outside his palace 😂.



is it NS or the US?
All roads lead to London.
اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنِي مِنْ بَينِ يَدَيَّ, وَمِنْ خَلْفِي, وَعَنْ يَمِينِي, وَعَنْ شِمَالِي وَمِنْ فَوْقِي, وَأَعُوذُ بِعَظَمَتِكَ أَن أُْغْتَالَ مِنْ تَحْتِي

Pakistan Zindabad 🇵🇰
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