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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
True, PDM also has a lot of support either in Metaverse or maybe on Mars, clearly not on PDF, nor on the ground nor in jalsa/jalos and surely not in polls otherwise elections would have been conducted in Punjab and KPK (there is no legal, constitutional, moral, logical basis in delaying except knowing how badly they will loose).

Political parties do not run away from elections.


PTI support base is larger for sure but you need to step out from the comfort of your home and talk to people in various locations to find out if other political parties exist in vacuum.

Step out from your fantasy bubble for a change.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari on Thursday said that he was not in favour of banning the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) despite the party attacking state facilities, adding that he would be the "last person" to endorse such a move.

Speaking at a press conference, the foreign minister — flanked by Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and provincial information minister Sharjeel Memon — said: “I am not in favour of banning anyone. We must adopt a completely constitutional and legal procedure to ban PTI.”

However, he added that declaring PTI a proscribed outfit was the last resort.

While responding to a question on whether he considered banning PTI, the foreign minister responded: “A decision cannot be taken on television based on the video evidence that has come out so far.”

Moreover, Bilawal called for PTI workers to end their violent protests, adding that the party had done “what it had to do”.

"PTI should not cause more harm,” he said. “They should declare an end to violent protests and face the cases against them.”

Bialwal also expressed a desire to have an outcome that would create political stability in the country.

‘Another Black Day’​

Earlier during the conference the PPP leader said that May 9 — the day when Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan was arrested from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) — was "another Black Day" in the history the country.

"The history of Pakistan several days are marked as the 'Black Days' and now May 9 has been added to the list."

Violent protests erupted in Pakistan on Tuesday with dozens injured across several cities and demonstrators attacking military buildings after Khan was arrested.

Tensions remained high with paramilitary troops and police on the streets in major cities even today; meanwhile, mobile data services remained suspended and schools and offices were closed in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Islamabad police said earlier today that troops have reached the capital city.

Protesters have stormed military buildings, ransacked the residence of a top army general in Lahore, and set ablaze state buildings and assets in other places since Khan's arrest in Al-Qadir Trust case.

“We [PPP] never celebrate when a political leader is arrested because we believe that when political leaders are arrested it is the loss of the politics at large,” he said, reiterating that in such scenarios the PPP has never celebrated nor distributed sweets.

‘PPP against NAB’​

He added that his party had always been "against" the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) from the get-go; whereas PTI had always defended the anti-graft body and benefitted from it.

“Khan sb initiated a campaign to save NAB; when we demanded amendments he said that we are seeking NRO and didn’t agree on the proposed amendments,” he said, adding that now when the new laws were introduced it is the PTI chief who has become its beneficiary.

However, Bilawal said, accountability takes place all over the world.

“We will also take accountability of the NAB to see how successful the institution has been,” he said.

He accused Khan of misusing his position as the prime minister and said: “Imran Khan has always said that the very name of his party is based on justice and that everyone should be held accountable.”

Face the music​

Drawing parallels between the proscribed Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) — which has been outlawed as a militant outfit — and the PTI, Bilawal said that former had attacked Jinnah House in Balochistan, the latter had turned its guns towards Jinnah House in Lahore.

“I do not remember that any party has made such attacks after a two-week remand,” he said, adding “Our leaders were hanged and we did not attack the GHQ. We did not attack Corps Commander’s house”.

Harking back to the protests that erupted following the murder of Benazir Bhutto, the foreign minister said: “After the martyrdom of Bibi, the whole country erupted with anger. However, we gave a political response, and raised the slogan of Pakistan Khappe.”

“We banned violence and said that democracy is the best revenge,” he recalled.

Terming PTI workers and leaders, “political terrorists”, he said that the those who were involved in crimes would have to answer.

He added that PTI should shun violence and adopt a political route, stating that the Imran Khan-led party needed to decide whether they wanted to become a “political party or an anti-state party.”

Repeat offenders​

Bilawal asserted that the PTI had decided that it would not give a political response to Khan’s arrest and instead resort to attacking the state with “stone, batons and guns”.

Furthermore, he said: “One attack on GHQ was done by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and another by PTI.”

The foreign minister also claimed that this is not the first time that PTI has violated the constitution, recalling that Khan had violated the constitution in April of last year — when the provincial assemblies of Punjab and KP were dissolved at his behest — and no action was taken against him.

He then brought up the agitation that gripped Lahore when the police went to arrest Khan at his residence.

“When the police arrived to execute the arrest warrant against Khan, a lot happened," he said, adding that Khan thought that the law is for everyone except the PTI.”

However, the PTI has crossed every “red line”, Bilawal said, adding that it was the responsibility of the state and institutions to enforce the law and the Constitution.

“The misunderstanding arose because they thought anyone could cross the red line,” Bilawal said.


During the presser, Bilawal criticised the protestors and said “Akbar S. Babar was a member of the PTI. It was he who brought up the charge sheet of foreign funding”.

“What was the fault of People's Bus Service? KMC's water tanker what damage did it to the captain?”

He advised all political parties, including PTI, to avoid “anti-state people”.

“The events of the past day have made our efforts to lower the political temperature difficult,” Bilawal said, adding that Khan was neither interested in defending democracy nor democracy itself.

“My message to PTI is that if democracy continues, you can survive,” he said, “All problems are solved by democracy.”

He further reiterated that all political stakeholders should work within the sphere of democracy.

On negotiations​

The PPP leader also added that along with Quetta and Karachi, people of Lahore too had legitimate complaints that needed to be heard.

“A sense of deprivation is everywhere, the poor are also in Punjab,” he said.

He further said that previously he had been “quite hopeful” that the dialogue between the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and PTI would be successful.

“I was hopeful that we would find a political solution as we still want the elections to be held on time.”
The difference now is that we are looking for some mutiny, some rebellion, some coup in the Pakistan Army so that people rights are not infringed and they killed just for speaking against the regime change brought up by the Army. And a pro people General as COAS is appointed and not a pro PMLN and a Sharif lapdog, read intl' establishment pick.

And here the Army is shrewd and cunning, the Generals, they are using the politicians who were against IK as proxies and they being their puppets.

Situation is very different from Turkey...

Sharifs are now lapdogs?

I thought Army was out for their blood as well.


  • PTI's rebuttal comes day after hard-hitting statement by ISPR.
  • PTI considers "individuals and institutions, alike, bound to obey law".
  • Says reaction after Imran Khan's arrest linked to many factors.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has denied involvement in the recent incidents of violence amid the protests against the arrest of its chairman, Imran Khan, saying that the statement by Inter-services Public Relations (ISPR) lacked the realisation of the situation on the ground.

PTI's rebuttal comes a day after the hard-hitting statement by the military's media wing, where it termed May 9, the day clashes and protests ensued, a "black chapter in history".

"We believe in achieving our goals by remaining peaceful, non-violent, and adhering to the Constitution and law. PTI has always discouraged deviance from the Constitution and law," a statement released by the party read.

It said that the PTI considered individuals and institutions, alike, bound to obey the law, the statement said

"The public reaction after the arrest of Imran Khan is connected to many factors," PTI said, adding that the extra-judicial actions and destruction of the economy were also among of the factors that created bitterness.

The party said Imran Khan also offered a solution to the ongoing political and administrative crisis through free and fair elections.

It further stated that PTI had been against the plunder of people's right to sovereignty via interference and rigging in elections, hence the political ideology and philosophy of the party chief Imran Khan received approval from the masses.

Army terms countrywide chaos as 'black chapter'​

On Wednesday, the Pakistan Army — in a rare response — said that May 9, 2023, will be remembered as a "dark chapter" in the country's history.

The ISPR said after the PTI chief’s arrest in Al-Qadir Trust case on National Accountability Bureau’s orders, a “well-thought-out plan” was witnessed in which the army was targetted.

“Soon after [Khan’s arrest], there were organised attacks on army properties and installations and anti-army slogans were raised,” the military’s media wing said.

The ISPR called the PTI leaders “hypocrites” for inciting their workers against the armed forces on the one hand, and other, they were praising the military — in a bid to overshadow their criticism.

“On the one hand, these evil elements vigorously stir up public sentiments to fulfil their narrow and selfish goals and on the other, they do not get tired of highlighting the importance of the army for the country while throwing dust in the eyes of the people. This is an example of hypocrisy.”

The military’s media wing added that a group of people — draping political garb in their lust for power — have done unprecedented damages to the country that Pakistan’s enemies since its inception have not.

“The army showed extreme patience, tolerance and restraint and without caring about its own reputation worked with extreme patience and endurance in the wider interest of the country.”

The statement mentioned that when such a situation was created under nefarious, a heinous bid was made to force the military to give an immediate response, which could be used for nefarious political purposes.

“The army’s mature response, however, thwarted this conspiracy. We are well aware that behind it were orders, directives and complete pre-planning by some sinister party leadership,” the statement added.

The facilitators, planners, and political activists involved in the protests have been identified and now, strict action will be taken against them “in line with the law and all these evil elements will now be responsible for the consequences”, the army said.

The ISPR added that any further attack — by the “very group that wants to push Pakistan into a civil war” — on the army, including all law enforcement agencies, military, and state installations and properties will be met with severe retaliation.

“No one can be allowed to incite people and take the law into their hands,” the ISPR added.

Protests errupt​

The PTI chief's arrest triggered severe protests from the party workers, who took to the streets across the country, damaging public and private property. Amid the chaos, at least four people have lost their lives so far.

The drama follows months of political crisis during which Khan, who was ousted in April last year, has waged an unprecedented campaign against the establishment and the government.

The ongoing protests — which have entered the second day — seem to have no sign of stopping as an accountability court has sent the deposed prime minister on an eight-day physical remand.
China should have done something.. but knowing the nature of our controlling class, it might have also realized that Pakistan is an incurable disease.

Pakistanis, or their political parties do not have an understanding of politics.
To them, it's just power and nothing.

China's ideology is an understood subject down to every man and they are ahead of every Pakistanis irrespective of their class when it comes to ideology and political philosophy.
Recheck my post and let me know if any point in it does not have merit to it. Sorry but PTI-led government was just another in line of the military-backed political experiments that did not work. Imran Khan's miscalculations are not small to begin with and corruption continued with strength and those who were involved in corruption could not be held accountable.

I am questioning the moral high ground of PTI activism on PDF from objective standpoint - much of it is self-absorbed and toxic to the core with insults directed towards Pakistan Army on a regular basis and calls for attacks on the institutions. There is ample data and evidence to support this observation. There is little deliberation on past mistakes and what is the way forward for the country on the other hand.

PDM experiment is also a flop show but the uncomfortable truth is that it does have its support base in the country - I have had interactions with people who support Shahbaz Sharif for instance. If these people do not have a representation on PDF, they do not exist?

Difference is that PTI activism is far more visible in cyber space and opposing views get overshadowed in the exchange.

Nation building is a lengthy struggle. Khan can run the country but he is not in the position to address the menace of corruption in the country because it permeates every section of the society including those within the PTI CAMP. PTI has popular vote but it has to REBOOT its political regime with a SYSTEM OF INTERNAL ACCOUNTABILITY and PROVE to the ENTIRE COUNTRY that it can bring about legitimate change in the country if given another chance in General Elections. Hypocrisy does not works.

Recall the era of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto? He was also charismatic and had a massive support base. But he RUINED Pakistan with his self-absorbed politics.

PTI activism continues to miss the mark as well. Respect Forum Rules at minimum, but nope.
As long as there is no accountability of the most corrupt institute in Pakistan which is Pakistan Army, corruption cannot be controlled, they are not only themselve corrupt but support and protect other corrupt elements.
looks like there is nothing outsider can offered any help at this stage
Brother, this is because an egotistic maniac of an ex PM and his goons are confronting the state and the state has finally decided to crush their menace.
As an outsider, and especially a person of Chinese decent, you can support the stability and continuity of policies of the state of Pakistan, a serious aspect of which has become quelling Imran Khan and his party's rebellion against the state.
Posted by Gen Salauddin Tirmazi ( Ex- Federal Minister PML-N ) on another forum… about Mr Imran Khan.

It no longer matters what we think of him. It is not important anymore whether we regard him as corrupt or innocent, view him as efficient or incapable, place him on a high moral pedestal or at par with his opponents. What many of us do not realise is that his fall was orchestrated, his rise was ordianed. His ouster was managed by a few, his comeback is destined by the majority. His fall from grace may have been planned by humans, his rise to glory is destined by divinity. He has already reached a place where our opinions carry no weight since now, only Allah's decision matters.
What a great drama unfolding right before our eyes
Historical times
This day will be part of our history
Remembered for long
One brave man rose to change the fate of 220 million people
One against all. Politicians of various ilks
Joined together by greed. And greed alone
People had accepted their condition as a given, unchangeable
Their future generations condemned to crawl like insects against mafia that had eaten into the vitals of the nation
Till one man and one man alone told them that was not their destiny
They were meant for something better
He showed them how
By standing in front of them, , handsome and beautiful
A sublime figure larger than life
Too good to be true
Sacrificing a life of great luxury
His beautiful family, his gorgeous wife his country of adoption
To land amidst a Miserable country on the verge of collapse
He gave them a vision, hope, dream
He told them to realize their true worth
He told them not to crawl when they could fly
He told them they were endowed by the Almighty with wings
He led from the front
Rode the caravan fearlessly
Debunking all fear and possible instantaneous death
This is stuff of legends unfolding now in sight of the whole world
By submitting to the vision cognitively, emotionally even if not behaviorally
For I wish I could be as brave as MY LEADER
Bravo Imran Khan, Bravo All Pakistanis 🇵🇰🙏
As long as there is no accountability of the most corrupt institute in Pakistan which is Pakistan Army, corruption cannot be controlled, they are not only themselve corrupt but support and protect other corrupt elements.

Yes, there is corruption in every institute.

Even if I am close to those in uniform, I will accept Facts and Figures when I see them.

Gilgit-Baltistan Chief Minister Khalid Khurshid has been put under house arrest in the federal capital on Thursday.

A notification was issued by the office of the Chief Commissioner Islamabad. The GB provincial chief executive has been detained at the GB Islamabad House. A good number of policemen have been dpeloyed outside the GB House to prevent any untoward situation.

The detention follows deadly unrest in the country after the arerst of former prime minister Imran Khan, who is also chairman of the PTI.

The GB CM represents the PTI in the province. The GB police were also sent to Lahore's Zaman Park residence of the PTI chief as 'protective shield' to prevent his arrest.
90 days IK nu ghaib rakho, itna saah he je bund vich, memon sb? (Excuse the french)

Is ko kia pata

Yeh Pakistan ka wahid sharabi hai jis ko Pakistan ki supreme court k chief justice nai sharab k sath rangai hathon pakra hai

Kisi aur sharabi ko yeh sharaf hasil nahi hua
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