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Ouran and Siyer was the Elective in Turkish Schools


Proud to be Turk.

This thread is about Quran and Siyer, and not Ataturk. I don't understand why you keep spamming posters of Ataturk in various threads.
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If differences dont matter, why would Allahu Teala created humans, animals, trees with differences? There are certainly differences, whether black/white, or long/short, or beautiful/ugly, or Chinese/European...

Lets come to Priorities of Muslims. What are the priorities of Muslims? A real question for you.

Now you mentioned. For me, Allah is the Unknown. Look at Taha 114: Ey Rab raise my knowledge. I take that ayet, and search for knowledge whether history or biology. There is a whole ocean of knowledge beyond Quran. Quran is the guide for me to find what was not written there. and i read. i dont want to build my life on Delusion. Muslim should ask and search for the truth.

how The Prophet wore outfit, how he cut his hair. Now there you limit yourself with the image, you make your own idol/ fetish.

Every human in value is equal, no matter ethnicity or nationality (or culture). Humans are not trees nor animals. Plants and animals have their own way of life, they don't have "Nafs" (Arabic term) (Nefis in turkish), nor have they personality or free will.
I hope we agree this far.

You are talking about differences between plants and animals and humans. Ofcourse we are all different from each other, we have our own charasteristica, but in value we are not superior to each other due to our ethnicity or culture before Allah (swt). Truly, we are all on equal ground, and we will then choose our path. Our beloved Prophet in his last speech (veda hutbesi) says, an Arab has no superiority to a none-Arab and a none-Arab has no superiority to an Arab, superiority is in piety and good action or Taqwa (Arabic term) (Takva in Turkish).

When we die, the scenario will not be based on your ethnicity. Allah (swt) will not ask you "were you a Turk?". Do you think that will be a question in the hereafter? "yes I am a Turk", "ok here, go ahead enter paradise". Do you think this will be the scenario? If this is what you think, i pity you.

I hope we also agree so far, since this is truly fundaments of Islam.

Now to your question:

"Lets come to Priorities of Muslims. What are the priorities of Muslims? A real question for you."

Priorities of Muslims shouldn't be adoring (litterally) historically significant figures. Priorities of Muslims is what Allah (swt) orders us to do. Accepting and believing the 6 Articles of Faith, and practically fullfilling the 5 Pillars of Islam. And besides all these, obeying the rulings of Allah (swt).

Now can you elaborate what you mean by "Allah is the Unknown for me". I want to understand your idea behind that sentence clearly.
No, the person who believe in Allahu Teala. Who is Allahu Teala? The Unknown.

A Muslim is one who bows before the Almighty One God, call Him "God", "Eloh", "Khuda", "Rab", "Deus", "Aka" or "Allah"

"Muslim" literally means "one who voluntarily bows before God".
Also, please get it right, God isn't "Unknown". Sure, Unseen, Unheard, but not "Unknown".
A Muslim is one who bows before the Almighty One God, call Him "God", "Eloh", "Khuda", "Rab", "Deus", "Aka" or "Allah"

"Muslim" literally means "one who voluntarily bows before God".
Also, please get it right, God isn't "Unknown". Sure, Unseen, Unheard, but not "Unknown".

Do you know Allah?

Same question for Selim I. i just ask the question. i dunno the answer as well.
Proud to be both muslim and Turk.

We are an advanced society and we have a thousands of years old culture and language. More than that we have a glorious history. I don't see why we can't preserve our national values and maintain our civilisation level while being muslims in the same time. What good will it do to abolish the values that kept us together for thousands of years (back from hunnic empire).

I have nothing against anyone in here but people are keeping tensions up all the time. I already have some health problems and staying in this endless debates is very tiring me. From now on i will try to stay away from this converstations as long as possible and I'will only comment about military news.

I hope everybody's having a good day, my best regards
. .
God has 99 names in Islam.

99 names = 99 attributes/qualities of God = 99 things God tells us about Himself

Names of God in Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was trying to copy paste it here, but since it was too huge the server failed each time I tried. I thought sharing it directly here would be more effective, since not everyone clicks on the links, better to be posted directly.

Do you know Allah?

Same question for Selim I. i just ask the question. i dunno the answer as well.

So that is what you meant with "The Unknown".

Ofcourse we know the attributes of Allah (Swt), believing in something you don't know is absurd.

The true believers are the ones who will not change their faith even if they saw Allah (swt), because they already accepted and believed him before "seing" him.

1. Allah

Allah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the entities.
2. Ar-Rahmaan
The Compassionate, The Beneficent, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.
3. Ar-Raheem
The Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.
4. Al-Malik
The King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.
5. Al-Quddoos
The Holy, The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.
6. As-Salaam
The Source of Peace, The One who is free from every imperfection.
7. Al-Mu'min
Guardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.
8. Al-Muhaimin
The Protector, The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.
9. Al-^Azeez
The Mighty, The Strong, The Defeater who is not defeated.
10. Al-Jabbaar
The Compeller, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.
11. Al-Mutakabbir
The Majestic, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.
12. Al-Khaaliq
The Creator, The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.
13. Al-Bari'
The Evolver, The Maker, The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.
14. Al-Musawwir
The Fashioner, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.
15. Al-Ghaffaar
The Great Forgiver, The Forgiver, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.
16. Al-Qahhaar
The Subduer, The Dominant, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.
17. Al-Wahhaab
The Bestower, The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything that benefits whether Halal or Haram.
18. Al-Razzaaq
The Sustainer, The Provider.
19. Al-Fattaah
The Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldy and religious matters.
20. Al-^Aleem
The All-knowing, The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.
21. Al-Qaabid
The Constricter, The Retainer, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdomand expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.
22. Al-Baasit
The Expander, The Englarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdomand expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.
23. Al-Khaafid
The Abaser, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
24. Ar-Raafi^
The Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.
25. Al-Mu^iz
The Honorer, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.
26. Al-Muthil
The Dishonorer, The Humiliator, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.
27. As-Samee^
The All-Hearing, The Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.
28. Al-Baseer
The All-Seeing, The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.
29. Al-Hakam
The Judge, He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.
30. Al-^Adl
The Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.
31. Al-Lateef
The Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.
32. Al-Khabeer
The Aware, The One who knows the truth of things.
33. Al-Haleem
The Forebearing, The Clement, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.
34. Al-^Azeem
The Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolement,and Purity from all imperfection.
35. Al-Ghafoor
The All-Forgiving, The Forgiving, The One who forgives a lot.
36. Ash-Shakoor
The Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.
37. Al-^Aliyy
The Most High, The Sublime, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.
38. Al-Kabeer
The Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.
39. Al-Hafeez
The Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.
40. Al-Muqeet
The Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer, The One who has the Power.
41. Al-Haseeb
The Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.
42. Aj-Jaleel
The Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
43. Al-Kareem
The Generous One, The Bountiful, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.
44. Ar-Raqeeb
The Watcher, The Watchful, The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.
45. Al-Mujeeb
The Responsive, The Hearkener, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.
46. Al-Wasi^
The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable.
47. Al-Hakeem
The Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who is correct in His doings.
48. Al-Wadood
The Loving, The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them:Hence it's meaning is related to the attributes of the Will and Kalam (His attribute with which He orders and forbids and spoke to Muhammad and Musa -peace be upon them- . It is not a sound nor a language nor a letter.).
49. Al-Majeed
The Most Glorious One, The Glorious, The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.
50. Al-Ba^ith
The Reserrector, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.
51. Ash-Shaheed
The Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.
52. Al-Haqq
The Truth, The True, The One who truly exists.
53. Al-Wakeel
The Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.
54. Al-Qawiyy
The Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete Power.
55. Al-Mateen
The Firm One, The One with extreme Power which is un-interrupted and He does not get tired.
56. Al-Waliyy
The Protecting Friend, The Supporter.
57. Al-Hameed
The Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.
58. Al-Muhsee
The Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.
59. Al-Mubdi'
The Originator, The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.
60. Al-Mu^eed
The Reproducer, The One who brings back the creatures after death.
61. Al-Muhyi
The Restorer, The Giver of Life, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.
62. Al-Mumeet
The Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead.
63. Al-Hayy
The Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.
64. Al-Qayyoom
The Self-Subsisting, The One who remains and does not end.
65. Al-Waajid
The Perceiver, The Finder, The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.
66. Al-Waahid
The Unique, The One, The One without a partner.
67. Al-Ahad
The One.
68. As-Samad
The Eternal, The Independent, The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.
69. Al-Qaadir
The Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.
70. Al-Muqtadir
The Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.
71. Al-Muqaddim
The Expediter, The Promoter, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
72. Al-Mu'akh-khir
The Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.
73. Al-'Awwal
The First, The One whose Existence is without a beginning.
74. Al-'Akhir
The Last, The One whose Existence is without an end.
75. Az-Zaahir
The Manifest, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.
76. Al-Baatin
The Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.
77. Al-Walee
The Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.
78. Al-Muta^ali
The Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.
79. Al-Barr
The Source of All Goodness, The Righteous, The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.
80. At-Tawwaab
The Acceptor of Repentance, The Relenting, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.
81. Al-Muntaqim
The Avenger, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.
82. Al-^Afuww
The Pardoner, The Forgiver, The One with wide forgiveness.
83. Ar-Ra'uf
The Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.
84. Malik Al-Mulk
The Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.
85. Thul-Jalali wal-Ikram
The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.
86. Al-Muqsit
The Equitable, The One who is Just in His judgment.
87. Aj-Jaami^
The Gatherer, The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.
88. Al-Ghaniyy
The Self-Sufficient, The One who does not need the creation.
89. Al-Mughni
The Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.
90. Al-Maani^
The Preventer, The Withholder.
91. Ad-Daarr
The Distresser, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
92. An-Nafi^
The Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.
93. An-Noor
The Light, The One who guides.
94. Al-Haadi
The Guide, The One whom with His Guidance His belivers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.
95. Al-Badi^
The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.
96. Al-Baaqi
The Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.
97. Al-Waarith
The Supreme Inheritor, The Heir, The One whose Existence remains.
98. Ar-Rasheed
The Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.
99. As-Saboor
The Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners. "...There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). Qur'an [42:11]

Worked now :)
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No, i asked you: Do you know Allah? Not the names of Allah.

The answer should be: Yes i know, or No i dont.

Here i do philoshophy on theology. it is not that simple.

I know that Allah exist. But i haven't seen him. What a strange question you ask. Try to reformulate your question so we may understand what you are asking.
No, i asked you: Do you know Allah? Not the names of Allah.

The answer should be: Yes i know, or No i dont.

Here i do philoshophy on theology. it is not that simple.

I don't know if your a Muslim or not, but I'll try to make is simple.

The whole point of God giving us his signs in the Quran and all around us is to make us realise that all of this complex universe cannot be merely a coincidence (Big Bang theory). Someone very Intelligent is behind all that's going on, responsible for everything in this Universe, every little proton, neutron and electron that exists.
Thus He reveals the Quran, describes 99 attributes/names/qualities of Himself to us, and tells us to Believe in Him and Bow before the true King that actually Rules everything.
If God revealed Himself out in the open, the whole point of revelations, Prophets or even Life would become pointless.
Hence, the Lord of the World which is Unseen, Unheard yet Exists, and the proof is all around you. That's the test.

So, I do and don't know God at the same time. I do know He exists, and do know several of His qualities, but have not seen Him or heard Him. But I definitely know he exists. That's Islam.
Proud to be both muslim and Turk.

We are an advanced society and we have a thousands of years old culture and language. More than that we have a glorious history. I don't see why we can't preserve our national values and maintain our civilisation level while being muslims in the same time. What good will it do to abolish the values that kept us together for thousands of years (back from hunnic empire).

I have nothing against anyone in here but people are keeping tensions up all the time. I already have some health problems and staying in this endless debates is very tiring me. From now on i will try to stay away from this converstations as long as possible and I'will only comment about military news.

I hope everybody's having a good day, my best regards

A good approach. There is nothing wrong with traditions and cultures of respective countries all over the world, so long they don't contradict or oppose the Rulings of Allah (swt)/Islam.

I am happy to be born Muslim hence happy to be Turk. But if I was born Danish with Muslim parents I might've been as happy.
But I like the Turkish cuisine more, so I would probably wish to be born Turkish rather than Danish.
Jokes aside.

As said, there is nothing wrong with loving your culture and value. I also love Turkey, for many reasons. But What I don't like is when people puts ethnicity beyond Islam. That's a grave mistake. And I hope you understood that part, since it's highly important as also former mentioned. I believe you are a good man, I hope you will recover. But you have different views than me, and some of them might be dangerous or cant cope with Islam.
I know that Allah exist. But i haven't seen him. What a strange question you ask. Try to reformulate your question so we may understand what you are asking.

Human is too small in capacity to understand Allah the Creator and the universe which is his creation.

Neither Selim nor Raisinherald know Allah, they cant even formulate some basic phisycal laws. Me neither. Even Einstein had limits. Allah Itself encourages us to learn, question. It only revelead limited knowledge to the prophets. Even the prophets didnt know everything. Because the only one with the truth is Allah the Creator.

And that is what makes Allah interesting. The One who created this whole limitless (literally limitless) universe. We only konw maybe 0,5%. There lies the knowledge beyond. As Quran Ta-ha surah 114 ayet says: ey Rab increase my knowledge.

I don't know if your a Muslim or not, but I'll try to make is

So, I do and don't know God at the same time. I do know He exists, and do know several of His qualities, but have not seen Him or heard Him. But I definitely know he exists. That's Islam.

i asked you whether you know or not? You are trying to prove me Allah exists.

Different way: do you know how the whole system works?


Turkish Parliament adopted the new education law last night..
Ouran and Siyer (The Life of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.) was the elective in Turkish middle and high schools..
Alawis and other different believers will/can learn own belief as adopted..

Alhamdulillah!!! Congratulation to AKP and Islami people of Turkey for returning Islam in it's right place. Turkish Muslims has been deprived from practicing Islam freely for many years but I salute them for their courage and will to go back to their original root. AKP has come to Turkey as helper from Allah. :tup:

Now, next step should be reinstate Islamic dresses(as per individual choice) in government places or is it already re-established? ;)
Alhamdulillah!!! Congratulation to AKP and Islami people of Turkey for returning Islam in it's right place. Turkish Muslims has been deprived from practicing Islam freely for many years but I salute them for their courage and will to go back to their original root. AKP has come to Turkey as helper from Allah. :tup:

Now, next step should be reinstate Islamic dresses(as per individual choice) in government places or is it already re-established? ;)

It is already free of choice brother.Turkey is today much, much better than what it was just 10 years ago. Don't give ears to some pessimists

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