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Our Trip to India

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Mar 28, 2012
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I just want posters on here to try and understand India, my family and I traveled to India last year in November and we had a awesome, amazing, wonderful time. Yes we seen a lot of things in India that really disappointed and angered us, but we also saw some amazing things, the people are amazing and some of the most hospitable in the world. India is a cultural treasure trove and the oldest civilization in history.

India is hard to explain to people, India is a contradiction, everything that you can say about it is true and untrue at the same time. From the extreme poverty and *****, to the amazing beauty and diversity, from the religions, to the food, to the people. My daughters fell in love with this land the good and the bad more than me and my wife.

As a lot of you know I have posted about how disappointed we were with the *****, the public defecating, the dumping of garbage everywhere and yes for us that was shocking and disgusting to see people treat the country they claim to love in that way.

I have made this thread because I think on this site India does get a lot of mud thrown at it some of it is deserved and a lot of it is not. I will post some photos of our trip and I would like all posters on here to comment constructively instead of just taking low pot shots at this great country.

For us India is a country of massive contradictions, a country that is trying to deal with itself and it's history, a country with one foot still in the 14th century and another in the 21st. India is going through growing pains, but it will get there. My family and I will always hold India dear in our hearts, we came back changed people. India won't become a great power anytme soon, it will take a 100 years but it will get there.

Here are some photos, if you guys want more then I will upload more, I hope the mods leave this in this thread in this forum and not move it please.



Why do you continue to pretend not to be an Indian?

You almost never comment on France or Australia.

You hate Pakistan.
You hate Muslims.
You hate China.
Your only comment on India is like an Indian nationalist berating his fellow Indians for not appreciating India.

This comment is relevant because you are posting on false premises as a foreigner.
@Shatterpoint ......it is always refreshing to see an outsiders view of things. I welcome your posts and request to post more pictures. Please dont hold back......both the good, the bad and the ugly.

It would be educative to look at India through your eyes.

Thank You again..
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This is Marine Drive or the Queens Necklace in Mumbai, great city, one of the great cities of the world.

although your post may be moved to a more proper section, but please do continue with more pictures.

BTW, this statement applies to almost every country on this forum.

I have made this thread because I think on this site India does get a lot of mud thrown at it some of it is deserved and a lot of it is not.
I have commented on India and been very hash, stop being a fool and read what I have said about India, you are coming across as an idiot of the highest order.

You do not have to be an Indian to have those traits bro, one just have to be a human. Don't be an ostrich take your head out o the sand and look around almost everybody shares the same feelings.
Mumbai is a city that needs rejeneration. @Shatterpoint, I hope you went to places that are more 'memorable'- Ladakh, Goa, Kerala etc. Mumbai isn't exactly a place for vacation bro.
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I don't understand, are you saying he's pretending not to be an Indian?
A lot of his hateful speeches come out of pure ignorance. hopefully when he travel enough, he would have an opener mind and bring us more threads like this, which I am enjoying right now.
Why do you continue to pretend to be an Indian?

You almost never comment on France or Australia.

You hate Pakistan.
You hate Muslims.
You hate China.
Your only comment on India is like an Indian nationalist berating his fellow Indians for not appreciating India.

This comment is relevant because you are posting on false premises as a foreigner.
Agra and the beautiful Taj Mahal truly a masterpiece, words and photos do not do it justice, this is the entrance to the Taj.

We did go to Shimla, Goa, Kullu-Manali, Delhi, Agra so we traveled quite a lot.


Sir ,
how was your trip especially in goa and New Delhi ? Tell us the goods and the bads that u may have encountered on your journey . Feel free to post ignoring this guy called @Developereo
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