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our soldiers will open fire if PLA troops come to our positions at LAC : India Defence Minister

they are just saying "if you try to capture more of our land we will try to test our weapons and will move back like before"
they came.. gang banged your soldiers in the broad day light like PAF, and went back safely.... cme again again raped you in the broad day light, captured half of the land, developed infrastructure where as demoralized thid world poor hunger shit sony vio-sena still bsy in Bollywood movies and passing statements... non-one give a f***** of Indian L-armed forces :lol::lol:
I pray your Generals think the same as you. More you underestimate enemy, more you lose.
But India's bad luck, Chinese are not fool on that level. 😐
Indian minister of warning at it again..., but the truth is

India only has enough ammunition to supply troops for ten days
68 per cent of the army’s equipment is so old, it is officially considered 'vintage'

Why is there such an interesting correlation between Indian politicians and Indian media in terms of their verbal output sans common sense?
I pray your Generals think the same as you. More you underestimate enemy, more you lose.
But India's bad luck, Chinese are not fool on that level. 😐

The world witnessed in 2019, who underestimate whom and at the end who have lost 40 soldiers + 6 crew + 1 heli + POW + Fighter jets :lol: you guys are merely a puppet of the west and laughing stock for the world!
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