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Our so called nationalists


Apr 18, 2010
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Sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.
View attachment 911047

And another one:

And another one:

Why are we so surrounded by traitors on all sides?

Why is Nationalism so prevalent in Turkey yet so cucked?

CHP is basically AKP That drinks alcohol.

AKP, CHP I don't really care. They are the two sides of the same corrupt coin. If you're a fanboy of them you're either a 60+ years old out of touch geriatric or a braindead idologue. So please shut the **** up and don't reply to this thread. I don't like to talk to mindless drones.

Anybody who sympathizes with nationalism or is a neutral observer is welcome. Let us discuss what went wrong here?
To me it seems that Osman Pamukoğlu is the only one who didn't sell his soul but he failed to gather any following. Why do we follow political whores?
As a Pakistani, I find this fascinating because Turkey has much better socioeconomic indicators and much better governance than Pakistan. Admittedly, Pakistan is quite a low bar, but still...

We often feel here (the few real patriots that exist) that we've been screwed by either 50-60+ year old 'boomers' who are out of touch with the norms of global competition and the talent/merit/innovation needs of today on the one hand AND naïve, fully Westernized blind followers who think everything 'Western' must be good and therefore should be forcefully applied. They typically fall on the cultural left and have no clue what a geostrategically important country in a tough neighborhood needs. They are colonial minded cucks, essentially.

Unfortunately, the country remains screwed either way.

Don't want to derail the thread, so I'll let my Turkish friends take it from here.
Admittedly, Pakistan is quite a low bar, but still...
Are you sure Pakistan is not the greatest country on earth? Lol I like the little bit of self awareness there :)

Most Turks don't have this. Which is part of the problem.
We often feel here (the few real patriots that exist) that we've been screwed by either 50-60+ year old 'boomers' who are out of touch with the norms of global competition and the talent/merit/innovation needs of today on the one hand AND naïve, fully Westernized blind followers who think everything 'Western' must be good and therefore should be forcefully applied.

This issue exists in every country. The previous generation ruined the country so why should we respect them? But the culture is a living thing and where is the out of control youth going to learn their culture from if not from their elders? So you're damaging the culture when you cause a generational divide.

Young folks have to be more respectful and Oldfags must try to be more respectable.
Are you sure Pakistan is not the greatest country on earth? Lol I like the little bit of self awareness there :)

Most Turks don't have this. Which is part of the problem.

This issue exists in every country. The previous generation ruined the country so why should we respect them? But the culture is a living thing and where is the out of control youth going to learn their culture from if not from their elders? So you're damaging the culture when you cause a generational divide.

Young folks have to be more respectful and Oldfags must try to be more respectable.

As the Romans used to say, only the honorable can confer honor, and truly honorable persons will value praise only from those who themselves possess honor: laudari a laudato.
As the Romans used to say, only the honorable can confer honor, and truly honorable persons will value praise only from those who themselves possess honor: laudari a laudato.
This is why I love latin, you can say a lot with very few words. Just a participium here, an infinitivus there...

Ancient greek is the exact opposite. You're writing spaghetti code to say a simple phrase. Damn homosexuals

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WEF has economic hitmen everywhere they’re trying level best to destroy each country one by one. So they can ‘build back better’ with less people.
Agenda to kill/destroy max people
What if I told you that's actually a big misconception? That Western authors (many of whom were gay) kept spreading?
It's a joke, but like all jokes, contains a little bit of truth :-) Hey I'm not judging 🌈 🇬🇷 🏳️‍🌈
What's he saying?
First one is an old guard of the supposedly nationalist MHP joining a wildly anti-Turkish fetö party,

Second one is about Meral Akşener wanting to talk to PKK

And the third one is the leader of MHP (I guess kurdish nationalist party now) endorsing Erdo's decision to start talks with HDP (PKK's semi-legal political wing, they do recruitment for the terror organization)
It's a joke, but like all jokes, contains a little bit of truth :-)

First one is an old guard of the supposedly nationalist MHP joining a wildly anti-Turkish fetö party,

Second one is about Meral Akşener wanting to talk to PKK

And the third one is the leader of MHP (I guess kurdish nationalist party now) endorsing Erdo's decision to start talks with HDP (PKK's semi-legal political wing, they do recruitment for the terror organization)
Bahceli endorses talks with the HDP? Ne oldu? Hahahaha
This is why I love latin, you can say a lot with very few words. Just a participium here, an infinitivus there...

Ancient greek is the exact opposite. You're writing spaghetti code to say a simple phrase. Damn homosexuals

Why are you calling them homosexuals lol? For the record, Ottoman Empire decriminalized homosexuality more than 150 years ago.
Bahceli endorses talks with the HDP? Ne oldu? Hahahaha
Why are you calling them homosexuals lol? For the record, Ottoman Empire decriminalized homosexuality more than 150 years ago.
It's a joke. I support Greek homosexuality :yahoo: Just don't try to fvck us.

@Foinikas Are you not going to defend your language lol?
He can't defend it, they even did away with Dativus can you believe it? They've got a bajillion letters that sound the same and half the words are Turkish.

They take cacık and put an iota in the end and "τζατζίκι" there you go, brand new greek word
They've got a bajillion letters that sound the same and half the words are Turkish.
The letters didn't sound the same in ancient times (or maybe even medieval times). Each letter had its own sound,that's why it was different. But in the modern era and with the abolition of the polytonikon system,it's all the same. For example "ω" sounded like two "οο" and "η" was like two "ι",if I'm not mistaken. And many other letters and combinations.

As for the Turkish words,that's only in the "street" language,the unofficial one. Of course with the abolition of the katharevousa,all became mixed...

@Foinikas Are you not going to defend your language lol?
Ancient Greek is a brilliant,deep and sophisticated language. It's also chaotic and very difficult for foreigners. Modern greeks too actually...since they don't get to learn it good enough at schools. And since we don't use the katharevousa anymore,the new generations don't have something to use as a stepping stone to understand and speak ancient greek even more. Also,TV and songs bombard young people with english words and internet slang.
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Sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words.
View attachment 911047

And another one:

And another one:

Why are we so surrounded by traitors on all sides?

Why is Nationalism so prevalent in Turkey yet so cucked?

CHP is basically AKP That drinks alcohol.

AKP, CHP I don't really care. They are the two sides of the same corrupt coin. If you're a fanboy of them you're either a 60+ years old out of touch geriatric or a braindead idologue. So please shut the **** up and don't reply to this thread. I don't like to talk to mindless drones.

Anybody who sympathizes with nationalism or is a neutral observer is welcome. Let us discuss what went wrong here?
To me it seems that Osman Pamukoğlu is the only one who didn't sell his soul but he failed to gather any following. Why do we follow political whores?

You are on the wrong forum bud. We don't hate Turks here. Especially Erdogan. You need find yourself some libtard forum where you can squeeze all that anti-AKP anger out of your boddy.
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